No one could have predicted just how shitty Hillary would campaign, or that she would ignore a number of warning signs and advice from even the goddamn president. It was hers to lose and only in the aftermath are we seeing just how stupid and lazy she was. There was no genius behind her strategy. The veteran got outworked by a birther rookie.
No one could have predicted a global nationalist turn of racism and xenophobia either.
Donald Trump can both be a complete idiot and a very formidable, savvy politician. (Or at least political candidate.) Are we just going to forget that he outmanuevered every Republican candidate - with fucking ease - and completed a hostile takeover of a major political party that is near unprecedented in American history?
that is not every politician
Yes it is. At least those who have been in power as long as the Clintons have.
(That's not a defense of their insularity or anything. It's just a reality, though. You don't maintain that kind of power for 25 years without twisting some arms, breaking eggs, etc. )
Also Dick Morris is precisely the reason why books (particularly the cottage industry of Clinton-gossip books) like these are so worthless.