Feel like D.Va is the only character I don't "get". I don't know how to make her effective.
maybe try playing her like tracer
that is going around disrupting enemy backlines and abusing your mobility
Feel like D.Va is the only character I don't "get". I don't know how to make her effective.
Feel like D.Va is the only character I don't "get". I don't know how to make her effective.
Lucio... if I amp and then change song, will it still power my new song or is the amp lost?
Speaking of reload cancels, is anyones as good as Reaper's? Keep forgetting to try. Did it for McCree and it doesn't make a lot of difference time wise, Reaper's almost cuts off a full second.
Interesting, I didn't know he could cancel his reload.Flank fools. Make sure they don't know where you are teleporting because you can just get headshotted. Your shotguns do a shitton of dmg to big guys like all the tanks. You can cancel your reload with a melee when you see the ammo go back up to 8, drastically reducing the reload time. Make sure they cannot stop your ult when you use it. It is extremely powerful and kills anyone fast, but you are wide open when you use it. Your phase is extremely useful for escaping and engaging, and you can be healed and pick stuff up during it.
Whaaaa? Riverboat Gambler is Amazing
Feel like D.Va is the only character I don't "get". I don't know how to make her effective.
How is this game on ps4? Debating if I should get this game.
...I didn't know there were reload cancels
Interesting, I didn't know he could cancel his reload.
why are all the mccree skins shit
Feel like D.Va is the only character I don't "get". I don't know how to make her effective.
when's erron black skin
She is very tanky (400 of her health is armor, which reduces all incoming damage by 5 points -- extremely good against Tracers, Soldiers, et al.) and her mech is expendable, so she can be played very similarly to Winston in that you can use her to boost in, harass, and cause disarray to give your team room to make plays. She can also use her Defense Matrix to protect herself and other heroes or in conjunction with her boost to get in close and nullify incoming damage for a few seconds. She is mainly a distraction, but at point blank she can kill the lower health heroes relatively quickly.
She can sow chaos, focus down heroes, be really hard to take down, and just divide the opposing team's attention. She is not very effective alone (but can win against certain heroes just based on how much damage she can take compared to what she dishes out at point blank), but as part of a team that complements her abilities, she's great.
Is it worth paying £10 extra for the Origin edition with the skins? Do you only get one of those free digital items?
Feel like D.Va is the only character I don't "get". I don't know how to make her effective.
Is it worth paying £10 extra for the Origin edition with the skins? Do you only get one of those free digital items?
'Cause her default skin is junk so it's only fittingso why do people like junker/scav d.va? Is it the mech cause d.va loses her qt hair in that skin.
Looking to add more GAF PC players. Raxus #1252
Making D.VA cry right nowIf it lands right on top of you, yes. Imagine how useful it would be if anybody could simply walk out of a perfectly placed ult.
Come on now Blizzard, my last 4 crates have all had 3x grey shit in them and a pity blue :/
A friend got the wolf skin for Hanzo and it actually changes the way his Ult looks and sounds. Changes it to white and instead of a Dragon roar you hear wolves howling. Pretty damn cool.
Them blizz touchesA friend got the wolf skin for Hanzo and it actually changes the way his Ult looks and sounds. Changes it to white and instead of a Dragon roar you hear wolves howling. Pretty damn cool.
A friend got the wolf skin for Hanzo and it actually changes the way his Ult looks and sounds. Changes it to white and instead of a Dragon roar you hear wolves howling. Pretty damn cool.
Come on now Blizzard, my last 4 crates have all had 3x grey shit in them and a pity blue :/
D.Va is a character that rewards knowing the map a lot. Which is probably why you don't see many great D.Vas. You need to be abusing your boosters a lot, disrupt backliners and then lose them around corners when your cooldown refreshes. You need to play her more like Winston than Reinhardt, basically. She's not great at just soaking damage for the team. Harass people and corner snipers where they think they're safe. Her ultimate is the king of all disruption abilities and will singlehandedly give your team control over an objective even if most of the enemy team manages to get out.Feel like D.Va is the only character I don't "get". I don't know how to make her effective.
Psh I had one with all gray and some coinreplace last 4 with last 16 for me![]()
Don't think I saw a single Winston in like 4 hours last night. I'm definitely gonna try him next time I play
Don't think I saw a single Winston in like 4 hours last night. I'm definitely gonna try him next time I play
He's really cool, it's just that his damage is so pitiful.
A friend got the wolf skin for Hanzo and it actually changes the way his Ult looks and sounds. Changes it to white and instead of a Dragon roar you hear wolves howling. Pretty damn cool.