I need to remember to rebind the shift skill to Q, kept forgeting to do that in beta
and then ults to...tab I guess. I hate using shift, my pinky game is weak fam ;_;
It's getting pretty bad: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Tracer-lina-610713330
77 dollars on PSN
Bloody EU pricing
Was considering picking this up for the PS4, but I'm afraid the community won't be that big. Decided to go for the PC version. Now hopefully it's already for sale here, or i end up making a trip for nothing.
Does any character really need crouch to be mapped?
I can't find a good use for it, and I'd rather reassign it to a button that doesn't matter.
The servers launch in just over 10 hours. Depending on where you are in the world, yes that may be tomorrow.
worse, it's NSFLI want to click this, but I'm horribly afraid it's very NSFW
For those in the Netherlands, Mediamarkt has a Get Three, Pay for Two deal on their games and movies this week.
So if you have some friends that are also planning to get Overwatch then Mediamarkt will be one of the cheapest places to get the game (Only 33 each for the PC version).
Thought some might want the heads up.
I predict OT2 will be up by mid week.
Even on console>?
nah.. everyone is too busy playing.
Fine. my fault. Just meant to mention my disdain for it.
Someone should make a GAF script that replaces all mentions of the word "waifu" with "favorite" for me.
I predict OT2 will be up by mid week.
I want to click this, but I'm horribly afraid it's very NSFW
Going to end up buying this game twice. Getting it on PS4 today, and then on PC when my build is done. Just waiting on a GTX1080/1070. This might be the only game I need all summer.
And the spreadsheet part is still bs, team-based objective-centric FPS like Overwatch have so many factors deciding the outcome of a match that hard data is of little relevance. If you're super skilled with a low tier character you're still going to wreck faces at any level that isn't the biggest tournaments which is the only place where every last tiny detail matters because it's those players' job to excel at the game.
I want to click this, but I'm horribly afraid it's very NSFW
Ye, I have it on PS4 right now but no doubt I'll get it on PC at some point.
have theynerfedBuffed bastion yet
Awright, my CDKeys key just came in.
I dont even know what button crouch is lol
I need to find a proper dps that suits me for when the need arises. I was using Mei as dps, and even D.Va, but yeah, I need to try one of the proper dpses. Reaper maybe? /shrug none of them appeal to me![]()
It's some sort of fox/dog human version of Tracer? you'll have a nicer day not watching it.
The waifu shit should stay in the fan art thread.
You guys do know that in a multilayer game with 21 characters the thread was always going to be full of people saying which character they like, and are going to use.
Why do you care if they happen to call their favorite character waifu instead of 'favorite character'?
You can store 3 charge of blink. Nothing tells you in the game where you will rewind, you gotta remember where you were and your health level at that time (your HP also rewind to what it was).
The cooldown of blink is 6 seconds.
Pretty much where I'm at. Gonna play the hell out of it on PS4 with friends, get the plat then get it for PC down the line. (maybe amazon sale)
Saying waifu adds an unneeded sexual connotation to the conversation that "favorite character" does not.
and Mei can move around and attack while in the ice block now
Told you guys Cdkeys is alright.
Mine isn't there yet, but I expect EU keys a little later anyway.
Saying waifu adds an unneeded sexual connotation to the conversation that "favorite character" does not.
Does anyone know what the launch patches are like for consoles yet?
Wait wut?
Are we seriously having this debate over a term that's just a harmless playful banter in this thread till the game goes live
Goddamn some of you really are "No Fun Allowed" grouches
Yes? The game needs servers as mentioned.
Nah expect a lot of new people complaining how Bastion is OP.![]()
Must say I am quite impressed by the marketing campaign behind this. I have never seen such promotion for a game (tv ads, youtube ads, theatre events, etc.) at least not here in Spain.