18! Kinda enjoying the streak now. Nothing purple or gold.
I'm convinced that loot box contents only come as 3 grey and 1 blue and that all evidence to the contrary is a cruel and elaborate lie
18! Kinda enjoying the streak now. Nothing purple or gold.
Welcome to my world, I play mercy and there have been times where the enemy straight up ignores the group and guns for me lol.
Welcome to my world, I play mercy and there have been times where the enemy straight up ignores the group and guns for me lol.
Getting a gold medal in kills mean you got the most kills in a match out of your entire team. A silver medal in kills mean you did second best compared to your team, and bronze means third best. Note that multiple people can get gold medals if they have the same number of kills/objective time/damage done etc.
This applies to all the stats you can have in a game except deaths.
On the whole I prefer the color variation skins to the other junk, so I'm okay with it. There are just a few legendaries I want.I'm convinced that loot box contents only come as 3 grey and 1 blue and that all evidence to the contrary is a cruel and elaborate lie![]()
Well that's what I do when I am playing against them as well. Although Mercy can fly away and get behind bigger teammates to save herself, so she has an escape option. Lucio because of how difficult he is to kill and his sound barrier special makes him an even higher priority for the enemy team but he unlike Mercy he can't fly away.Welcome to my world, I play mercy and there have been times where the enemy straight up ignores the group and guns for me lol.
Any recommendations for a software that can record a set amount of time? Shadow play isn't working for me but I like how they have a system where you can record the last few minutes.
Anyone willing to play tonight? PC NA - MattZ2007#1836
Luckily Lucio can actually dodge and outrun people. Good luck doing that with Mercy. My Mercy gets torn to shreds when people actually start gunning for me.
I'm convinced that loot box contents only come as 3 grey and 1 blue and that all evidence to the contrary is a cruel and elaborate lie![]()
I'm tempted to jump into this game after all the hype it's generated, but I'm in a bit of a pickle when deciding which platform to get it on. Debating between PS4 and PC, since I've always played competitive games on consoles in the past and would likely feel more comfortable on PS4 against other pad players, but I've also been learning m/kb by forcing myself to play DOOM with it and so I may be able to slowly get up to speed on the PC version which I hear might have a bigger community/better support down the line? Any advice?
Nerf this!
For some reason this catch phrase is stuck in my head
My loot boxes have been complete shit. Level 13 so far and 2 basic skins. Trying hard not to give in and buy loot boxes.
My loot boxes have been complete shit. Level 13 so far and 2 basic skins. Trying hard not to give in and buy loot boxes.
That's why I make sure to at least play with 1 friend. Going solo would drive me mad. Sorry you're having some rough games.I'm starting to really dislike this game and it isn't Blizzard's fault. I play with randoms as I don't have any MP friends and it is hell. Half the time they have no idea what an objective is and they'll just go off and do team deathmatch, often time wandering aimlessly as they can't find the enemies. I literally just had a game that lasted under 2 minutes because none of my team was around and I couldn't hold either A or B by myself against the entire enemy team.
Sorry for venting, but a good 60% of my matches have been like this. I joined the GAF community on PSN, hope to find some cool peeps through that.
Every loot box, white white blue white. Every loot box.
I'm starting to really dislike this game and it isn't Blizzard's fault. I play with randoms as I don't have any MP friends and it is hell. Half the time they have no idea what an objective is and they'll just go off and do team deathmatch, often time wandering aimlessly as they can't find the enemies. I literally just had a game that lasted under 2 minutes because none of my team was around and I couldn't hold either A or B by myself against the entire enemy team.
Sorry for venting, but a good 60% of my matches have been like this. I joined the GAF community on PSN, hope to find some cool peeps through that.
If you can put up with KB/M controls, I'd go with PC for sure. This is coming from someone who bought it on Xbox One![]()
I just got a pretty cool Symmetra skin (Devi), so I guess that will be who I will try out tonight. I have been trying to play a new hero for at least 1 hour every day, just so I am familiar with the mechanics of everyone. Any tips for Symmetra? I haven't played her yet, but I can see how she would be very strong on defense maps.
Every loot box, white white blue white. Every loot box.
I'm convinced that loot box contents only come as 3 grey and 1 blue and that all evidence to the contrary is a cruel and elaborate lie![]()
That's a good problem to have, you should play all of themI thought i would only play a few characters then i tried them all and now i'm having a hard time deciding who should i play with.
They're all so freakin cool.
any tips for playing as reinhardt? i probably need to expand to another tank that's not roadhog
Thanks for the tips. Excited to play her when I get home from work...In 7 hours.Arguably she should ONLY be used on defense maps, like Torbjorn. Im sure someone can and has make them work on offense, but that doesn't mean you should.
Anyway her ult is godlike and I miss it everytime there isnt one (its basically the TF2 teleporter but you just set up the exit). You can stick the sentries to walls and ceilings, dont put them on the floor they are very fragile. Stick them in archways, behind corners, basically where someone wouldn't see them first hand as they walk by.
Her weapon is VERY good. The left click is a close range beam that increases dmg the longer its in people. The alt fire is a orb you can charge, it moves slowly but bypasses shields, nice to throw them out to poke people passing by. And her support skill is a shield, you apply it once per person and forget about it until they die. It basically gives them a rechargeable small shield, youre not actually shielding them all the time as I initially thought. Make sure to shield everyone tho and shield them again when they run back from dying.
Hope that helps.
Cool, thanks. What makes you say that as an Xbox owner though?