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Odyssey is by far the worst Assassin's Creed and one of the worst games I ever played

Do you think AC Odyssey is a good game/good AC?

  • It's a good videogame but not a good AC.

    Votes: 125 23.9%
  • It's a good videogame and a real AC.

    Votes: 174 33.2%
  • It sucks.

    Votes: 225 42.9%

  • Total voters


As a huge fan of the last gen Assassin's Creed games.. I don’t think that is the worst game ever, but it's definitely not good.

I bought the complete edition, played 30 hours and I don't have the energy to finish it... It has too much recycled content and the story for me is uninteresting, which is a shame since I like the setting....

The world of the game is amazing and the battle system is fine.... Too bad that the enemies are sponges and the repetitive content makes the game a chore to keep playing.

Overall, for me it was a missed opportunity and it made me lose all my interest in the franchise.

Looking at the upcoming AC, I simply don't care about it anymore, it seems that they are doubling down on the stuff that I disliked.
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Just checking this video now. He is talking about the same things as me. Except in Odyssey it's ten times worse than this. Though I'm sad that I saw this, I was looking forward to Valhalla, coming from the Origins team I expected better quality. Oh well...

This guy is an idiot. He's complaining about bugs in an unfinished game. I couldn't watch anymore.


This guy is an idiot. He's complaining about bugs in an unfinished game. I couldn't watch anymore.
it's worst than that he complain about things he is at fault at and clearly lack attention to what is happening on screen
like locking an enemy and trying to play stealth is not possible like in previous games (and ubisoft guy didn't helped hum here i guess)
aiming when his crosshair is white (it's red when you can targeting an enemy . there is a range limit, again like in previous game)
the guy want the game to be more cinematic and setting be like games not doing huge rpg content...
but i guess it's a living example of how you can have a bad opinion of something mostly because you are the problem or because you have strange expectations for the genre :D
it's still an opinion though
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I heard good things.
I stopped playing AC games after Unity but want to get back into them... Should I?
How did they make ancient Greece SJW?
Don’t. I stopped after Unity for a long time but forced myself to beat Syndicate which was meh and put like 20 hours into Origins but it’s still meh. I used to be the biggest AC fan but in retrospect nothing has really come close to the perfection that was Black Flag.


To begin, I was sort of an Assassin's Creed fan from the beginning in 2007. The first game was simply magical, that huge open world, the uniqueness of the setting and the gameplay, the graphics, the animations, the serious story that touched on philospophical and morality topics simply amazed me. Sure, the repetitiveness of it was criticized by many but it was nothing compared to Odyssey's.

So coming from Origins (which is among my favorites in the franchise, although I don't consider it a true "Assassin" game that either) I had no high hopes for Odyssey, seeing that it was a reskinned Origins, but still I was curious because of the new setting and as I like the franchise. I was getting worried seeing some videos that left me a bad impression regarding the writing but I was not prepared to what the game offers. Got it on day one, played a few hours and it gave a bad impression. I thought I will play it later but everytime I tried I never enjoyed it. Now Valhalla is coming and I decided to play it through to know the story but I'm having a really hard time and I can't wait to finish it.

I always try to avoid judging someone based on their looks, but look at one of the main writers of this game:

Based on this image you would imagine the worst millennial type writing filled with obnoxious SJW bullshit in your face all the time and you would be so right. Honestly, I don't remember ever complaining about writing in a game, but this is just unbearably horrible. I'm skipping the dialogs as I can't stand them. I have never done this in any game. It has nothing to do with the deep (compared to this) topics of the original AC, it's like a (really) bad millennial TV comedy with some of the worst performances I ever saw. A lot of times there is like no connection in the delivery, the writing, and what you can see animation wise on the screen. I just can't understand how can it be so bad. Everything is trying to be funny and failing so bad I'm cringing all the time. Thanks to this and the lame performances even the scenes intended to be serious are laughable. Also Alexios acts like a typical millennial bitch. I can't say this in any nicer way. It's horrible. The most important thing is to force their SJW bullshit in your face. Some male characters always wanting to fuck Alexios and not once having me forget which hole they like.

Honestly, who designed this game? Did they really think it is enjoyable? You can't even play as a proper Assassin. I go into a fort and can't assassinate captains that are 5 levels below me. Wtf? Of course I'm forced to fight for an infinite amount of time as 10 soldiers start to attack me, who are made of stone and have to chip away their health for minutes, despite being 5 levels lower than me and my gear. Then some fucking mercenaries start to teleport who are even worse with posion and magic spamming and some bears and wolfs, and some fucking chickens. You can't go anywhere and enjoy the scenery for too long, as everyone and everything wants to kill you always. Fucking chickens even, lol. Infinite amount of samey forts, caves, ruins etc. How can this be considered one of the best in the series when it has 100000 times the repetitiveness of the first AC game? Also, there is this boring neverending combat always with the bad animations and you cannot even use a shield as a Spartan(!). Wtf is this again?

Remember the leaks for Origins? It said that Greece was part of that game. It's clear, lots of reused assets, lazy design in every sense. It's like they took the Greece parts out of that game, enlarged the map and made a full game of it filling with boring content. They needed a story and characters and said fuck it, who cares, just vomit and shit something, mix it well then those losers will get it anyway.

Excuse my rant but I'm baffled why so many like this game. I have never wanted something to end this much. You could ask why I'm playing it if I hate it this much. It's only because I still like the franchise and I'm interested in the story and want to know it before Valhalla and I also like to explore as the world still has some beautiful and interesting places despite having a lot of reused assets and lazy design. The graphics has some high points and the music is nice but playing it through is just a slog. Being everything so frustrating I just run into the locations, get the required loot, kill the captain etc. to complete the place and just run away instead of fighting half the world for hours.

TLDR: This is one of the must frustrating games I ever played, with boring, neverending repetitive gameplay with the worst SJW writing I ever saw. I cannot understand how this particular instalment became so popular.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, great game, but definitely feels the most divorced from AC lore. I didn't mind that, personally. I stopped caring about the AC meta-story after III.


Just a quick post to completely disagree with OP, love the direction AC has taken over the years and Odyssey was hugely enjoyable and a ton of game for the money.


Sorry... but regardless of your wall of text OP....that title nullifies everything. If this is one of the worst game you have ever played...then you have played very little and your opinion is skewed.
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Gold Member
This guy is an idiot. He's complaining about bugs in an unfinished game. I couldn't watch anymore.

Ah yes i am sure all those bugs will be fixed for the finished game because they always are.

Did you miss the part where he said if he was playing this game months ago those bugs wouldn’t be a big deal but the game is almost out?

Valhalla looks like dogshit.
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I absolutely love the game, I only played it this year during lockdown, it was cheap and I got the complete edition, fast forward a few months and I got the platinum trophy. AC Odyssey beat my long previous held record of hours put into a single player RPG, which was Final Fantasy 12 back on the PS2 at 201 hours. This game hit close to 300, I think it was 288 when I finally stopped.

Anyway I think I like it so much because I didn’t know what to expect and also being stuck in lockdown, it was the first Assassins creed game I have played since AC2 which I didn’t finish, so I’ve come from really, a clean slate in the AC world, I’m also a sucker for big world RPG games -and I did the have the benefit of the season pass with a shitload of content, the Greek setting is cool, I can be some overpowered maniac or have fun being sneaky, tons of areas to explore, crazy damage numbers to aspire too, gear to upgrade and find, ridiculously funny moments with the wildlife, cruising the seas and hunting for treasure, figuring ways of wiping out the soldiers in a Fort, hunting bounty hunters or simply being an asshole with my speech options. I can go on.

I am now trying AC origins and while it’s ok, i sort of know what to expect so I’m not enjoying it as much and don’t have the urge to binge it, I genuinely think the circumstances of this year with coronavirus around, that this game was just in the right place and right time which is making it better than what it probably should be with me. Life stuff has mostly gotten in the way of huge gaming completions like this, so it was nice to get back into it.


Also it seems Valhalla will be even less polished than Odyssey. How is that possible? They are using the same engine as Origins and also skipped a year, this game should be polished as fuck by now, even with covid. It should shit on Unity technically-wise. What's going on there, really?

JackFrags delivered one of the better vertical slice coverages of the game. Sure, he goofs around a bit, but all in all I rather like what I see.
I didn't "feel" Origins or Black Flag judging from the preview media coverage, either. Both of them ended up homeruns for the franchise for me, though. I give them the benefit of the doubt and judge the product once I get to spent some time with it come november.

As for Ubisoft Quebec, their leadership seems to lack any understanding of what makes Assassins Creed games enjoyable. It's a shame, too - the studio is clearly full of talented individuals and capable of delivering quality product. They just misunderstand the franchise on a fundamental level.

I don't want to play a historically themed checklist simulator - I want to immerse myself in the fantasy of being a badass throughout interesting historical periods at crazy production levels that (at least on a regular basis) only Ubisoft delivers.


I didn't need to play it to see how this game was going to be bad. Which is a shame because the world looks so good and I would have loved to play in it.

The story and characters in AC are laughable at this point. Gameplay looked slightly different than origins with more mythical stuff.

Assassins Creed is long dead. The title "Assassins Creed" is like "Tom Clancy's" since last few years.

It used to be Ubisoft the game formula until syndicate, now it's the Witcher + other RPGs in an Assassins Creed engine and the story/characters are written by CW superhero show reject writers.

AC has no soul and reeks of "manufactured" with a different skin every other year.

This franchise should have died years ago and they should have introduced a new franchise as an RPG with a fresh new lore and with atleast SOME originality for the story, characters and plot... But who cares I guess. Ubi wants money and idiots will continue to give them theirs for a shitty game with a new map.
you’re not a fucking assassin!

While this is true you are responsible for the (Templar) Order of the Ancients getting a foot into european soil and towards Rome.

As for Ubisoft Quebec, their leadership seems to lack any understanding of what makes Assassins Creed games enjoyable.

I enjoyed Syndicate very much as well, but i know i´m pretty alone with that. But i think immortals Fenix Rising might be a better fit for what seems to be their general tone opposite to a more "serious" franchise like AC. Would welcome another entry in the franchise by them nonetheless.
But they managed to create both the worst and best selling Game in the Franchise in this order, so at least one has to give em credit for at least striking some nerve.
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Odyssey is a better RPG than Origins ,better side activities . Origins better at the main quest , the world is way better design than Odyssey thou .

But in the end I still like Odyssey more , its less serious , more funny than Origins . Better RPG even though it still sucked ass as a RPG .

Tbh the only reason Im playing GOW 2018 and AC:Origins+ is because they have RPG elements .


But they managed to create both the worst and best selling Game in the Franchise in this order, so at least one has to give em credit for at least striking some nerve.
While I wouldn't judge the quality of a game based on how well it sells, I do agree that Quebec has the potential to create a great (AC) game. Talented bunch held back from shining by a flawed vision in direction.

Syndicate was alright. But as soon as the game went: "Oh, and in order to progress the story you'll just have to clear like.. these 3 districts and do two backflips off of Big Ben" it just ran out of steam for me.

Who likes being forced to engage in filler busy work?
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I’ve made it almost to the end and I concur with everything you’re saying. The Mercs are ungodly annoying, writing is meh but I like Alexios, Kassandra just tries way too hard to be a badass and it’s totally forced. I’ve barely done anything in the Assassin skill tree because it doesn’t even matter. It’s not a stealth game unless you use stealth to take out most guys in a camp but towards the end it’s a sword fight anyways.

The worst part is the forced leveling before you can continue the main story and the quest branching is god awful. I posted that in another thread but Jesus. Every quest turns into a string of fetch quests or go find this person quests. Like I’m at the part where you have to kill the Minotaur. I finally had to look up how to even kick off that quest which branched off another quest. You have to loot some random box on this huge ass island. Then you talk to this kid and he leads you down to the area. Oh but wait. The door is locked. Because of course it is. But in order to unlock it you have to find three people scattered god knows where. Then you have to come back and kill the monster.

The intentional padding of gameplay Ubi does is obnoxious. Their games stay wayyyy past their welcome and just don’t end. I’ve played nearly all of the AC games and I think the only one I actually finished was 2 and brotherhood I think. I always make it 3/4 of the way and just get burnt out on the gameplay loop. Granted I generally like the newer movement style and RPG elements of the refreshed series but they need to be half the length.

Also I died laughing watching the linebacker in a dress on the modern parts. Those scenes are by far the worst part of the AC games. Jesus the dialog and general characters are good awful.

I think I’m about done with the game. I’m like 50 hours in and I just have no desire to finish it.


Yeah, it's just a boring game. I watched some reviews and opinions and everyone said it was amazing etc. I bought the game and the initial impression was good, but after 30hrs of playing it, it's very hard to continue going. The game is so terribly repetitive. The fighting is simplistic and repetitive and you fight the same enemies over and over again. The objectives are dull and there's just so much meaningless, dull filler tasks. The story is quite rubbish as well.


To begin, I was sort of an Assassin's Creed fan from the beginning in 2007. The first game was simply magical, that huge open world, the uniqueness of the setting and the gameplay, the graphics, the animations, the serious story that touched on philospophical and morality topics simply amazed me. Sure, the repetitiveness of it was criticized by many but it was nothing compared to Odyssey's.

So coming from Origins (which is among my favorites in the franchise, although I don't consider it a true "Assassin" game that either) I had no high hopes for Odyssey, seeing that it was a reskinned Origins, but still I was curious because of the new setting and as I like the franchise. I was getting worried seeing some videos that left me a bad impression regarding the writing but I was not prepared to what the game offers. Got it on day one, played a few hours and it gave a bad impression. I thought I will play it later but everytime I tried I never enjoyed it. Now Valhalla is coming and I decided to play it through to know the story but I'm having a really hard time and I can't wait to finish it.

I always try to avoid judging someone based on their looks, but look at one of the main writers of this game:

Based on this image you would imagine the worst millennial type writing filled with obnoxious SJW bullshit in your face all the time and you would be so right. Honestly, I don't remember ever complaining about writing in a game, but this is just unbearably horrible. I'm skipping the dialogs as I can't stand them. I have never done this in any game. It has nothing to do with the deep (compared to this) topics of the original AC, it's like a (really) bad millennial TV comedy with some of the worst performances I ever saw. A lot of times there is like no connection in the delivery, the writing, and what you can see animation wise on the screen. I just can't understand how can it be so bad. Everything is trying to be funny and failing so bad I'm cringing all the time. Thanks to this and the lame performances even the scenes intended to be serious are laughable. Also Alexios acts like a typical millennial bitch. I can't say this in any nicer way. It's horrible. The most important thing is to force their SJW bullshit in your face. Some male characters always wanting to fuck Alexios and not once having me forget which hole they like.

Honestly, who designed this game? Did they really think it is enjoyable? You can't even play as a proper Assassin. I go into a fort and can't assassinate captains that are 5 levels below me. Wtf? Of course I'm forced to fight for an infinite amount of time as 10 soldiers start to attack me, who are made of stone and have to chip away their health for minutes, despite being 5 levels lower than me and my gear. Then some fucking mercenaries start to teleport who are even worse with posion and magic spamming and some bears and wolfs, and some fucking chickens. You can't go anywhere and enjoy the scenery for too long, as everyone and everything wants to kill you always. Fucking chickens even, lol. Infinite amount of samey forts, caves, ruins etc. How can this be considered one of the best in the series when it has 100000 times the repetitiveness of the first AC game? Also, there is this boring neverending combat always with the bad animations and you cannot even use a shield as a Spartan(!). Wtf is this again?

Remember the leaks for Origins? It said that Greece was part of that game. It's clear, lots of reused assets, lazy design in every sense. It's like they took the Greece parts out of that game, enlarged the map and made a full game of it filling with boring content. They needed a story and characters and said fuck it, who cares, just vomit and shit something, mix it well then those losers will get it anyway.

Excuse my rant but I'm baffled why so many like this game. I have never wanted something to end this much. You could ask why I'm playing it if I hate it this much. It's only because I still like the franchise and I'm interested in the story and want to know it before Valhalla and I also like to explore as the world still has some beautiful and interesting places despite having a lot of reused assets and lazy design. The graphics has some high points and the music is nice but playing it through is just a slog. Being everything so frustrating I just run into the locations, get the required loot, kill the captain etc. to complete the place and just run away instead of fighting half the world for hours.

TLDR: This is one of the must frustrating games I ever played, with boring, neverending repetitive gameplay with the worst SJW writing I ever saw. I cannot understand how this particular instalment became so popular.
My friend you have not played Assassin creed Valhalla . That game is gonna take the "Worst Assassin Creed" Crown. Report back to us in 1 month after playing Valhalla.

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Alan Wake

Since the first game I've always loved the world Ubi created in Assassin's Creed but I've never had any fun playing in it. Nothing suggest Valhalla will be different.


Gold Member
Can't remember the game being "SJW" though. Tbf, by the endgame you can run over most enemies as your abilities. However, I fully agree regarding the pacing - forcing you to play side missions and telling you they're optional (while you're actively hating content behind higher levels) is ridiculous.
I think it's not an Assassin's Creed game by any means, but it's an OK game. I had quite fun with it, certainly more fun than with Origins which made me feel burned out after a couple of hours. Sooooo tedious...

But the story, writing, dialogue and acting in Odyssey really is complete shit, like C tier. A lot of grind and while I really appreciate the big world, there were just too many average pointless filler missions. They could easily have cut away 50% and it would still have been to much.

But with that being said, I had fun. I would have liked to see more mythological stuff though.


Gameplay Odyssey is better than Origins due to some QoL changes, and I like how light hearted it is at times.

People complaining about the level scaling, you do realise there is an option for it in the settings.


I honestly enjoyed it playing as Alexios it felt like i was in the illiad and Hercules/ Xena at times. Fun, over the top (depending on the mission) and Crazy. Yeah it was a slog but if you role play that kinda isnt too bad. Far more excited for Valhalla though. It's my jam buns and all


Both Origins and Odyssey are bad, artifically stretched out games. I think Odyssey was even worse because it made you do a lot of optional stuff to proceed (or you could buy some boosters with real money) and it also played very very safe with the gender choice as it didn't really affect anything other than the visuals.



Had they done more research, they'd realize their bs and that both genders ages 7-14 were educated in Egypt.

There were 3 types of schools, usually private:
music school, grammatist school and physical education school. In grammatist school they were taught arithmetic, grammar, reading and writing and reading by heart by the grammatists.

It is this school that gradually gained more popularity against the other two who fell in value and also expanded by allowing also girls to get educated.


Gold Member
Had they done more research, they'd realize their bs and that both genders ages 7-14 were educated in Egypt.

There were 3 types of schools, usually private:
music school, grammatist school and physical education school. In grammatist school they were taught arithmetic, grammar, reading and writing and reading by heart by the grammatists.

It is this school that gradually gained more popularity against the other two who fell in value and also expanded by allowing also girls to get educated.

Also in Geece women were educated in private settings, and in Sparta girls and boys trained without gender separation (Plutarch writes about it).

H . R . 2

Yes you can if you knew how to play the game, if you use the nr 9 in the picture and focused on assassin dmg, but i guess you never botherd to get that far.

why was it locked behind a skill tree to begin with?
IT'S a FFF AC game! it has "Assassin's" in the title for Pete's sake

Had they done more research, they'd realize their bs and that both genders ages 7-14 were educated in Egypt.

There were 3 types of schools, usually private:
music school, grammatist school and physical education school. In grammatist school they were taught arithmetic, grammar, reading and writing and reading by heart by the grammatists.

It is this school that gradually gained more popularity against the other two who fell in value and also expanded by allowing also girls to get educated.

I wouldn't mind had the language not been so full of disdain
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This thread continues to prove my point that the Antisjw are as obnoxious and thin skinned as their counter parts and the laughable part is that they can't see it.

Muh historical accuracy in a game where you throw a magical spear and teleport to it, where the protagonist is thrown off a cliff and is still alive........ Etc.

I wouldn't fuck that broad in the op if my life depended on it.

This guy is an idiot. He's complaining about bugs in an unfinished game. I couldn't watch anymore.
Complaining because it's being released in 1 month. He even says that he wouldn't care if this were months away.

JackFrags delivered one of the better vertical slice coverages of the game. Sure, he goofs around a bit, but all in all I rather like what I see.
I didn't "feel" Origins or Black Flag judging from the preview media coverage, either. Both of them ended up homeruns for the franchise for me, though. I give them the benefit of the doubt and judge the product once I get to spent some time with it come november.

As for Ubisoft Quebec, their leadership seems to lack any understanding of what makes Assassins Creed games enjoyable. It's a shame, too - the studio is clearly full of talented individuals and capable of delivering quality product. They just misunderstand the franchise on a fundamental level.

I don't want to play a historically themed checklist simulator - I want to immerse myself in the fantasy of being a badass throughout interesting historical periods at crazy production levels that (at least on a regular basis) only Ubisoft delivers.

Thank you for this video, I really liked it. It seems that the writing and performance by the VAs are much better than in Odyssey. At least here it's not bad all the time. My linked video just had those, but the ones in this were ok. I like the setting/tone of the game, it has that certain mystical fall/winter vibe that I will enjoy in the coming months. Combat also seems better. Of course it won't be a
real AC game eiher, but it seems like it will be a decent game regardless. I just hope it will also have less SJW bullshit than Odyssey.

My friend you have not played Assassin creed Valhalla . That game is gonna take the "Worst Assassin Creed" Crown. Report back to us in 1 month after playing Valhalla.

I also linked this video twice here. This contains the low points, but check out Jackfrags' video, that paints a better picture.

Yes you can if you knew how to play the game, if you use the nr 9 in the picture and focused on assassin dmg, but i guess you never botherd to get that far.

I guees that's the "teleporting" assassination. I did. There is also that "stronger" assassination ability that the game sometimes just doesn't let me do for whatever reason, so the assassination attempt just takes a small health and everyone's on to me. It just sucks, no matter how you argue. In an AC game this shouldn't work like that, period.


I’m not re-reading that’s pre-teen’s rant again. I finished odyssey, it was a disappointment. Different tone, design mistakes, it’s a game made in a bubble by 2000 people with a hard deadline. This first post is an angry, immature, xenophobic, knee jerk reaction. Kid should play some more shitty games before they start handing out trophies for “one of the worst XYZ I’ve played. “


OP edits thread: “I removed the picture because it’s against my personal policy to attack someone’s personal looks”

Flip forward

“You know real well what I‘m talking about. She looks like a typical feminazi.”

😂😂😂 You won’t convince anyone of any personal opinion if you can’t first convince yourself not to be a hypocrite.
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