I haven't done one of these in... I guess forever? Let's just say it's forever. I have a bit of free time for the next few days, so I thought I'd put some effort into making this TGS thread of bloat and ugly a bit easier on the viewing habits of neoGAF. It's late, but, better late than never!
Note: This will not be perfect. It won't have ever news story covered, but I will do the best I can. Whenever you notice a story is missing, please format it in the style I have here and post it in this thread or PM me with it. I will update it into the post.
I = Images
V = Videos
A = Article
W = Official Website
Pretty simple! Real briefly, again thanks to the various endless websites for sources... this is basically just a combination of searching for news and organizing it in one place, but without Gamersyde, IGN, etc... it's really nothing.
Nintendo Wii
● Dear God, is there no escape from the mini-games? Hudson intends to release Bomberman Land for the Wii, as well as DS and PSP, and instead of being a totally rad multiplayer mayhem fest, it's this. (A)
● Project O, aka Ousama Monogatari, is looking fucking awesome. Yes, guys, it's an actual compellingly original project with decent graphics for the platform. Developers, you can do it! You're like a king, who tyrant overlords his subject. (V, A)
● Can SEGA really pull it off? Can they revive NiGHTS faithfully in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, and not bastardize it in some way that makes every gamer think they are oblivious to what made their original games great? Can they do it? (A, I, V)
● Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure may have an awful name, but it's the talk of the hardcore gaming community. Adventure games are REALLY back! Innovative use of the wiimote and clever puzzles tap things off. (A, V, I)
● Godzilla: Unleashed is revealed in more detail. It's about, well, Godzilla fighting other monsters. Again. (A, V, I)
● Dragon Blade, from D3 Publisher, is about Dragons and you kicking ass. But mostly Dragons. (A, I, V)
● Yes, it's another Mysterious Dungeon game. In Chocobo's Dungeon Wii, you'll be able to change jobs and do it all while being excessively cute. Also, there is card battling which you can take online, similar to the DS title. (A, I, V)
● Camelot is back doing what it does best, alongside Capcom, for We Love Golf. It's a Golf game, so it's pretty self-explanatory. Shacknews absolutely hated this game, apparently. (A, I, V, A)
● Check out the latest media for the billionth version of Konami's classic franchise, Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party. Waggle that ass! Now with hands-on! (I, A)
● Cooking Mama 2 is going to ask you to cook more things, at a fast speed, and accurately. This is what Cooking Mama does. Are you chef enough? (I)
● In Rygar: The Battle of Argus, you'll be playing an updated version of the PS2 original. It, uh, doesn't look like much effort was involved here... but, maybe looks are deceptive. (A, I)
● Is Ancel working on Rayman Raving Rabbids 2? I didn't check, but if he is, that's two guaranteed strike outs - so he's messing up his track record. Trash this shit and work on Beyond Good and Evil 2 for Wii! (V)
● Super Swing Golf 2 is, well, a sequel to Pangya. It too is self-explanatory. Kawaii! (V)
● An arcade shooter gone mad, Ghost Squad comes to Wii with the some distinctive wackiness and blazing glory. Will it be fun here? Sure looks interesting. Compatible with Wii Zapper too! (A)
● Athletic Life, an attempt from Namco Bandai to make it to market with a fitness game before Nintendo dominates that shit with Wii Fit, looks fucking awful. But what did you expect, all four of you who pretend to actually like these things? (A, I, V)
● Someone fucking kill Sonic. Enough said. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity media and such. (V)
● Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles is Capcom's attempt to test the Wii waters once more before they announce Resident Evil 5 is coming to Wii, and every other platform ever created. See if you like it. (A, I, V)
● Can Suda get anymore crazy? I don't know. In No More Heroes, you play the role of a MOE freak who masturbates to lolis and takes out assassins one by one Kill Bill style while buying videogames. Now with more IGN hands-on! (V, V, A)
● Samurai Warriors Katana from KOEI is a really physically exhausting game according to IGN. Is this because they're fatties, or because you'll be waggling like a madman to get the game to work? It's all apparently very brainless, just waves of enemies break upon your sword and it continues like this until the end. Fun! (A, I, V)
● Ivy and others from the Soul Calibur universe join for this action adventure game in the Death by Degrees type. I'm not sure this bodes well for the title, but Soul Calibur Legends is definitely starting to shape up. (A, I, V)
● Vanillaware's Oboro Muramasa Youtouden, aka Odin Sphere with Samurai, is finally revealed in video form. Check this out to save your soul. (V)
● Beautiful Katamari director Jun Morikawa hinted at the series making an appearance on Wii. (A)
Nintendo DS
● Dear God, is there no escape from the mini-games? Hudson intends to release Bomberman Land for the DS, as well as Wii and PSP, and instead of being a totally rad multiplayer mayhem fest, it's this. (A)
● SquareEnix announced a spin-off called Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, a sorta sequel to Chain of Memories that has you playing as Org XIII. Fully 3D, though, unfortunately. Also developed by the awful HAND. (A, A)
● In the fine tradition of remaking every single game in their catalog, SquareEnix has shown much more of Final Fantasy IV DS. Should be very fun. (A, I, V)
● Bangai-O Spirits, baby! Treasure wins the hearts of everyone everywhere. Instant purchase. (A, V)
● Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword is a new spin on the action genre. You slash the screen in all sorts of ways to perform attacks, and the graphics are pre-rendered. Looks interesting! (A, I, V)
● Dragon Quest Monsters - Joker was just announced for official North American release, so you should definitely look at these images if you're interested in it. (I)
● Alongside the 360 version, Exit DS is going to attempt to make sure this franchise doesn't fade into obscurity. Hopefully it works! (I)
● Mistwalker isn't only making ASH for the Nintendo DS. They're also going to bring a Blue Dragon DS! Not much is known at the moment, except it has "mini-games you can play outside of battle", but it should be good news to anyone who enjoyed the 360 title. Mini-games were next logical step to archaic JRPG design. (A)
● Another surprise DS title, Metal Slug 7, is knocking socks off everywhere world round. DS is hitting it out of the park. (A, I)
● Professor Layton still hasn't made it to the US yet (it's coming!), but the sequel is already set to rock Japan's cock. Check this preview of Professor Layton and The Devil's Box out. (A)
● Japan breaks shit down deeper and deeper. Into insanity. What the hell is this? It's called Prey the Stars, or Gabu Gabu, or Gobble Gobble... but it's like Katamari, but with a Pac-Man esque twist. I don't know, that's how IGN describes KOEI's effort. (A, I)
● Dinosaur King, aka Mushi King, has been announced for stateside release. This should be pretty exciting! (A)
● And alongside that game, Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer will be released in North America in 2008. Good news for fans. (A)
● Did I mention SquareEnix enjoys remakes? If not, then here is another one... it's called Dragon Quest IV. Maybe you've heard of it? Looks like the PSX game, but slightly improved. (A, I)
● Time Hollow is an adventure game from Konami which looks surprisingly awesome. Japanese high school drama mixed with Trauma Center and Phoenix Wright, according to IGN. One to watch. (A, I, V)
● The single greatest game of TGS 2007, hands down - it's not even debatable, so don't try - is YOSUMIN. That's Yosumin of ultra, endless addiction and soul crushing glory. That's the Yosumin, the best puzzle game since Panel De Pon and Super Puzzle Fighter. (A, I)
● Final Fantasy Tactics A2: The Sealed Grimoire wil hopefully fix the GBA game's endless flaws and make it into something mildly playable. I have some hope, 'cause let's face it... there is a good formula to be exploited. (A, I)
● The game that's destined to sell five trillion copies, Dragon Quest IX: Protector of the Starry Skies was shown in video form at TGS. Of course, we don't have that video, but we don't have descriptions of it! (A)
● This one is just for TreIII. IGN added a host of new images for Kunio Dodge Ball, aka Super Dodge Ball DS, so check 'em out if interested in bashing skulls with balls. (I)
● Deltora Quest is a Secret of Mana-esque action RPG that is controlled entirely by stylus. Sounds compelling? Check out the latest. (A)
● Ok so the last two Lost in Blue games were probably better off... well... stranded on a deserted island. But will the third sequel change this? In Lost in Blue 3, not much has changed apparently outside of the new style they're using. We don't have images of that yet, unfortunately. Oh and there is 3D cutscenes apparently "on par with SquareEnix's best." For Lost in Blue 3. Yeah. (A)
● Remember the days when you could insert a CD into Monster Rancher, and it'd create a monster based on it? Man that shit was rad. In Monster Hunter DS, you draw shapes and shit to bring your summons to life in combination with saying shit into the microphone. (A, I, V)
● Tales of Innocence hopes to erase the bad memories of the first DS Tales outing, and it definitely seems to be doing a good job of that. Check out the latest media. (V, I)
● SquareEnix announced that they are developing Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness for the platform. Not much is known, except a teaser website. (W, A)
● Level 5 has all sorts of goodness coming, but one of their more interesting projects is Inazuma Eleven, the Soccer RPG. Kicku!!! (A, V)
● Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney trailer is out, this time with 99% more English names! (V).
● Arkanoid... *yawn*, right? Who hasn't played this shit? Well apparently with Arkanoid DS, you'll be waking up again for the franchise thanks to the reportedly brilliant paddle controller. Why does it rock your face? Read the link! (A)
● And in a similarly surprising fashin, Spade Invaders - that old tired arcade staple that nobody really wants to play anymore - has been updated in a fashion that is worth getting excited over with Space Invaders Extreme. It's getting tons of buzz with this Rez-like edition. (A)
Sony PSP
● To kick things off, SquareEnix has a little game called Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, which is a prequel set FAAAAAAAAR before the events of the other games. It reveals all the stuff we got from those bonus trailers after KH2. (A)
● Here's another game that never, ever needed a sequel. Who makes these business decisions? In Valhalla Knights 2, you do more awful bullshit. (I)
● Yes, Konami went ahead with a sequel to the atrocious Coded Arms game. Coded Arms Contagion is apparently so awful, that one of the IGN writers fell asleep at the keyboard. (A)
● Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+ is basically the same game with more multiplayery goodness. (A, I)
● Speaking of Portable Ops, the sequel Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops 2 is said to be coming at some point once more from the same group. Will it be as fantastic? Update: This was later confirmed to be false by Ryan Payton, so sorry for IGN getting your hopes up. (A, A)
● Innovation! Yes, that's right, the much heralded term actually applies here. In Echochrome, you traverse a bunch of mindfucking levels to try to reach the end. (A, I, V)
● Daxter had it, so why not Clank? He's way cooler than Daxter anyway. So in Secret Agent Clank, a game apparently in the works forever, you'll take the robot around and do typical platformy things. (A, V)
● Innovation, Part 2! Patapon is a insane looking whatchamacallit, about somethingorother. Actually it's pretty indescribable, with a foul mouth tree, what looks like an army of stylistic tribes men and i don't know. It's rad. (A, I, V)
● Did you forget Final Fantasy: Dissidia existed? I tried to, but it didn't work. It's back, in all its fanservicey goodness. (I)
● Just released in Japan, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII sold a gazillion copies and was widely praised by the J-GAF crew. Will it do similarly well in America? Only time will tell - check out the latest media. (A, I)
● Silent Hill Origins was mysteriously missing from the showfloor. What does Konami have to say about this? Dun Dun Duuun. (A, I)
● Dear God, is there no escape from the mini-games? Hudson intends to release Bomberman Land for the PSP, as well as DS and Wii, and instead of being a totally rad multiplayer mayhem fest, it's this. (A)
● Yup, finally a smart decision... Sony is releasing a sequel to its best selling portable golf franchise, Hot Shots Golf Portable 2. More fun that Wii Love Golf, Mario Golf, Pangya Golf and your mom combined. (I)
● Apparently in preparation for the big unveiling of Star Ocean 4, SquareEnix decided more remakes were the way to go. So in Star Ocean: First Departure, a remake of the first SO title, you'll revisit those classic areas and gameplay. (A, I)
● A remake of the second Star Ocean game, Star Ocean: Second Evolution looks excellent for what it's trying to do. It's definitely NOT another Final Fantasy I and II debacle, anyway. (A, I)
● Sony has been desperately trying to ape Nintendo now for the last few years, in an attempt to catch some of the market they've opened up again. In the new PSP non-game, My Stylebook, you'll be learning how to be fashionable! You can rev up your fashion life by choosing outfits for special occassions, organizing your closet, and more! Can't wait. (A, I)