Eat some shroomsI am actually dying.
Eat some shroomsI am actually dying.
Faced a team with 3 of them this morning, we got just as rekt as we should have been. We should probably have gotten a couple Reinhardts.First time I was annoyed by losing. So many Soldier 76 in the enemy team ._.
First time I was annoyed by losing. So many Soldier 76 in the enemy team ._.
I'm like really shy. but I like overwatch and can see me play for a long time and over time I get less shy ^^ so add me if you want
I have to say I am pretty lucky playing solo so far! I've had a lot of good groups, some were stinkers, but a majority of them were good! Everyone seemed to understand their role and what to do.
I play with my headset, but I'm kinda shy to speak up and say things for some reason lol
Were the aforementioned graphs regarding some imaginary tournament?
Fucking stupid stunning moves that leave you immobile for like 5 seconds. Bane of my Tracer life.![]() much fucking money is that?
To start, I had 382 loot-boxes to open ( I leveled a bit and then bought them). I am also playing on the Chinese region, so prices are a bit cheaper. 238 RMB for 50 loot-boxes. (238 is about $36).
First time I noticed but PS4 takes a SS of Overwatch torphies. For shame...
First time I noticed but PS4 takes a SS of Overwatch torphies. For shame...
Takes a screenshot of all trophies and has for about a year. Nice feature, even if it usually doesn't work so well
Whichever the cowboy hits you with, can't even rewind out of it.Which. Flash bang? Mei Ult?
Whichever the cowboy hits you with, can't even rewind out of it.
The trap the garbage man throws that you can't escape from.
They're all so annoying, but those two always ruin me.
Oh huh, that might help. Thanks!You can use L2 instead of X to hover. Still have to use X to jump though unless you change that.
ahahahaha oh wow we had a full 5 stack reinhardt in a payload match.
We got to the half way point by just crowding around the objective with our shields up in under 30 seconds.
Then the ults started coming and we were screwed.
Flash bang. Yeah, from what I understand, McCree is thought of as tracers primary counter. Watch out for those. My friend claims he can usually bait and blink before they go off, but my reflexes aren't that quick so I just avoid McCree the best I can.Whichever the cowboy hits you with, can't even rewind out of it.
The trap the garbage man throws that you can't escape from.
They're all so annoying, but those two always ruin me.
Never noticed this on any other game, but such a cool feature!
Hey, at least you 1-uppedNow I'm hallucinating.
Look at what you've done.
adding a battlenet ID would make that easier![]()
Faced a team with 3 of them this morning, we got just as rekt as we should have been. We should probably have gotten a couple Reinhardts.
Whichever the cowboy hits you with, can't even rewind out of it.
The trap the garbage man throws that you can't escape from.
They're all so annoying, but those two always ruin me.
Why do people not contest the point? I don't care if you die. If we're in overtime and the payload is 3 m. from the goal, our chances go way up if you stop the damn thing. Junkrat players seem to be the worst with this.
Quick question for other Genji "mains" (I know you don't main heroes in Overwatch, I play 'em all, etc., but): you're 1v1ing a McCree. You get your deflect up in time and he gets stunned.
His stun doesn't last longer than your deflect takes to end (and you can't cancel it), so you can't hit him with stars; you can dash through him, but it doesn't do much damage and puts your back to him. I always feel great getting the stun on him but you can't cancel deflect, so you're stuck. Just run away? Melee?
I wish people not playing the objective would go back to their TDM games.
Just keep using Genji's speed to circle around him and win through attrition. It's not perfect, but a lot of Genjis get my McCree that way.
Hey, at least you 1-upped![]()
Played against a full team of Winstons on Mumbari, that was... different, lol. Rolled them until one of them switched to Lucio and another to Pharah, right at the end; they actually put up a decent-ish fight after that. Justice still rained from above tho.
scored my first legendary skin from a loot box and it just happens to be for my main
That skin looks great. I think I'd start playing as him if I got it.scored my first legendary skin from a loot box and it just happens to be for my main
I'd also love any PS4 player recs! For PC, I've been really enjoying Stylosa at Great British Gaming. He does really informative commentary on the characters, and if he makes a gameplay error, he doesn't edit it out so you know why something works/doesn't work.
Don't worry about the version of the let's play videos. Just learn the tricks they use. For example, Seagull uses Genji's forward slash move (whatever it's called) to escape enemies and also to get to elevated platforms. Or the rocket jump by Bastion mentioned in the previous page. You can use them on the PS4 too. And the console versions have rather generous aim assist. You won't have any problems![]()
Not sure about the load time tbh. My impressions are based on the beta. My copy got delayed and is arriving tomorrow
You could always play a relatively aiming light hero, like Reinhardt, symmetry, mercy, torbjorn or mei. There are options for those of us who are accuracy impaired!I played a few hours last night and had a blast but I super suck at all champsI think I'm too old for these FPS games these days I really struggle with aiming and reating to getting jumped on.
I'm still having a blast I just hope my team aren't raging at me too much...
As for loot drops though I haven't had much luck at all, I've had 2 blue skins out of 9 boxes and thats about all I've got so far! Where as everyone else in my groups of friends I've been playing with had had 3+ Legendary skins each out of a similar amount of boxes! I'm guessing I'm draining all the bad luck out of the group so they can have the purty skins.