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Official Doom 3 Topic. (ALL POSTS ON THE GAME HERE)

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Seriously, can we just have an official topic? Half the front page is Doom3 threads. :-|


Not bitter, just unsweetened
this is a fairly long game. gebus.

for a id game that is :)

im like 10-15 hours in... and i was just told i'm only 2/3 through the game :(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DopeyFish said:
this is a fairly long game. gebus.

for a id game that is :)

im like 10-15 hours in... and i was just told i'm only 2/3 through the game :(

Do you like it? I haven't heard any real impressions from anyone who has played the final...

How is the scenario design? Story? Intensity? I'm very curious!


Dammit, just came back from EB... they didn't have it in yet! argh! Got changed and everything!..... maybe i should've called first. what a waste of petrol. :(


Not bitter, just unsweetened
dark10x said:
Do you like it? I haven't heard any real impressions from anyone who has played the final...

How is the scenario design? Story? Intensity? I'm very curious!

The game is very very well laid out. You have some audio queues kicking in at just the right time, some things scaring you when you least suspect them... the story has been keeping me pulled in because of the fact that the people around you, the people who talk to you are relying on you to pull it off. Not a single time have I really found myself hunting down keycards and whatnot, as now... they don't hide them in really retarded places (99% of the time they're sitting on a desk somewhere).

The game is VERY intense, though at some points things start to dangle a bit when you're killing hordes and hordes of monsters, those parts remind me of the original doom days. Overall it feels like Quake 2 mixed with Doom mixed with Half-Life... with a little bit of System Shock 2 peppered on top. Moreso of HL and doom than the others. The game won't outnumber you too much against enemies though which is a good thing... too many guys shooting or scratching at you can make killing them quite difficult.

The game is really slick and I'm enjoying it a lot. Though I'm not done the game so I can't really comment fully on the story... but it's giving you it through videos, audio tapes, little emails... giving you the story outline in bits and pieces... sometimes you'll step into rooms with videos playing on TV monitors (sort of like an infomercial) and you just stop and watch as it can bring a little light to the situation :) I also like how using your PDA is vital as you'll need keycodes for cabinets or doors or little pointers to get you out of a grind.

So far I highly recommend this title.


dark10x said:
Do you like it? I haven't heard any real impressions from anyone who has played the final...

How is the scenario design? Story? Intensity? I'm very curious!
I've played for about 3 hours tonight and I'm in love with the game. As far as intensity goes, I think this is the most intense game I've ever played and I'm not exaggerating. I have to play for an hour or so and then take a break because I get way into it and then start getting nervous and all stressed out, that's how much the game pulls you into it.

The story well I can't tell much about it so far since I haven't gotten any twist/big info as to the events that are going on but for the little I saw it was pretty good.

The presentation (the personal computer assistant, the windows like interface on all computers etc...) is just brilliant, never I have seen a FPS that polished.

This is the REAL thing, I prayed that it wouldn't suck and god has answered my prayers. This is definetly one hell of a ride.

Doube D

any of you experiencing graphical glitches w/ the game? I get these black line banding all over the place after 10 or so mins of playing. :(


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Doube D said:
any of you experiencing graphical glitches w/ the game? I get these black line banding all over the place after 10 or so mins of playing. :(

nope, the game has been absolutely perfect for me in the visual department.


GOTY. By far. Half-Life 2 needs to come with free hooker coupons to surpass id's game. The story, the atmosphere, the intense gameplay. Everything is perfect. The graphics and audio is just icing on the cake. Playing this reminds me of when I played DOOM 1 for the first time all those years ago.


Doube D said:
any of you experiencing graphical glitches w/ the game? I get these black line banding all over the place after 10 or so mins of playing. :(

try downclocking your video card


Cool game so far, runs like 15fps tho (640/low). Must be my crappy geforce mx440. Suprised how good the game looks even in low quality tho.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I'm getting 45 - 60 FPS most of the time with all graphics features turned on, at medium quality with my 128MB 9800 Pro.

Great game so far, but having to switch between weapons and the flashlight is a pain. Wouldn't be so bad but the game is consistently dark (which helps to show off how strong the lighting effects are in the game). I'd have preferred a flashlight more like the one in Half-Life where you can use it along with any weapon, but would have to turn it off once in a while for the battery to charge.

I'm in Alpha Labs Sector 2. Can't wait to see what other demonic shit pops out at me.


so i tried overclocking my 9800pro 128meg to have the game run smooth on highsettings but it gives the weirdest artifacts ever. so i played on the default settings of my gfx card and it runs smooth on high but it freezes for a sec whenever entering a new room so i o/c my the memory of my gfx card and it reduces the freezing by a lot.


-=DoAvl=- said:

I just bought it! free lost soul pewter thingy majigy... now to install... :D

the bitch at my ebgames said their was no free anything when my friend went to pick it up for me. i'm going to go tommorow myself and bitch since the only reason i bought from ebgames was so i can get one of those thingyes. i would have got it from bestbuy otherwise.


I've gone trough the first couple of missions. This game must be played by anyone remotly interested in FPS. I played lights turned down with big headphones and I'm scared (ar in really scared). The atmosphere is unrevaled.

The script is nice too and the gameplay, if not overly complicated, is tight and responsive. Now the best part, is that I've played with these settings on my rig :

800x600 with high details and every other option on (minus AA and Vsync) and I have yet to experience any slowdown. Maybe my FPS can go sub 30 but only for such a breaf moment I am not even sure it slowed down that low.

P4 2.8C (Not Oc'ed)
1 gig of ddr 3200 (2X512 with hyperThread) (Not Oc'ed)
A very modest Radeon 9600 pro (Not Oc'ed)
Onboard sound.

Long live Carmak for doing an engine so optimized I won't have to upgrade vid card yet ! Thx


Does Doom 3 come with any extras or anything? What's the justification for the $55 price point?

I'm just going to wait for it to come down.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
holy crap, this game just creeped me out big time. Total darkness can really scare the shite out of you! Damn zombies with those little tiny eyes...


Mason said:
Does Doom 3 come with any extras or anything? What's the justification for the $55 price point?

I'm just going to wait for it to come down.

It came with this lost soul pewter thingy, about the size of a keyring. But other than that, the box has cd's and manual.

I've played through the first few missions, and let me tell you, i am shitting myself! I played on 800x600 and everything was choppy, then i realised that I had 6x AA and 4x AF turned on in the ATi control panel, plus vsync. So I switched them off and got a massive performance boost!

I've been playing in the dark and full surround sound up loud. The scariest thing so far is when those lost souls just come flying in from nowhere, illuminating the whole room then disappearing behind you... ARGH!!! You really need a strong heart for this game, or else u'll get a heart attack every step that u take.

Oh oh! Has anyone tried the quad damage in multiplayer!? Now THAT is SCARY! hehehe


I just finished it.
Marine difficulty is too easy though :/

Hehe, you gotta love that last PDA you pick up

Great game, potential GOTY, although I'm hoping HL2 will top it.


I wonder if the Xbox version will have per-polygon hit detection. It would kind of be a waste if it has auto-aim, and without auto-aim it would make controller use that much harder. They could probably get a performance boost by switching to normal hit boxes.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Thanks for the impressions so far!

How is the fear factor in comparison to System Shock 2? Are there stretches present where you are not fighting tons of enemies (ie - some sort of atmospheric build-up)?

I seriously hope they can create a true CO-OP mod for this game. System Shock 2 in CO-OP is one of the best experiences I've ever had (until it started to CRASH at every load point) with a multiplayer game and I think Doom 3 would actually work quite nicely as well...


There are some links to some videos of the co-op mod in progress in this thread here.

Quite impressive for so soon after the game's release.


robot said:
Cool game so far, runs like 15fps tho (640/low). Must be my crappy geforce mx440. Suprised how good the game looks even in low quality tho.
I’ve got the same exact video card – it came free when I bought my computer so I can’t complain too much. What are your processor speed and RAM like?

Just for reference, I have an AMD 3200+ with 512 RAM. I imagine it’ll run decent on medium and flawlessly on low. Hopefully I'll find out tonight.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Guys, cross your fingers and pray to Jesus, Buddah, and Allah that I find a Radeon x800 at CompUsa today. This Radeon 8500 plays the game, but not the way I want it to.

By today I'll have

Pentium 4 2.8ghz HT
Radeon x800
1 gig o' Dual Channel RAM

I'd say that's just what I need for this game.


Played through a decent chunk of the game so far, and it's turning out to be quite good overall. I found it a bit slow to start with, the Alpha Sector levels seems to drag a bit, but the action and variety really seem to pick up after these levels. The next couple of levels (about where I'm at) have some great sequences in them as the game really starts to get interesting. Oh, and those robot buddies are awesome.

Incidentally I'm running in high detail with all options on, 1024x768 with 2xAA and 4xAF. System is 2.8GHz P4 with Radeon 9600XT and 512MB Ram. It can get quite choppy on occasion but the game generally runs pretty well which is pretty good considering the graphics card and the game it has to deal with.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Is it just me or does Doom3 deathmatch suck really bad? I know the single player was id's focus..but they also "ignored" quake 2 multiplayer and that was my favorite dm game. MP is too choppy for my taste on my p 4 2.8 1 gig ram 9800 pro 128. No rail type weapon that i know of and the gibs are pretty shitty. My hope is that the mod community comes to the rescue or wait for quake 4 or Hl2. It has potential tho, you just need a freagin monster rig as of right now.


ATI users can get a nice 3-4 fps boost by using the 4.8 beta OpenGL DLL. Atleast that's the case with my Radeon 9800 Pro.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
One question about the flashlight...

Did they simply include the flashlight in the normal weapons roster, or is it possible to switch between flashlight mode and weapons mode through a simple key press? I acutally like the idea of the flashlight, but I would like to be able to switch back to whatever weapon I was using at the press of a button. Is this possible?

On a similar note, are there grenades? If so, is it possible to simply throw one at the press of a button (ala Halo)? Integrating grenades into regular inventory is a bad idea IMO and would prevent me from using them very often...but if they were to function in a similar fashion to Halo, they could become much more useful.

Yusaku said:
ATI users can get a nice 3-4 fps boost by using the 4.8 beta OpenGL DLL. Atleast that's the case with my Radeon 9800 Pro.

So the beta drivers include that new DLL I assume?


dark10x said:
One question about the flashlight...

Did they simply include the flashlight in the normal weapons roster, or is it possible to switch between flashlight mode and weapons mode through a simple key press? I acutally like the idea of the flashlight, but I would like to be able to switch back to whatever weapon I was using at the press of a button. Is this possible?

On a similar note, are there grenades? If so, is it possible to simply throw one at the press of a button (ala Halo)? Integrating grenades into regular inventory is a bad idea IMO and would prevent me from using them very often...but if they were to function in a similar fashion to Halo, they could become much more useful.

So the beta drivers include that new DLL I assume?

The flashlight button toggles between your current weapon and the flashlight. I have it set to the thumb button on my mouse. I rather like having to put away your flashlight to shoot, because sometimes you are shooting in near total darkness ... really adds to the already tense atmosphere.

Haven't messed with grenades yet.



I can understand the design decision to have you switch between a gun and a flashlight, but my mind still can get over the fact that it's the 22nd century and there are no guns with lights on them, or tape lying around to stick a flashlight on the gun :p

Grey Fox

If you press the flashlight button a second time,it switches back to the last weaon you were using.As for grenades,yes they are in the inv(ala HL) and they are way to damn bouncy IMO,and you don't throw them very far.Half the time they hit a crate and bounce back towards you.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OK, so the flashlight sounds just fine...that's good. Seems like the 'nades are useless, though. :(

Of course, Halo really is the ONLY FPS that I've played where grenades are a very serious part of the combat...so I'm not too suprised.
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