I'm fascinated by Düf's shitty webcomics right now
I'm fascinated by Düf's shitty webcomics right now
I'm fascinated by Düf's shitty webcomics right now
bless polandballgifs
I'm fascinated by Düf's shitty webcomics right now
I don't know wtf is happening here but it's awesome.
What exactly does any of the text mean?
They are the opening lyrics to Ode to Joy (EU anthem) ^^
Joy, beautiful spark of divinity...
That's the kind of things you say, but it's obvious it wasn't gratis pro deo.The situation with Bayrou is a bit ambiguous... When Bayrou brought his support, he claimed it was just to help Macron and not to bargain seats at the government or the parliament.
A tight rope, and a dangerous one... It'll be already hard to gather support, they really don't need to antagonize the center. Especially to please PS people, when PS clearly stated they would be an opposition force.It looks a bit like the Valls situation, EM wants to give something to people who supported them, without looking like they're giving in old school negotiations. Walking on a tight rope there.
That's the kind of things you say, but it's obvious it wasn't gratis pro deo.
I'm fascinated by Düf's shitty webcomics right now
François Bayrou is a dupe. He always get tricked.
At least he's honest
Nah, Bayrou is an old guy who managed to stay relevant for decades, even without any major victory. Macron is smart but don't be fooled by Bayrou.François Bayrou is a dupe. He always get tricked.
Last elections, it was Hollande, today it is Macron. Who's next Bayrou's bully ? Games are open.
I subscribed to radio courtoisie's facebook fan pagehow did you find this stuff
Le Monde said:Nicolas Dupont-Aignan met fin à son accord avec le FN
Après le ralliement du leader de Debout la France à Marine Le Pen, les deux partis avaient décidé que le FN laisserait une cinquantaine de circonscriptions libres pour les candidats du parti de M. Dupont-Aignan.
"Ce n'est plus le cas", a affirmé ce dernier sur BFM-TV ce matin. "Mon parti a décidé de rester libre totalement pour que les Français aient le choix d'un patriotisme républicain de bon sens différent du Front national tel que je l'avais exprimé au premier tour de la présidentielle", a ajouté Nicolas Dupont-Aignan.
Quant au second tour des législatives, "dans chaque circonscription, en fonction de qui il y aura en tête, il y aura des désistements au cas par cas", si des candidats Debout la France sont qualifiés pour le second tour, a-t-il poursuivi, en soulignant qu'il pourrait appeler à voter autant pour des candidats Les Républicains souverainistes comme Henri Guaino ou Jacques Myard que pour un Front national "qui partage mes valeurs, par exemple Florian Philippot."
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/elections-leg...cron_5127718_5076653.html#i1ff9LIoS7ATh48Y.99
Le Monde said:« C'est le meilleur stratège politique de Paris », assure Laurent Bigorgne, directeur de l'Institut Montaigne, un think tank libéral qui a nourri le programme d'Emmanuel Macron lors de la campagne. Pourtant, le nouveau conseiller spécial du chef de l'Etat n'a pas connu que des succès. C'est notamment lui qui avait piloté, à l'époque pour le compte de l'agence Havas, la campagne du très autoritaire président vénézuélien Nicolas Maduro en 2013, à l'issue de laquelle l'héritier d'Hugo Chavez l'avait emporté de justesse, avec seulement 50,6 % des voix.
meanwhile BFM is struggling to find something to say while waiting
For most people he is a new face. I had never heard of him until last week.So much for the news faces in politics.
So much for the news faces in politics.
For most people he is a new face. I had never heard of him until last week.
The prime minister will never be a newbie or someone who doesn't have a good understanding of the French administration or don't have first hand knowledge about how the parliament works.Another white male who did SciencesPo/ENA, went to the high administration then to ministers, started a political carreer, spent time at the local and national level as adviser, then went public by becoming mayor and member of parliament (and he likes to hold both offices).
THE renewal.
He was working as a spokesperson for Juppé during the primary of the right.What's his political position within the spectrum of LR? Closer to the centrists / Juppé or to the rightists / Fillon / Sarkozy? Hoping for the former tbh.
The prime minister will never be a newbie or someone who doesn't have a good understanding of the French administration.
Another white male who did SciencesPo/ENA, went to the high administration then to ministers, started a political carreer, spent time at the local and national level as adviser, then went public by becoming mayor and member of parliament (and he likes to hold both offices).
THE renewal.
Another white male who did SciencesPo/ENA, went to the high administration then to ministers, started a political carreer, spent time at the local and national level as adviser, then went public by becoming mayor and member of parliament (and he likes to hold both offices).
THE renewal.
Just my opinion, but your comment seems like a typical "establishment!!!" post, where the mere fact that somebody has political experience is reason enough to write them off.
Instead of dismissing the guy for being a mayor (for example), look at what his term as mayor was like. What where his policies? What did he fight for? Wat did he accomplish? What were his failures? Did he have any scandals? Was he beloved? With which people did he surround himself?
Wait, you wanna know more ? In the past, he voted against:
-More transparency in politics
-texts for more equality man/woman
-better transition to sustainable energy
Also, he has been blamed by the high authority because of his lack of clarity regarding his income statement.
OFF to a good start !
Wait, you wanna know more ? In the past, he voted against:
-More transparency in politics
-texts for more equality man/woman
-better transition to sustainable energy
Also, he has been blamed by the high authority because of his lack of clarity regarding his income statement.
OFF to a good start !
Another white male who did SciencesPo/ENA, went to the high administration then to ministers, started a political carreer, spent time at the local and national level as adviser, then went public by becoming mayor and member of parliament (and he likes to hold both offices).
THE renewal.
This is the part that has me worried. I mean, we already knew Macron was never in a rush to handle the energy transition, but he supposedly he wants more moral/transparent politics, and while I doubt he would outright say he's a feminist per se, he seems pretty open on that front too. Hopefully Edouard Philippe will follow his lead on those issues, and they'll have a good Minister of the Environment.
turns out when you want to run an administration the best way is usually to know how an administration works, crazy I know.
e: I feel like most people don't know what the day2day work of a prime minister usually is or the way the cabinets work, hint : if you put some incompetent fucks you end up like Hollande who's 1st budget was largely refuted by the constitutional council.
Hopefully this term starts better than the last time a mayor was used as prime minister
It's not an administrative position, it's a political one. You're not forced to have done the ENA or even Sciences Po Paris to be PM (the last four PM didn't went to these schools btw). A democracy even in a republican regime isn't not a mix between a technocracy and an aristocracy, where political positions are filled by the supposedly "best" people, most skilled for the job that went to the best schools and know every bit of the public bodies.
What did Jean-Marc Ayrault do to you ? I don't understand why you're so vindictive.
Of course, he could have chosen his baker if he so chooses.
It turns out most of our deputes ARE from these schools and in the political game, good credentials ARE important.
It's not just limited to politics, in France if you want to get a job the schools you were in is actually VERY important.
Considering ENA alumni go from communists to FN, doing that school says nothing about the ideas pushed by the alumni.
PM is a managerial position in the end with the way the job works, ENA (and its territorial equivalent) just happens to be the highest school for that kind of work.
According to the Constitution, it is an administrative position.It's not an administrative position, it's a political one.
Boring. You know that's not what I meant.
I'm happy you're happy with this choice that shows that Macron kept his beautiful promise on renewal But the renewal he meant was just having younger people, I mean white men, that went to the same schools and did the same careers in the same parties-big companies-highest administrations.