The capture point objective at times almost seem rigged, far too many 99% turnovers to be a coincidence
level 20 box. FML
getting rekt on payload with Bastion on the cart, reinhart with a shield, and 2 healers on bastion. ridiculous. not even crying about it, it was super effective and we couldnt do shit
level 20 box. FML
That triple pharah non ult potg is super satisfyingI have not seen a single Bastion POTG and I have seen two Mercy ones AND a Roadhog,which I have both never seen before.
I also got a couple of POTGs myself while playing Pharah,but her Q is basically "Press Q to POTG" so I wasn'T all that happy about it....
I squeed
Yay, Tracer finally clicked for me.
Especially on conquest maps zapping around and harassing the opponents is so much fun.
Now I have one character I like playing in each of the categories to switch around depending on the rest of the team.
Reinhardt / Winston
Lucio / Mercy
Now that I've found my support niche though I finally notice that people don't like to play support in this game. If I want to play a role that the team needs it seems I'm ALWAYS playing support. That's cool, but I don't want my other characters to get rusty.
That triple pharah non ult potg is super satisfying
We quake now
I enjoy support classes in most games. When I first played I tried Zen and was left unimpressed (That's more on me than on him, though). Yesterday I tried Lucio on recommendation from a dude at work and I just LOVE him. I'm doing so much good for my team, I'm winning votes at the end of matches, I'm making a DIFFERENCE.
Now that I've found my support niche though I finally notice that people don't like to play support in this game. If I want to play a role that the team needs it seems I'm ALWAYS playing support. That's cool, but I don't want my other characters to get rusty.
Got to put like an hour in with my brother this morning. Bliss.
All theI got a POTG yesterday with Pharah where at the start of the round as attack on Dorado I fly out of the spawn and kill so many people so quickly that I got from 0% to full Q inside the POTG timeframe.
I felt more than good.
From level 0 to 14, these are the legendaries I unlocked. Phone pics because I'm having problems taking pics through Xbox One.
All thefreedomjustice from above
getting rekt on payload with Bastion on the cart, reinhart with a shield, and 2 healers on bastion. ridiculous. not even crying about it, it was super effective and we couldnt do shit
I'd take your Mercy damage boost beam up my tight metal ass any time :*
Cute Mei best Mei
Cute Mei best Mei
Mei also has the best voice line.
"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry...sorry". Always fun to spam that when freezing an entire team.
All I seem to get is voice lines which I never use. BE KIND TO ME PLS
The most spammable voice lines in the game for me are:
"Keep Calm and Tracer on!"
and "Play nice, play Pharah!"
You didn't pray to me enough, enjoy your victory poses at best.
Had a blast as Pharah last night.
Also got POTG with Mercy by rezzing two people and then killing a Pharah who was ulting at me. I should've put the 'well played!' spray down afterward for extra humiliation.
Is there a way to share these highlights?
Whelp bought 24 boxes fro 20$ since i wanted legendaries... Only got 2, thx blizz.
Yeah same for me with Widowmaker. I really enjoy playing as her and feel like she's my weakest character and I could use some more experience. But so far I wasn't able to play her very often. Always already taken or not a good pick for the team.finally getting there myself
feels like a diverse list of characters that i really enjoy. shame i never get to play Pharah much:
as our team is always lacking tank/support... can't wait for ranked to drop next month!
The most spammable voice lines in the game for me are:
"Keep Calm and Tracer on!"
and "Play nice, play Pharah!"
Yeah same for me with Widowmaker. I really enjoy playing as her and feel like she's my weakest character and I could use some more experience. But so far I wasn't able to play her very often. Always already taken or not a good pick for the team.
So it's mainly and Mercy for me, with occasionally Tracer.
Take the hint. You need some justice.I actually keep hearing "JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE" in my head again and again. Drives me nuts.
Yeah same for me with Widowmaker. I really enjoy playing as her and feel like she's my weakest character and I could use some more experience. But so far I wasn't able to play her very often. Always already taken or not a good pick for the team.
So it's mainly and Mercy for me, with occasionally Tracer.
That's a pretty standard rate. Legendaries don't drop super fast. Buying loot boxes seems an extremely poor value proposition.
Take the hint. You need some justice.
Tracer needs a clip buff--her shock tactic role is spoiled by the fact she has to reload so often.
That sounds pretty grizzly.
There is the whole aspect of team work, but with randoms, that's not really that possible.
I realized a little bit ago that I've been woefully neglecting D.Va since launch.
I fixed that. If anyone was wondering, D.Va is still the best.
Even a loss where we just get stomped becomes a lot more bearable if people are still being friendly and nice about it.
But must it always rain from above?
gg ez
How else will you get justice?But must it always rain from above?