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Outriders |OT| So much content, is this a GaaS? No, just an anomaly.


So, how’s the game at a fundamental level? I mean, how’s the story, sidequests, level design etc.?

The demo felt a little too generic for my tastes, bland level design; story began in a very interesting way, but soon turned into Mad Max; gameplay felt okay, but I guess we can only really feel it after ten hours or so.

It's all ... adequate. Level design is very dated as has already been discussed. Story is generic sci fi schlock that's not gonna surprise you. But the game knows what it wants to be and hits that mark accurately. The power progression is satisfying along with all the ways you can tweak your powers/perks/gear/weapons - if you like the RPG aspect of gear and power customization and management along with the loot chase, it's all inherently satisfying here.
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Running same build at Tier 6 with in coop and i cleared it without any problem. So no it's not just build it's content being not tuned well at all for solo. It's way too many mobs at times, it's just absurd honestly.

you do know that expeditions are designed for 3 players yeah ? like its what have been said verbatim in the end game video

Outside of that, lol these tricksters players out there crack me up with their "omg twisted rounds is so op !!!!!"


Had nothing but dead weights in my sessions actually slowing me down
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you do know that expeditions are designed for 3 players yeah ? like its what have been said verbatim in the end game video

Outside of that, lol these tricksters players out there crack me up with their "omg twisted rounds is so op !!!!!"



Had nothing but dead weights in my sessions actually slowing me down
How are you finding the legendary drop rate at Tier 8 expedition.

I’m running solo so struggling to get past T4.


Anyone else having issues with the Hunt the Prey skill not putting you faced to the back of the enemy every time? Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but sometimes I teleport with my back directed at the enemy.
It shouldn’t be facing you backwards, but it often does place you to the side of the mob, simply as there isn’t space.

That skill is actually starting to give me a headache. Tricksters are too mobile. It’s like playing a shooter on amphetamines.
It shouldn’t be facing you backwards, but it often does place you to the side of the mob, simply as there isn’t space.

That skill is actually starting to give me a headache. Tricksters are too mobile. It’s like playing a shooter on amphetamines.
I love that there is a skill that basically throws a Yandu esque knife out to tag enemies and slows them down, and then if you spec towards a shotgun build , you can shoot the enemies in the back so they get damaged more. Love the game, shame about the server issues.


How are you finding the legendary drop rate at Tier 8 expedition.

I’m running solo so struggling to get past T4.

I had one dropping in like 5 - 6 hours or something ? I've just been farming perfect epic items / upgrading them. In all honesty I don't see any reason to have any good legendary drop rate before tier 12 - 13

I do run solo but my games are public so I get the occasional visitor
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I had one dropping in like 5 - 6 hours or something ? I've just been farming perfect epic items / upgrading them. In all honesty I don't see any reason to have any good legendary drop rate before tier 12 - 13

I do run solo but my games are public so I get the occasional visitor
The legendary drop rate isnt any better at w13-15.
Its way too low and needs to be looked at.


The legendary drop rate isnt any better at w13-15.
Its way too low and needs to be looked at.

You're confused between world tier and expedition tier which was the point of my post. These are separate


This is expedition tier 15 drop rate. 4x25% chance of dropping legendaries + 3x12.5 + 1x6.25
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So I noticed when going to mod a piece of purple gear, once I changed one slot the other shows locked. Are you not able to change multiple mods on an item or am I missing something. Cause that would be dumb.


Such a raging cunt.

Even games with 10 times the budget of outriders struggled in the first days after launch.

Not saying that they are innocent but yeah...
No, Joe is right. The game isn’t that good right now, and we are seeing the same excuse trotted out to cover up the issues. “It’s launch, it‘s new, give them time.” Blah blah blah

How many times does it have to happen

Kagey K

So I noticed when going to mod a piece of purple gear, once I changed one slot the other shows locked. Are you not able to change multiple mods on an item or am I missing something. Cause that would be dumb.
You can only replace 1 mod, so pick the one yiu really don't want out of the 2.


What a disgusting response from that Tyler. I can't believe people like him are popular enough to have that tick on Twitter. How can someone be such an idiot, I don't get it.

Anyway, this game is amazing. It's not on the division level production wise, but I'm having fun so much. More than I expected. I wasn't hooked on demo, so this is surprising. The game has its flaws and I've had several crashes but I still enjoy it and I'm hooked.

To me it really doesn't feel like those gaas games like the division and destiny. I'm playing it completely solo and I feel like I'm playing a single player game. Loot is satisfying and that's maybe the most important part of the game, or at least one of. Can't wait to get some epic and even legendaries.


No, Joe is right. The game isn’t that good right now, and we are seeing the same excuse trotted out to cover up the issues. “It’s launch, it‘s new, give them time.” Blah blah blah

How many times does it have to happen
Even with the all problems i'm having far more fun with this one than destiny or division tbh, server problems doesn't make the game bad, and they were more severe in the first 1-3 days, the situation is much better now, not perfect tho.

Joe is just cashing on the outrage like he always does, his channel is not called angry joe for no reason.

I had faaaaar more problem with anthem and avengers and those 2 were bigger games than outriders.

And i remember literally every shlooters online having problems in the first days, every single one of them.

The major bullshit is having to be online to play the single player, but there is a reason for that, if the character data are stored internally and not in the internet, hacker would crack the shit of their characters.


This game is overtuned as fuck if you play anything over Tier 5 or 6 in expiditions if you run them solo. You just get gang raped by 40 mobs and that's it. Another one even if the mobs take more hits is essential for not have aggro from every mob in the game.
I'm playing tier 9 solo and i have almost zero problem.

The secret is starting crafting stuff with the perks you want early in the game.

I hear a lot of people who save that for the endgame...bullshit, this shit make a gigantic difference from the beginning.

Sure i die a lot but it's almost always my fault, some classes have powers that fuck up group of enemies with ease and i can't stress enough how important is to put a perk that heals you at every hit in your stronger weapon.

Sure enemies can do a lot of damage but it is far too easier when a single shot from your shotgun heals you for 3\4 of your health bar...every single shot.

The challenge in this game is kinda on the level of remnant from the ashes but more easy imo.
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I can solo with my Devastator up to Tier 8 but I have a couple of powers that leach health and generate armor. Then on the power that generates armor, I have a mod that lets me fire it off twice. The thing is that I need to attack groups of mobs. My build falls apart with individual mobs shooting me from different directions.

My alpha strike is always a group of mobs, then I retreat and wait for a group to come to be and then I hit the group with my AOE leeching ability.

Right now I'm trying to solo the big forest boss on WT 8 and I'm all good until the acid spitting flying bugs pick me off. They snipe from a distance and force me to close the distance which is a weakness of my build. I'm going to try it again with the deflection shield ability to see if that helps neutralize them.

I hate bosses in games that can't stand on their own. They always spawn ADDs. The flying ones that snipe are the worst.
Little hint, the last ability you unlock, stop that boss on his track even if in theory it doesn't even work on him, just try and see what happen...


You're confused between world tier and expedition tier which was the point of my post. These are separate


This is expedition tier 15 drop rate. 4x25% chance of dropping legendaries + 3x12.5 + 1x6.25
Its bad in both. God knows how low the base rate is without expeditions or world tier. Again needs to be looked at.
No wonder people have to use exploits to get more Legendarys


Yesterday i founded my first legendary, a pistol, but the perks were not really great for the type of weapon.

I kinda want to dismantle it to put those perks on another weapon but it feels bad dismantling a legendary when they are so rare...
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For those that play Technomancer, does it allow you to use sniper rifles and single shot rifles?

I want to try and play the game at range, as opposed to teleport shotgun Trickster.


For those that play Technomancer, does it allow you to use sniper rifles and single shot rifles?

I want to try and play the game at range, as opposed to teleport shotgun Trickster.

I use both shotgun and sniper, bolt one. And its working fine coming into a new area and snipe enemies as they come. However sooner or later they swarm, and thats when I use hunt the prey behind the enemy lines, pop slow bubble and melee + shotgun frenzy + cyclone.


How in the fuck do i avoid that this stupid ass ps5 try to download and copy the ps4 version of the game every time i boot the console?!

I mean, it doesn't understand after all these hours that i'm playing the ps5 version and i don't want the ps4 version installed?!

Where the fuck is the ia machine learning where you need it :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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I want to try and play the game at range, as opposed to teleport shotgun Trickster.
I've been using assault/sniper with my trickster 🤷‍♂️. The sniper does so much damage, I can pick off most enemies before they get close, if they do it's just bubble and assault rifle destruction (the death chains perk is crazy strong).


I've been using assault/sniper with my trickster 🤷‍♂️. The sniper does so much damage, I can pick off most enemies before they get close, if they do it's just bubble and assault rifle destruction (the death chains perk is crazy strong).
I started like that but at higher levels, as the Trickster doesn’t generate shield/health at distance, I end up having to hug enemy nutsacks with a shotgun.


So I noticed when going to mod a piece of purple gear, once I changed one slot the other shows locked. Are you not able to change multiple mods on an item or am I missing something. Cause that would be dumb.
you can change just one mod on the gear, but you can change it many times as you want but just that one. DEV stated that many times.


you do know that expeditions are designed for 3 players yeah ? like its what have been said verbatim in the end game video

Outside of that, lol these tricksters players out there crack me up with their "omg twisted rounds is so op !!!!!"


Had nothing but dead weights in my sessions actually slowing me down

It is always going to look like that, regardless of class or build when one of you has shadow comet and one doesn't.


It is always going to look like that, regardless of class or build when one of you has shadow comet and one doesn't.

Is that a Toxic Assault Rifle? Because I had someone join me and their numbers looked exactly like that and I was like "What the fuck are they using. . .?"


Is that a Toxic Assault Rifle? Because I had someone join me and their numbers looked exactly like that and I was like "What the fuck are they using. . .?"

It's a weapon mod that drops a meteor for massive damage on your target quite often.
At a glance, it seems like endgame is way too reliant on the twisted, toxic, and pryo bullet abilities, almost as if one of your endgame build abilities has to include the ammo altering skill. Does that really seam to be the case in practice, or is it just an early misunderstanding about what makes an effective build?

If the game isn't balanced so that all skill combinations can be some level of viable, that would be a real shame.
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Yesterday i founded my first legendary, a pistol, but the perks were not really great for the type of weapon.

I kinda want to dismantle it to put those perks on another weapon but it feels bad dismantling a legendary when they are so rare...
I got my first Legendary which was a shotgun two levels lower than I was.


I'm guessing since these servers use Azure Flayfab that the GamePass deal likely has MS foregoing any Azure-related charges for the game being on GamePass.


Love the game so far!
Getting ME: Andromeda vibes a lot.

But for the love of God, give me a mini map or compass... Or just show me the way North.

Trickster is fun as hell for me. Looking forward to the other classes.

You don't need a map, just hit T or whatever the keybind is and it will show you the way to your quest if you get lost.

I wouldn't say I'm very far in the game but the areas haven't been that large or confusing.


I got my first Legendary which was a shotgun two levels lower than I was.

I've dismantled every legendary drop except for one, simply to get the mods off of them. Once I have the mod it is time to find the same legendary again with the right minor stats (like cooldown/firepower/etc.) for my build and at least one mod I want already fitted.

And yeah, the one I kept was an LMG already perfect for my build. I simply level it up when I move up world tier.
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Its bad in both. God knows how low the base rate is without expeditions or world tier. Again needs to be looked at.
No wonder people have to use exploits to get more Legendarys

Its not bad at all in expedition tier 15 which was demonstrated. If you'd look at solidfps streams here and there he has a stash pretty much filled with legendaries

Also you can buy them from Tiago. People need to honestly stop forcing the non existent fact that legs drop rate needs to be looked at, its perfectly fine as is in terms of obtaining them. Even better, right now the juggler is on sale and it has one of the top 5 best dps mods in the whole game


I watched all the abilities for all the classes, and fuck me now i want to start a new character for every class, they all look fun and potentially op.

I don't understand the hate for the technomancer, this class has a fucking ability that gives to you a missile launcher\gatling gun ffs :lollipop_squinting:
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You don't need a map, just hit T or whatever the keybind is and it will show you the way to your quest if you get lost.

I wouldn't say I'm very far in the game but the areas haven't been that large or confusing.

Yeah well, it's bugged. And just wait further in the game doing bounties. It's completely nuts. So they have to fix it somehow.

It will show wrong way in some missions and leading away from where you need to be.


Does anyone has a bugged quest in trench city?! Like you see the yellow exclamation point in the map of the location but there is no npc giving you the quest, i saw a video on yt and there is a black lady near the bar that gives you this quest, but in my game she is not there.
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Guys, is there a way to restock during molten acari fight? I got to its thirds phase but I simply don't have ammo for my main gun and I lost. Now I'm weary of starting such a long fight again.

I'm level 11 and I'm at world tier 6. Maybe I should lower my world tier for this fight?

Edit: I just beat it on my second try. Those little spiderlings are there for restocking in case anyone else has the same problem.
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It is always going to look like that, regardless of class or build when one of you has shadow comet and one doesn't.

You make no sense, the resistance down from shadow comet works for everyone. I have to use it against monsters with armored skin so they can be subject to endless mass, otherwise they'll resist. Dude has no business running at tier 8 in multiplayer with these numbers

Besides, the 55 000 dmg overall from shadow comet means that maybe 2 mobs got hit by the comets ... it got barely used
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Writes a lot, says very little
I know by playing it

Yea playing a game doesn't tell you how much a team did or not in terms of actual content. It would be like saying reading a book now means you 100% know if the person who wrote it REALLY put in 100% of what they where thinking in the book or some shit.

That isn't evidence of anything, its you THINKING you know what "100%" is in a game you didn't make.

Outriders shipped with an endgame, including difficulty tiers and a gear system where the numbers mean something.

Thats irrelevant. It simply argues one was a poorly made game or offered different features, that doesn't fucking prove any information regarding how much was "suppose" to be in the game. For all you know Anthem is a 100% title with simply a shit outcome. Bad games can exist man, I don't get this notion that something MUST have been left on the floor and the game MUST be incomplete if it sucked, maybe the game is simply fucking bad bud. Thats it.....

So another game having a "end game" or "gear system" doesn't prove shit.... it gives no evidence that the game is anymore complete then your claim about Anthem. You are playing something and giving a OPINION on information that factually is unknown to you. You can like one more then the other, you can't offer any real evidence that something was left behind unless you actually work for that team. For all you know, a chunk of that game was stripped or left out to be sold as DLC or made to be DLC from the very beginning etc.

So we have no actual standard of "complete" in gaming, it is a completely open idea with very little standard to really argue one game is or isn't outside of the team literally telling you its incomplete lol

Argument is pointless anyhow, everybody is using a different definition of GaaS.

Thats nice. All it shows is that many are trying to use the word as some argument for what they like or don't like. The game LITERALLY EXIST ONLINE, it LITERALLY PROVIDES A FUCKING SERVICE OF GOODS OVER TIME.

I'm sorry bud, but you liking or not liking it is irrelevant to that factual point. It would be like me saying Battlefield ISN'T an multiplayer game, cause well its FUN and or "it shipped wit da end game doe" and or "oh I like da gear thus its not MP BRO" etc. Nothing to do with the actual term. This game literally fits the term factual based on what its even doing.

Damn thats crazy, its almost as if they are trying to provide some sort of service of content over time... hmmmmm /s



Yea playing a game doesn't tell you how much a team did or not in terms of actual content. It would be like saying reading a book now means you 100% know if the person who wrote it REALLY put in 100% of what they where thinking in the book or some shit.

That isn't evidence of anything, its you THINKING you know what "100%" is in a game you didn't make.

Thats irrelevant. It simply argues one was a poorly made game or offered different features, that doesn't fucking prove any information regarding how much was "suppose" to be in the game. For all you know Anthem is a 100% title with simply a shit outcome. Bad games can exist man, I don't get this notion that something MUST have been left on the floor and the game MUST be incomplete if it sucked, maybe the game is simply fucking bad bud. Thats it.....

So another game having a "end game" or "gear system" doesn't prove shit.... it gives no evidence that the game is anymore complete then your claim about Anthem. You are playing something and giving a OPINION on information that factually is unknown to you. You can like one more then the other, you can't offer any real evidence that something was left behind unless you actually work for that team. For all you know, a chunk of that game was stripped or left out to be sold as DLC or made to be DLC from the very beginning etc.

So we have no actual standard of "complete" in gaming, it is a completely open idea with very little standard to really argue one game is or isn't outside of the team literally telling you its incomplete lol

Thats nice. All it shows is that many are trying to use the word as some argument for what they like or don't like. The game LITERALLY EXIST ONLINE, it LITERALLY PROVIDES A FUCKING SERVICE OF GOODS OVER TIME.

I'm sorry bud, but you liking or not liking it is irrelevant to that factual point. It would be like me saying Battlefield ISN'T an multiplayer game, cause well its FUN and or "it shipped wit da end game doe" and or "oh I like da gear thus its not MP BRO" etc. Nothing to do with the actual term. This game literally fits the term factual based on what its even doing.

Damn thats crazy, its almost as if they are trying to provide some sort of service of content over time... hmmmmm /s

To be honest the game as a service / goods is just a matter of EULA and what can be done to the software. Outriders is as much of a gaas as Diablo III / PoE / Warframe / PSO 2 are, whereas Grim Dawn and Diablo II absolutely aren't


Played 3 hours today through gamepass, taking my progress from the demo, and while the game is nothing special I gotta say I had plenty of fun so far.
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