Elektro Demon
Before you start reading, this thread has M rating - mature. Just so you know.
Okay. I don't mean a red traffic light, here I'm talking about something else. Before you uncover the spoiler, I warn you it's NOT SAFE FOR WORK. I can only imagine the cringe your boss would feel if he saw what you were
reading about in this thread.

Okay. I don't mean a red traffic light, here I'm talking about something else. Before you uncover the spoiler, I warn you it's NOT SAFE FOR WORK. I can only imagine the cringe your boss would feel if he saw what you were
reading about in this thread.
What I mean by red light is womens period. Vag blood. So the question is, have you ever had sex with a girl that's on her period?
I have, and it's not fun. There's no lack of lubrication or anything, but there's blood on your schmekel and it smells. I did it once, and I don't plan on doing it again.
I have, and it's not fun. There's no lack of lubrication or anything, but there's blood on your schmekel and it smells. I did it once, and I don't plan on doing it again.