Nah it quit activision to make a “gay romance thriller”.

Nah it quit activision to make a “gay romance thriller”.
Goodbye Volcano High?Nah it quit activision to make a “gay romance thriller”.
Profile pic tells me everything I need to know.
This thing seems pleasant. Imagine this creature standing up in a board meeting and demanding the CEO get fired. I am counting my lucky stars that I don’t work in a field that has been taken over by these fucking lunatics. Working along side this type of person sounds like a goddamn nightmare.
Essentially OW1 but worse. All the promises were broken and your skins and legacy information got left behind. I don‘t see why the sequel is needed when the most successful games of its kind prior to it were doing engine changes, graphics changes and gameplay changes without leaving behind legacy collections.TF2, CS, Dota 2, and LoL did all these successfully.What is trash about Overwatch 2?
My point as former head of CM on a top publisherI have another question. What kind of "resources" help you deal with Steam reviews? You mean he wanted someone else to read them? What kind of "more information" did you want? Advance notice of just how bad it would be so you knew how much alcohol to buy in advance on the company account?
Edit: Is it in their job description to read all the reviews anyway? It's like he's mad Bobby didn't buy him an emotional support animal over the anticipated bombing. This game already came out on other platforms, on their watch. The only difference here is the reviews. What type of CEO gives you "resources" to deal with fucking reviews. And you don't need to read them all to know the reaction was negative and either make a statement or (better) shut the hell up and tank the hit.
Essentially OW1 but worse. All the promises were broken and your skins and legacy information got left behind. I don‘t see why the sequel is needed when the most successful games of its kind prior to it were doing engine changes, graphics changes and gameplay changes without leaving behind legacy collections.TF2, CS, Dota 2, and LoL did all these successfully.
The whole reason for making OW2 wasn’t even there. Just why.
The bubbles these people live in.“In my first month working a new gig, I publicly demanded the CEO be fired” isn’t the own that person thinks it is.
The balancing is trash. That’s it. The exact thing that made me stop being interested in it is that it is basically OW1 that’s worse off in the team balancing which consequently affected individual character balance.Nothing in that post of yours tells me why Overwatch 2 is "trash".
It's just "I wish they didn't do this one thing that almost no one cares about (judging by O2's healthy player base).
I've heard people complain about the balancing being trash since day 1. There's always a group of people who say this with every successful PvP game. Unless you can point to character win rates falling off a cliff post OW2 launch, I will remain skeptical.The balancing is trash. That’s it.
Because they wanted to make money? The reason why all games are made in the first place.The exact thing that made me stop being interested in it is that it is basically OW1 that’s worse off in the team balancing which consequently affected individual character balance.
Give me a valid reason WHY they have to make a sequel?
Who cares? None of that is relevant to the gameplay experience. Also, Battle Passes are superior to Loot Boxes.A reason for the players to switch and not just for the publishers wishing to ditch the loot box and implement battle pass which they can easily do without a sequel. I’ve seen other games switch to free to play model without making a sequel as well.
It only looks healthy to you in isolation but compared to its own prequel, it’s not. They just fucked everything up including the esports segment. They just wanted to clean break but even then they fumbled it. Not to mention the lack of SP which they made the sequel for. No wonder it got review bombed on release. You did not deliver the exact thing you marketed a sequel for. It WAS the main selling point of OW2 pre release.
A game can feel frustrating to play regardless of perceived win rates. I know. I play league.I've heard people complain about the balancing being trash since day 1. There's always a group of people who say this with every successful PvP game. Unless you can point to character win rates falling off a cliff post OW2 launch, I will remain skeptical.
Because they wanted to make money? The reason why all games are made in the first place.
Who cares? None of that is relevant to the gameplay experience. Also, Battle Passes are superior to Loot Boxes.
All this is wrong. It's all wrong.
Overwatch got its lunch eaten by Battle Royale (PUBG + Fortnite). It was the top dog in the multiplayer space in 2016 and took a substantial bump once everyone flocked to new era multiplayer.
The player base hasn't moved significantly over the last few years. The angry internet mob that likes to create + believe in ridiculous narratives targeted OW2 because that's what they do.
You must learn to identify fake narratives and use reliable data to inform your beliefs. Don't just do what feels good.
A game can feel frustrating to play regardless of perceived win rates. I know. I play league.
I specifically asked you why the returning player base a reason to go back for the sequel and not the pubs and devs. What the fuck do I care about them. I’m the one playing and investing my time and money on this.
I have no opinion on which one is superior. They both suck. It can however be implemented without a need for a sequel.
You say that but the rest of the MOBAs, CS and TF2 derivatives like Valorant seem to do pretty damn well. OW by itself just got worse if not then it stagnated and the rest improved. That’s all there is to it. Stop blaming Battle Royale for everything.
I’m not mad at it. I’m questioning why when they failed to deliver the single player they promised. Maybe if you were playing or at least watching streams of OW players but the last few years before OW2 released was pretty damn depressing. Little to no updates because they said they were working on OW2. People either fell off the game and waited for OW2 or kept playing but with less enthusiasm. This lead to long periods of meta picks without variety after all.If I change my name from Men_in_Boxes to Men_in_Boxes_2, will you be equally as mad?
Who cares if they call this a sequel or not. I don't understand why this angers so many. You're getting mad at a game/company for the silliest of reasons. It's just a silly marketing gimmick that doesn't impact anything.
Overwatch 2 stands among the best in the genre. If it wasn't a great game, it wouldn't be competing with the other great hero based shooters.
If I change my name from Men_in_Boxes to Men_in_Boxes_2, will you be equally as mad?
Who cares if they call this a sequel or not. I don't understand why this angers so many. You're getting mad at a game/company for the silliest of reasons. It's just a silly marketing gimmick that doesn't impact anything.
Overwatch 2 stands among the best in the genre. If it wasn't a great game, it wouldn't be competing with the other great hero based shooters.
I’m not mad at it. I’m questioning why when they failed to deliver the single player they promised. Maybe if you were playing or at least watching streams of OW players but the last few years before OW2 released was pretty damn depressing. Little to no updates because they said they were working on OW2. People either fell off the game and waited for OW2 or kept playing but with less enthusiasm. This lead to long periods of meta picks without variety after all.
If you play OW you should know that they didn't simply added a number but raped the game.
And I stopped playing it. Simple as that. Multiplayer got worse so that was the only thing that can bring back interest for me. Regardless of what you think about that feature, you don’t sell a feature and not include it on the final product.And what's up with the "They promised" thing? They didn't promise anything. It's a childish phrase you use on your Dad who said he'd buy you an action figure when you're 8 years old.
You can really feel the arm stubble just by looking at it. Smells faintly of a fecal leakage and sweat.![]()
Dude worked on CoD alright
And I stopped playing it. Simple as that. Multiplayer got worse so that was the only thing that can bring back interest for me. Regardless of what you think about that feature, you don’t sell a feature and not include it on the final product.
They didn’t just promised it. They marketed it. Nothing childish about it. Maybe I promise(marketed) you that this bulletproof vest can withstand 9mm round fire. Will you still buy it for me when it killed the person who last tested it? It can withstand 45 acp though so all is good.
Maybe don’t promise(market) things that aren’t in your product and complain about it when I review it badly.
I wonder if that guy has really kissed his homies that many timesThese are the top negative reviews on Steam. They're so insightful about why a Free to Play shooter is bad:
Overwatch devs claim Bobby Kotick sabotaged OW2’s Steam launch - Dexerto
Former developers at Activision claimed that Bobby Kotick and other upper management made poor decisions at the helm involving OW2 on
Too many people look at the summary at the top of the page and don't actually look at the reviews to realize it's mostly shitposting.
You must learn to identify fake narratives and use reliable data to inform your beliefs. Don't just do what feels good.
How stunning and brave to make harsh tweets about your CEO now he's out of the building!
I played Overwatch almost every day for several years. It slowly got worse and less fun until Overwatch 2 was the final nail that killed it completely (as in, even off my hard drive).
I wonder how the new CEO and bosses at other companies feel when they see people doing this.
May not have thought their cunning plan all the way through.
How? It's still the same game. I mean if you're mad about them changing it to the WoW 5v5 group, you can still run a group of nothing but tanks if you have to fap to D'va every game. But it's still Overwatch. They just took a paid FPS with loot boxes and made it F2P with a battle pass and skin shop like ALL F2P shooters have.
But if the loot boxes made the game fun for you, maybe you'd enjoy going to a casino more.
The absolute worst is paying for characters.
only going to chime in here to say that this is absolutely false.I then even worse with role queue (tbh this was the real end of the craze and momentum).
Overwatch 1 was a paid game.
Overwatch 2 is a F2P game.
Seriously the people who think every F2P game needs to give away everything for free without any way to pay for on-going development and server costs need to go to school or something to learn how the world actually works.
Overwatch 1 was dying partially because people don't pay for FPSs anymore. Would The Finals have hit 10 million players if it had a $50 price tag? Fuck no. That's the FPS market now and you have to be F2P to survive.
Wait for it, even COD is going F2P eventually.
In other words I never said everything should be free. I'm only interested in playing games where myself, and all the gamers around me, have full access to all gameplay options within the scope of the game to apply competitive pressure on each other without paying. If you have to do that, the core game is compromised irreparably. This my bare minimum to play any multiplayer game. It was before OW and it still is after OW2. So I moved on to different free games that don't pull this horseshit. Sorry!!
Do you play Apex Legends? Because the heroes in that game have to be paid to be unlocked.
No. I don't play any game like this. Trash tier game design.
Your loss, they just added the best tank in the game with Mauga.
only going to chime in here to say that this is absolutely false.
GOATS meta was what almost killed the game and this wasn’t just an opinion from some loser nerds top 500 try hards perspective.
3 tanks and 3 healers (Goats) was so blatantly unfun, you had to use it or you died everytime and due to streamers and OW league went all the way down to silver lobbies / quick play matches. Role queue came from this due to the extreme backlash and was universally praised at the time.