Mobius and pet octopus
Overwatch: Overhyped, implies there can be too much hype.
I'm buying this regardless, the beta was sensational, but I'm still really interested how this reviews.
Well it begins.
Albeit early?
7 minutes old and I already missed the first page, damn.
Nah, it comes out in 24 hours.
|OT2|High Noon Boogaloo
Yea I'm always interesting in how a game reviews, but I think this is a game where it doesn't even matter. The community is all in.
Remember people, a lot of Blizzard games don't work so well at launch. Prepare yourselves for not being able to log in or getting disconnected. Hopefully the 9.7 million player beta prepared them.
Remember people, a lot of Blizzard games don't work so well at launch. Prepare yourselves for not being able to log in or getting disconnected. Hopefully the 9.7 million player beta prepared them.
Come on Tuesday! Overwatch, I've got you in my sights!