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Old people yelling at clouds: the official topic


Let's face it, we are all getting older. This is the official place for all you old geezers out there who want to vent about something.


Are you annoyed by TikTok/Youtube/Social Media or something else those pesky kids are doing today?

How they dress, the kind of music they listen to, or what kind of entertainment they are destroying next, all of it fits in here.


And of course, I will start.

I am not really a huge fan of smartphones, so mine is old and not that expensive. I like the new ones, but there is no way, that I am buying a phone for the price I could get a nice notebook, or even worse I could get a gaming notebook as well.

Who is paying 1500-2000 dollars for a foldable smartphone? Are people insane?
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I would never pay these crazy prices for a phone but I don’t care what people spend their money on, that is their business.


Children today, and everything about them, from the way they dress, the way they act, and, honestly, what they have. When I was their age, I didn't have a smartphone or a PlayStation 5 or whatever, but I was grateful for what I did have. Children today just ain't grateful and take everything for granted. And the way they dress is beyond ridiculous. Lads are walking around with skinny jeans halfway down their ass, and girls are walking around with crop tops and short-shorts that are getting smaller and smaller. If I had kids, I wouldn't even let them leave the house if they were dressed like that.


Dating apps helped me get laid a lot, but I've grown to hate them with a passion.

I'm sick of capeshit. The mcu was one of the worse things to happen to cinema and popular culture.

I'm sick of terrible directors handling capeshit. Not long ago people like Raimi, Del Toro, Nolan, Ang Lee, (even Donner and Burton before) did these movies. Less about the genre but the hacks behind the movies.
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Fuck shit opinions and all of that, the things that annoy me are words like “Toxic” and “Yikes”. Yikes is just a shit reaction, but toxic has diminished in value because of incessant use that it, as was inevitable, has almost no meaning left. There’s also the rise of gaming terms like “Boomer shooter” all of a sudden, used by people who have no idea what generations are. Ironic/meme use or not, it makes you look like a complete idiot.


I already did in Gaming so I'm good, thanks for the opportunity though OP I may take you up on it later when I'm next enraged by random things strangers do or think.


I’m becoming the type of old man with a depleted inventory of fucks to give, so if anything I think I’m becoming more zen as I age.
This is me. I only care about my kids. I have zero fucks for pretty much anything else. Everything I can’t do anything about, I just simply ignore and carry on.

I am in the process of getting my second bathroom and toilet finished. Once done, I will probably put the house on the market and jog on my nagging, always negative partner too. That negativity is dragging me down. It will mean only having my kids one week out of two, but at least we will be able to spend quality time together.

I don’t even want somebody else. Somebody else would potentially get in the way of me and my kids, and would mean that I would have to give a fuck about them to
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The list is long and only getting longer with every new dumb idea that spoiled idiots in our comfort society come up with:

- influencers
- the celebration of mediocrity and idiocy
- superhero movies
- people being obsessed with their own genitalia
- superficial preachy pop culture presented as world changing art
- thots
- tiktok
- twitter
- youtube millionaires
- hyper fanboyism
- forum wars
- cancel culture
- hype beasts
- clout chasers
- people obsessed with race
- identity zealots & pronouns
- victim culture
- ideological extremism
- hollow virtue signaling
- sex-addled pop music disguised as emancipation
- mumble rap
- auto tune

(in no particular order)
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Kev Kev

i hate these in your face, adrenaline pumping, "SUPER EPIC" trailers

like, not everything needs to be the next biggest, baddest, most bombastic thing of all time. it makes it look and feel very generic and it bleeds its wauy into the gameplay and its just vanilla, lame and tiring. especially the music with its inception trombones/synths going "BBAAAAAWWWWWWW"""

Dr. Suchong

I was slowly getting into the online dating scene until one date ended extremely weirdly. Never tried it again.
I tried a paid site over a free one.
Essentially I was paying to be largely ignored and blocked.
Demanded my money back. Online dating fucking blows.

Davey Cakes

Basically everything Gen Z does. I can't stand them.

Everything from their internet obsession, their slacktivism, clothing, humor, music, the way they act when forced to speak face to face, I can't stand any of it.

They're not a monolith blah blah yes of course I know
What even is their music? Gen Z people only know what's current or maybe a year old. Ask them about a song from 5 years ago and they won't have a clue.


I'm depressed by how the VOCAL MINORITY of gamers, (a social group who, in the 00s, i used to think of as a community of homebodies who just wanna have fun) turned out to be the future's answer to conservative, racist old grandpas, "yew thurr lil' lady stop yer gettin' all uppidy an make me some dinnur in a skimpy little maid outfit chyawww"

I thought we all just wanted to play Halo and stuff, didn't know i was obligated to idolize duke nukem and poop all over anything new like some old redneck h8er.

It's a vocal minority but damn are they vocal
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I’m ok with new music not often matching my tastes, but fuck the omnipresent auto tune !
Apart from that I’m mostly ok being out of the loop of all those youngster thingies (tik tok, discord, Pokémon, whatever… :p )
Maroon Five.. can you believe my sister (15 years ago) tried to tell me that was just his singing style?
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The list is long and only getting longer with every new dumb idea that spoiled idiots in our comfort society come up with:

- influencers
- the celebration of mediocrity and idiocy
- superhero movies
- people being obsessed with their own genitalia
- superficial preachy pop culture presented as world changing art
- thots
- tiktok
- twitter
- youtube millionaires
- hyper fanboyism
- forum wars
- cancel culture
- hype beasts
- clout chasers
- people obsessed with race
- identity zealots & pronouns
- victim culture
- ideological extremism
- hollow virtue signaling
- sex-addled pop music disguised as emancipation
- mumble rap
- auto tune

(in no particular order)

I'll hate what he's hating.
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Here in spain, we have this trend of people switching 'Cuando' for its english counterpart 'When' at the start of a sentence as some kind of weird meme.

I wanna punch everyone of them who says that.


I always want the story.
I wouldn't expect anything less.

This was a good few years back. Long story short, got talking to this really cute guy I met on a dating app. Things were going well; the conversation was flowing and there was a definite attraction there. After a few weeks of back-and-forth flirting, we agreed it was time to meet up in person and see if the chemistry was there in real-life. As it turns out, it was. He was just as handsome in person as he appeared to be online. Honestly, he was a bit of a twink, which suited me fine. Anyway, we're there for about 3-4 hours just talking and flirting when we notice it's now coming up to 11pm. We initially say our goodbyes and have a quick peck, then notice that, well, we didn't want to say goodbye just yet. He suggests we go back to his as it's only a ten-minute walk back to his. I agree and off we go.

During our walk, we're carrying on the conversation from the restaurant, but things soon turn sexual in nature. I'm a bit uncomfortable (because I'm asexual) but go along with it because I like him so far. We get to his place and, based on first impressions, it's nice. A quiet, suburban area with clean cut lawns and white picket fences. He gives me a tour and. as we come to the second bedroom, he tells me to brace myself. A bit weird, but whatever. He unlocks it using a key - also a bit weird - and opens the door. A bit dark inside. He turns on the light, and holy fuck, it's like Christian Grey decorated the room. Whips, chains, cuffs, etc all over the place, and one wall plastered in photos of what I could only assume were his past victims. I looked at him, shook my head, and walked out. He tried contacting my again recently and I just ghosted him, and deleted my account on the app.
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