It's one of his best utilities. if you use detonate instantly after throwing you can get yourself out of the range of close range chars like winston and mei.
I tried him out for the first time tonight and he does seem OP at first, but the kind of people I'm playing against right now seem to think "stand in the line of fire" and trade shots is a viable strategy against turret Bastion.
While that can be a deal breaker...I'm not great
THIS IS ALL THAT MATTERS.but I'll play the objective
How fast do credits stack up? I wasn't paying attention during post-match screens, but is there a set amount you earn per match or is it only from loot boxes?
Only from loot boxes on duplicate items or straight up credits.How fast do credits stack up? I wasn't paying attention during post-match screens, but is there a set amount you earn per match or is it only from loot boxes?
How fast do credits stack up? I wasn't paying attention during post-match screens, but is there a set amount you earn per match or is it only from loot boxes?
is there a point to wait to open loot boxes?
Loot boxes, both directly, and from duplicate items.
I think I earned a total of around 1800 by the time I hit 60, during beta.
If some of the posts in this thread are anything to go by, the GAF Overwatch community is shaping up to be pretty unpleasant.
I just love when we have 3 tracers on a team before the match starts...and another person picks her.
So ive just woke up an how them servers at launch
Soldier76 is fine man; not lame at all. I like the fact that 'ordinary joe bloggs soldier' actually sticks out a bit in a game like this because everyone else is so fantastical.
I would recommend changing your hero depending on how the game is going, though.
I think it will be fine. The salty folks won't stick around for super long.then again I hope I'm not wrong
I plan on doing that once I have a few people learned. Right now I don't even really know any characters.
I feel like soldier is pretty easy to understand but mastering making the most of his abilities is actually a challenge. I missed many missile shots.
Is there someone that throws nades or something. I love nades in games.
Fine, just as well as the beta.So ive just woke up an how them servers at launch
I honestly don't understand why that doesn't damage him yet Pharah's rocketjump damages her
So ive just woke up an how them servers at launch
I plan on doing that once I have a few people learned. Right now I don't even really know any characters.
I feel like soldier is pretty easy to understand but mastering making the most of his abilities is actually a challenge. I missed many missile shots.
Is there someone that throws nades or something. I love nades in games.
Fine, just as well as the beta.
They came up about 17 minutes late, they've been fine ever since.
Wait you got level 60 and only got 1800 coins lol
Blizzard can fuck off with this
It's because he's overpowered as fuck, yet all people want to do is stick their fingers in the ears and say "counter" over and over.
Give it a month or two when he's still doing the same garbage and maybe Blizzard will finally do something about it.
Bastion is considered one of the weakest character in professional scrims, fam. Hes only good in public servers month 1 when most dudes on your team dont know how to play the game and pick Trace and Soldier 76 on instinct, running into bullets and wondering what happen. He's so easy to counter that basically nobody plays him above mid-tier play.
I like the idea of skins and unlockables being hard to get. I hope they keep it that way.
Played 18 games.
Won 8. I feel like I played a critical "clutch" component on like four of those.
Was in the "Top 4" or whatever where you can vote on best player almost every game. That felt good.
Played most Mercy and Reinert (however you spell it).
Level 8, now. Got shit in my loot crate.
Got one POTG:
Having a blast!
I honestly don't understand why that doesn't damage him yet Pharah's rocketjump damages her
Why? They literally mean nothing. It's not like you have to do anything special to earn them. It's all luck.
is there a point to wait to open loot boxes?
Played 18 games.
Got one POTG:
Having a blast!
I don't know man, there's a scary amount of obnoxious "get gud" posts.I think it will be fine. The salty folks won't stick around for super long.then again I hope I'm not wrong
They want you to buy those loot boxes as $DLC.
I'll try junkrat tmrw. Do people like him much? Pretty sure he was the suicide wheel thing killed me a few times.
The point that you just suck i take it. Have you played no other competitive game with characters with different movsets?
The aiming feels a little less responsive than it did in the beta. I'm on the PS4 version. Anyone else notice this? The menus are still unresponsive but they were the same in the beta. The aiming was spot on in beta but it feels off now like there's input lag. No, I haven't changed my TV.
I'll try junkrat tmrw. Do people like him much? Pretty sure he was the suicide wheel thing killed me a few times.
I don't know man, there's a scary amount of obnoxious "get gud" posts.
You can teleport on top of Bastion as Reaper and two shot him.
Genji's reflect lasts more than long enough to reflect and kill Bastion.
Roadhog can rip him out of turret mode.
Junkrat can lob three explosives out of line of sight and kill Bastion.
Reinhardt can charge into him while he reloads.
Widowmaker can sit out of Bastion's effective range two shot him.
Hanzo can one shot him in a corner with splintering arrow.
The list goes on and on.
Almost all these Bastions running around right now don't even move. It would be one thing if they're constantly shifting modes to get better angles to surprise people, but they aren't.
Junkrat at is the fucking best. Just hurl grenades at everyone and anything. Throw a spike trap on the ground with a mine next to it and detonate when triggered for an easy kill. Use mines to launch yourself across the map to get to the objective from the spawn. Throw mines at enemies and detonate instantly when it looks like you're about to lose a gunfight.
Junkrat is life man