Anyone got tips on what kind of settings should I be using with a 970?
Should I be downscaling at all?
Should I be downscaling at all?
What's the best way to group up with PS4 Gaffers? I started a party in the PS4 community last night and nobody joined. The only other party in the community was full. I tried inviting people from the Google Doc but everyone was either partied up or ignored the invite.
I'll be on around 7:30 EST if anyone wants to party up.
PSN: Afrodium
How should I be using Mercy? I keep dying. I was trying to stick by this one Reinhardt but the guy kept wandering off on his own. Is there a particular character I wanna buff or stay on to make sure they don't die?
Anyone got tips on what kind of settings should I be using with a 970?
Should I be downscaling at all?
So what's with this weekly brawl garbage, is there any point?
Pain they are. A few early shurikens before you run in will help.I must find all the good Bastions who wait until my deflect is done then murder me...
Was using Genji for the first time last night. The most satisfaction I had was deflecting Reapers ult in two different games.
I did it to Bastion but the first time I deflected the Reaper ult I was like...I understand now.
How should I be using Mercy? I keep dying. I was trying to stick by this one Reinhardt but the guy kept wandering off on his own. Is there a particular character I wanna buff or stay on to make sure they don't die?
Haven't seen 1 tbhSo many salty people on GAF today about Overwatch being well received, lol.
Going to bed now, had a great time playing the game on launch day.
You reset to 0 at level 100 and get a special medal.What's the level cap?
All you need to to is get behind a wall or box or like... anything really.Although actually don't because I like getting play of the game
Are you in the group chat?
If not ask to be added in the comm wall.
Anyone got tips on what kind of settings should I be using with a 970?
Should I be downscaling at all?
First full game with Hanzo today went 19-5 and got this.
It's a sign.
stay back ( the mos timportant one imo)
Heal everyone in sight
Damage boost if you see everyone is healed up
Use her shift to run the fuck away from a bad situation
Be prepared to get people focusing on you ( i've had a shitload of genji's, DVA, winstons... rush in the whole group just to kill me lol)
Her gun is actually quite decent, try getting headshots with it if someone is in your face trying to kill you
Also, use her REZ even if it would only rez 1 person. Better than nothing. It builds up super fast anyways!
For those playing on PS4, can you post your analog sensitivity settings? I'm having trouble finding that sweet spot and want to see/try what others are using.
Pain they are. A few early shurikens before you run in will help.
It feels so good.
The best today was when i deflected Mcrees flash bang which stunned him and mercy behind healing him. Tracer comes forward while reflect still up shooting and so i kill tracer and mcree with her own bullets then finish off mercy with a dash.
You reset to 0 at level 100 and get a special medal.
It is damn good looking but when I see the Reinhardt's disgusting arm texture I forget all that beauty for some reason.Have we praised enough how goddamn beautiful this game is? It's like you can feel all the textures.
Do your loot box unlocks reset?
How many here have it on PS4?
The character textures are a little disappointing imo. During close ups they appear really low res. I assume they are heavily compressed due to needing to load them in at high speed when people switch, and accommodating for peoples' different outfit selections too.Have we praised enough how goddamn beautiful this game is? It's like you can feel all the textures.
There's 124 players in the Google Doc (check OP) and last night, I had about 27 people from Gaf playing online. It's enough players for you to group up with 5 other Gaffers without issue.
Do your loot box unlocks reset?
What Google Doc? The one in the op seems to only be for PC players
What Google Doc? The one in the op seems to only be for PC players
There's an in-depth explanation in the OT. You don't lose your loot boxes, but XP resets.
Look closer. There are tabs.![]()
F off Blizzard. Full team revive as Mercy in the last 59 seconds of a defend match to save the game and McCree and his no-skill super gets POTG.
What are the best "bang for your buck" settings to turn down for PC performance?
Yeah, POTG algorithms need work. Ive had clutch ice walls and super freezes that absolutly won the game but it went to some fucking 3 kill bastion or some torbjorn.
Okay Lucio really clicked for me now, and I just loving him. Maybe not as strong in healing and lacks damage buff that Mercy has, but I also like Lucio passive buffs/boosts and that he can actually hold on his own in fights more in ways.