Sir Abacus
I bought a 20 pack because I got a $35 discount on my collector's edition from Amazon. Just throw another $20 Blizzard's way for an excellent game.
HeyoFor more thick lore, deep plot and engrossing backstory.
How do you have 1,470 credits by level 3??
look at this fucking lucky bastard.
1 lootbox, 2(!!!) legendary skins.
How do you have 1,470 credits by level 3??
Yes but I'm too honest. So i'm sat here at work. Angry with the world.
How do you have 1,470 credits by level 3??
Please tell me you bought some lootboxes so I don't have to feel bad that I have so much less currency than you
EDIT: Saw post above. Feeling better![]()
I found that mode a bit annoying even as someone who likes playing every character. It was VERY skewed towards defense, as attackers die more often as a rule. They'd start getting characters like Widow, Bastion, Torb and you'd end up with Symmetra or something.
It was funny getting Soldier 76 in that mode though. I typically go on a rampage every time I play that guy and it was even more ridiculous against people unused to their characters. I should really use him more. Played him once last night and went on a massive kill streak + POTG (which is very hard when playing with my friend who is extremely good at McCree).
The loot Boxes have been generous to me!
With 11 boxes to open in that screen, he bought some loot boxes
Had to switch pc's since my current ones CPU was deciding to be unstable in this game. Nice to see the fps stays at 140+ on a single Titan X at 1440p @ High.
Though I noticed that the input lag issue I had is mostly gone. Wonder if that was SLI and/or max graphics settings causing it.
Also, can we not spectate games? The option is always grayed out for me.
My bad. Still not used to this whole buying loot boxes thing lol.
I've only played like 20 minutes but already feel I'm so terrible at it. But I did enjoy it, I just can't seem to get comfortable with any character yet. D:
But regardless, I will do my best! ٩(`・ω・´)وファイト!
I've become pretty decent with keeping Lucio on walls. I'm surprised more and more people aren't evading that way. It's really fun to use the speed buff and go around someone in circles shooting them lol.
hmmm ok probably just me not knowing the counters to some matchups yet, didn't really see any of this cheese in the beta so was a little caught off guard. Still I imagine it still woulda been tough with 5 people working together to spawn trap us and 6 solo Q people trying to get out.Take them out from a distance. Torbjorn's turrets have a max range. Widowmaker, Hanzo, Pharah are all good options. If they're clumped together then Pharah or Junkrat will be able to take out quite a few at once.
I am really regretting coming in to work today
For the people right now actively participating in the launch buzz, what kind of feelings or predictions do you have about the game's longevity right now? I'll only be able to start playing this game in exactly one month from today (university related), so I really hope I won't be missing out on anything. This seemed like a vey exciting game during open beta, so I hope it stays like that even after the initial launch buzz.
I'm trying to enjoy playing as Mercy, but damn is it tough to pick her when I know that I can play as Lucio, who you can actually fight back as. I have never had a game with more than 4000 healing points as Mercy, whereas I average 6700 with Lucio, and 12 eliminations. I get that they are different types of healers, but the choice has been easy for me so far.
I want to love Mercy, I really do.
Same. I mentioned yesterday that it reminds me of the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer system, where people bought booster packs that provided benefits and unlocks. That in turn funded free maps and characters, which avoided splitting the userbase and resulted in a steady stream of content.
It's a good system.
I couldn't get into the groove for 2 betas. The final beta it finally clicked and I've been having fun ever since.
You'll get there.
I've only played like 20 minutes but already feel I'm so terrible at it. But I did enjoy it, I just can't seem to get comfortable with any character yet. D:
But regardless, I will do my best! ٩(`・ω・´)وファイト!
Do you get the XP penalty for quitting a lobby?
No. Just for quitting mid game.
No it's not a good system, for the people buying the loot boxes. There's no justification for randomised loot other than publisher greed. Selling the actual cosmetics and other contents would be a good system, which is why the most commonly praised F2P games use it. Using one of the more abusive monetising mechanisms in a P2P game shouldnt be applauded.
Do you get the XP penalty for quitting a lobby?
So many shit Widows not letting me play her HISSSSSSSSSSSS
Yeah, why does everyone think they're a decent sniper and insist on always picking one and sucking the entire game. I just dont get it.
So I have this on PC and console. Didn't play on console in the beta, and the first thing I noticed is how difficult it is to aim and hover as Pharah. Do people remap jump for her to LB or LT or something?
It really depends on the map type. For capture and hold 100% Lucio. You need to boost people to the point at the start and you'll usually have everyone around you.
Mercy can be better on escort and point capture maps because she is a really great siege breaker and anti-siege breaker but it depends far more on player skill. One of my games on Route 66 last night a friend on Skype asked if they could try Mercy. I said sure. He got creamed and frustrated. He switched over to Junkrat, I switched back to Mercy and we held the point at the final destination.
Mercy definitely has more flexibility and more potential than Lucio. Lucio is obscenely easy to play though.
Is it? My bad. I was thinking the alternate fire was on there but she doesn't have one right?L2 on ps4 by default isn't it?
Is it? My bad. I was thinking the alternate fire was on there but she doesn't have one right?