cartoon_soldier said:Great 360 software numbers.
I guess Viva must have reached around 200k worldwide by now.
Jammy said:Are you kidding me? There's plenty of Japanese developers (Atlus, Marvelous, Sega, Namco-Bandai, Square-Enix, etc.) that make a killing off of the DS and are now focusing on the Wii. THQ gets huge returns from Wii and EA and Ubi-soft have done nothing but announce even more support for the system. Some of these games might not sell at the same levels as Lost Planet, but when you're Atlus and making a game like Trauma Center Wii (a remake for all intents and purposes), you don't need those sales.
There's quite a difference between having a lack of sales and "making something." In fact, it's the other companies besides the "square and a few other japanese third parties" that have announced increasing support for the system over the next year, including and not limited to EA's rhythm game, Activision's Guitar Hero, Rockstar's Manhunt 2 (surely you expect it to do better than Table Tennis did...), etc.
moku said:Okay, I'm grabbing myself a 360 here in short order, and I want some recommendations from 360 owners. I just cant resist anymore. It has a SHIT-TON of games.
I want co-op games, first and formost. I plan on picking up Gears with it, so dont mention it please.
Me and my brother have been DYING for some good juicy, action orientated co-op games.
KTallguy said:I'm playing the demo, and the game is excellent, but man, it's not for kids at all.
You won't be corrected. It did poorly, but it's not an uber-bomb. I think it will continue to sell, and even get some nice bumps from the demo and price cuts.dirtmonkey37 said:Didn't Viva hit 180K in the U.S. alone? I may be mistaken, so please feel free to correct me.
DayShallCome said:The 3.6 tie for Wii does NOT count Wiisports, right? If so, I'd say that's pretty damned impressive. Kudos, Nintendo.
Arsenal said:It went from 2.2 to 3.6 in a month? Damn... PS3 went from 2.7 to 3.4 :/
Anyone have 360 attach rates from this time last year?
scola said:The best part about the top three is that Nintento and MS go solo for one each, then give Sony a DP on a port of an N64 game on the "underpowered" handheld :lol
sonycowboy said:The sales pattern over the last few months had suggested to us that consumers are less concerned about the transition than they have been in prior console cycles.
with an " gow2 beta multiplayer invite " of courseCold-Steel said:It begs the question: how will a sequel to Crackdown fare without a Halo Beta invite?
I'm not so sure Crackdown sales were generated by the appeal of the gameplay alone, let alone the advertising (which was awful).
Cold-Steel said:It begs the question: how will a sequel to Crackdown fare without a Halo Beta invite?
I'm not so sure Crackdown sales were generated by the appeal of the gameplay alone, let alone the advertising (which was awful).
that article is ... bizarreThe Innocent X said:GamesIndustry Deny the existence of crackdown
The ultimate spin
:lolThe Innocent X said:GamesIndustry Deny the existence of crackdown
The ultimate spin
Next-gen managed to report on the sales without ever mentioning PS3 sales - just a quote on how demand will pick up later in the year. :lolThe Innocent X said:GamesIndustry Deny the existence of crackdown
The ultimate spin
chibcicylist said:Why wouldnt you count a killer app? The fact that Nintendo systems are seeling without much third party support should put the "third party wins you the console war myth" to rest.
There are no third party games in the same vein(big budget, lots of glitz) as Lost Planet, Oblivion and other heavy hitters on the Wii yet. Most were either low budget, niche games and many are port or almost ports(even Secret rings was almost port of the 360/PS3 version).
One simple reasons why third party games arent doing as well as the 360 right now: most of them suck.
Jesus christ, Konami gives the PS3 MGS4 and DMC, Capcom gives the 360 Lost Planet(and the $40M) and Dead Rising. Wii ****ing gets Dewy's Adventure and that Treasure Island Z game. Great games that have potential, but what the ****? Third parties better wisen up and accommodate the likely future king.
edit: I'm kinda glad that people are starting to focus on the Wii vs 360 battle now. Poor PS3.
speculawyer said:Pffft. Cheap. Without Wii sports, xbox wins easily. And Wii Play . . . that is largely selling because the $49.99 game includes a $39.99 piece of hardware.
And the point I was making was just that the Wii is not totally stealing the show and developers will not all abandon other platforms for the Wii. Especially when you consider that zero of the those top 10 Wii titles are from 3rd parties.
hahahahahaha what the hell? :lolThe Innocent X said:GamesIndustry Deny the existence of crackdown
The ultimate spin
itprintsmoney.gif1) World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Pack - Vivendi - $38
2) World Of Warcraft - Vivendi - $25
3) The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts - $28
5) The Sims 2 - Electronic Arts - $41
6) XP Games JC - Viva Media - $10
7) The Sims: Life Stories - Electronic Arts - $37
8) The Sims 2 Pets Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts - $30
13) The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts - $31
15) MahJongg XP Championship 200 Platinum JC - Viva Media - $10
17) Sim City 4 Deluxe - Electronic Arts - $23
18) The Sims 2: University Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts - $31
hahah wtfGhaleonEB said:Next-gen managed to report on the sales without ever mentioning PS3 sales - just a quote on how demand will pick up later in the year. :lol
moku said:Okay, I'm grabbing myself a 360 here in short order, and I want some recommendations from 360 owners. I just cant resist anymore. It has a SHIT-TON of games.
I want co-op games, first and formost. I plan on picking up Gears with it, so dont mention it please.
Me and my brother have been DYING for some good juicy, action orientated co-op games.
Nintendo also enjoyed considerable success in the software sales charts, with the top three sellers all exclusive to the company.
Wii Play sold 371,000 copies, while Diddy Kong Racing for the DS moved 262,000 units and Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess sold 130,000 copies.
J-Rzez said:Well, yeah... You gotta wonder about that... and also I know a lot of people pissed because the game is incredibly short... I wouldn't buy a sequel if it maintained or had twice the story the first had... Come back to me with more than that, and we'll talk...
My friends summed it up really well:
"I just paid $30 for Crackdown and $30 for the Halo 3 Beta"
"Yeah, I just paid $55 for the Halo 3 Beta, and $5 worth of game life in Crackdown"
1) World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Pack - Vivendi - $38
2) World Of Warcraft - Vivendi - $25
Razoric said:Blizzard wins.![]()
Pureauthor said:I'd buy those games in a heartbeat if I could secure a dependable source of income.
Region-FreeWii said:If anyone cares, Nintendo made a killing in Canada.
Paced by Nintendo, video game sales surge in first two months of 2007
TORONTO (CP) - It appears more Canadians are opening their wallet and grabbing a controller.
Canadian consumers spent $152 million on the video game industry the first two months of 2007, up 61 per cent over the same period last year, with Nintendo leading the way - while helping bring new gamers into the fold.
Nintendo's next-generation Wii console topped Canadian unit hardware sales in February and Nintendo's games accounted for six of the top 10 selling titles in the month, according to The NPD Group, which tracks the industry.
The healthy 2007 sales figures follow a record year in which Canadians spent $933 million on video game hardware, software and accessories - up 22 per cent from 2005. The boom was sparked in part by the November introduction of the Nintendo Wii and Sony's PlayStation 3, plus strong sales of the Xbox 360 and Nintendo's handheld DS system.
Darrel Ryce, director of technology and entertainment for the NPD Group, says Nintendo appears to have attracted a new audience with the Wii.
"You're getting non-traditional gamers who are more than willing to spend $300 to get a system and use it," Ryce said in an interview Thursday.
"I think that's the key difference here. The PlayStation 3, with its price point, is really geared towards the traditional gamer who has no problem spending that kind of money to get into a system."
At $279.99, the Wii is cheaper than its next generation rivals ($399 and $499 for the Xbox 360 and $549 and $659 for the PlayStation 3 depending on model). Plus its innovative controller, which can be used to simulate on screen everything from a fishing rod to a baseball bat, has proved popular with consumers.
The Wii was the top-selling console in February in terms of unit sales, followed by the PlayStation 2 - with consumers taken advantages of lower prices for the PS2 machine.
The Nintendo DS was third, ahead of the Xbox 360, the PSP, Nintendo's GameBoy Advance and the PlayStation 3.
The Wii controller was also the top-selling accessory in February.
In terms of hardware sales revenue, the Wii also led the field in February with the Xbox 360 second and the PS3 third.
"The 360 is doing very well," said Ryce. "They have some top titles in the market as well."
The 360 game Crackdown ranked second in February sales, behind only Nintendo's Wii Play. Lost Planet was No. 6 and Gears of War was No. 9 - both for the 360.
Traditionally, video game sales peak in the holiday season at the end of he year. December 2006, for example, accounted for 29 per cent of the entire video game industry for the year.
Ryce expects 2007 figures to stay hot - despite the normal lull in advance of fourth-quarter releases - as consumers continue to buy new hardware and add to their software collection.
"All three new console systems are doing well, holding their own and definitely selling product," Ryce said.
The lone PS3 game in the top 20 February sales chart was Resistance: Fall of Man at No. 20, although Sony had two PS2 games on the chart (Guitar Hero 2 at No. 10 and EA's made-in-Canada NHL 07 at No. 11) and a PSP title (Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters at No. 16).
Games for Nintendo hardware (Wii, DS, GameCube and GameBoy Advance) occupied 11 of the 20 places on the sales chart with Xbox 360 claiming the remaining five.
© The Canadian Press, 2007
Region-FreeWii said:I posted this in the hardware thread, but I'll give it another go in this thread with software highlights.
Canada = Nintendoland?
DayShallCome said:When is th software data coming out?
Yeah no kidding, I still haven't seen it anywhere in the Netherlands since the Wii launched. And it selling like crazy in Japan too.johnsmith said:I'm sure Wii Play would have been way higher, easily beating Crackdown, if it was available. It's sold out everywhere.
GC Title Publisher
2 NARUTO: CLASH OF NINJA 2 D3Publisher of America
johnsmith said:I'm sure Wii Play would have been way higher, easily beating Crackdown, if it was available. It's sold out everywhere.
Just think what Super Smash Bros. Brawl could do.Joe Molotov said:It's crazy that this was almost a launch title for the GameCube. :lol
Neomoto said:Yeah no kidding, I still haven't seen it anywhere in the Netherlands since the Wii launched. And it selling like crazy in Japan too.
Joe Molotov said:It's crazy that this was almost a launch title for the GameCube. :lol
Jammy said:Tiger Woods Golf 07 for Wii is Back Ordered on I check's best-selling video games and Tiger Woods Wii is the fifth best-selling video game-related item and has been for the past several days. Is the commercial working? Is this what so many people wanted in a golf game all these years?