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Overwatch |OT11| Have Mercy


That last match was a crushing escape Overwatch defeat. Aside from that it was fine.

I hate current Hog so much. Takes forever to kill that fatty.

how did yall do as a whole tho

Won some, lost some. Wasn’t great.

Did you ever make it into diamond lik?

Nah, haven’t played much. Tonight was the first time I got back into Comp. But I’ll need to get back to 3 stacks only.


I hate current Hog so much. Takes forever to kill that fatty.

Nah, he's still basically an ult battery as far as I'm concerned. A hog with his team backing him is a threat, sure, but he's become entirely team dependent. If the team is bad, then you feast on pork.


Nah, he's still basically an ult battery as far as I'm concerned. A hog with his team backing him is a threat, sure, but he's become entirely team dependent. If the team is bad, then you feast on pork.

That’s the problem, he becomes an annoyance and ends up sucking up all the damage. Remember, we played against 6 stacks so he was more of a threat with a coordinated team. It was annoying as hell tonight especially when he gets rezzed by their Mercy. I miss the days when I could just crush him with Junk by myself.
That's not the worst place for hog to be, to actually be a tank. Sure you can say you are building ult charge, but if your team is wasting shots on him, they aren't shooting the other threats on the team coming in behind/around him
Fuck it. I turned off ingame voice volume. Will blizzard PLEASE fucking limit voice spam? I've been hearing people spam it during matches all night tonight and it's really annoying.

Blizzard, Jeff, I don't care - stop sucking.
That's not the worst place for hog to be, to actually be a tank. Sure you can say you are building ult charge, but if your team is wasting shots on him, they aren't shooting the other threats on the team coming in behind/around him

All of the shield tanks accomplish this same goal, but without building ult charge.


Fuck it. I turned off ingame voice volume. Will blizzard PLEASE fucking limit voice spam? I've been hearing people spam it during matches all night tonight and it's really annoying.

Blizzard, Jeff, I don't care - stop sucking.
Why are you so angry?
Why are you so angry?
Why are you so angry?
Why are you so angry?
Why are you so angry?
Woo! Jackpot!
All of the shield tanks accomplish this same goal, but without building ult charge.

Oh yea don't get me wrong, I love playing Orisa she kicks ass, but roadhog is pretty fun to me in his current state just being able to get right up in the middle of everything but still sustain point presence while dishing out alright damage


Oh yea don't get me wrong, I love playing Orisa she kicks ass, but roadhog is pretty fun to me in his current state just being able to get right up in the middle of everything but still sustain point presence while dishing out alright damage

As a character, he's...acceptable. People have clearly been able to make some use of him, so he's not objectively worthless.

But I can't play him without missing the hulking predator he used to be. He used to be the only character in the game that actually scared me, with his animalistic laughter as he slaughtered my team(i'm easily scared in videogames, shut up). And I am not going to budge on the idea that he was nerfed not because he was overpowered, but because people just didn't like the hookshot, which I at once can sorta understand (boy, I wish enough people hated soldier like I do to nerf him into the ground) and also think it's an incredibly stupid reason to rework a perfectly functional character.

Old hog was better. New Hog is okay, but Old Hog was way, way better.
As a character, he's...acceptable. People have clearly been able to make some use of him, so he's not objectively worthless.

But I can't play him without missing the hulking predator he used to be. He used to be the only character in the game that actually scared me, with his animalistic laughter as he slaughtered my team(i'm easily scared in videogames, shut up). And I am not going to budge on the idea that he was nerfed not because he was overpowered, but because people just didn't like the hookshot, which I at once can sorta understand (boy, I wish enough people hated soldier like I do to nerf him into the ground) and also think it's an incredibly stupid reason to rework a perfectly functional character.

Old hog was better. New Hog is okay, but Old Hog was way, way better.

I feel ya, I also don't think he was overpowed before either, sure getting hook 1 shotted kinda sucked, but as a wise youtuber once said, "Good Aim, bad positioning".


Got up to 2950, told myself that I should stop and be happy. Well, I didn’t stop and now I’m at 2890. Lost 60 points in two games. Damn!
Just had an Illios where I had Gold Kills, Objective Kills, Damage, and Objective Time as Symmetra. We had 4 Offense characters and 1 Healer.......

If you are gonna be a DPS main, atleast be fucking good at it.
Just played Junkenstein's Revenge for the first time and its pretty fun. I just played 2 games on normal and its pretty easy. First game as hanzo, second as ana. None of us died either time. Now just need to beat it at the other difficulties.
Keep running into Sym one tricks tonight, not sure what the fuck thats about. Keep running into the same guy every other couple matches and he's already dropped like 200 SR tonight, he was higher than me when I had my first game with him, now I'm like 120 above.

Kids like that really are the ones who deserve to be banned or put into some sort of griefers queue.


For those who have moved on to other games, is there another FPS that is taking up your time? Overwatch was my main FPS for months, but now a lot of people I played with have moved on and I'm having a hard time finding a new game to get into.

I've just been playing CSGO and PUBG which are more into my roots personally. I'm still waiting on some people to get into Quake Champions or for Rainbow Six to go on a sale to check out. We ended up making a Warframe channel in the discord because so many people are playing it right now.

Iunno. I wanted to play a game where I just shot things and they died. It's nice playing games where I don't need everything to go right on my team for a chance at just dealing damage. If you wanna play something like Overwatch, you don't really have a lot of good options. There isn't anything else that plays like it really.


For those who have moved on to other games, is there another FPS that is taking up your time? Overwatch was my main FPS for months, but now a lot of people I played with have moved on and I'm having a hard time finding a new game to get into.

In terms of shooters Titanfall 2, Destiny is touch and go for me I don't like the end game stuff other then crucible/pvp and Modern Warfare remastered here and there.

Titanfall is my go to right now to actually enjoy shooting in a shooter which sounds absurd when you say it out loud but it's not when you think about what the FPS and overall shooter genre is nowadays.
Came so close to beating the Expert Junkenstein Endless achievement, you actually gotta beat bonus round 4 instead of just reach it. It's so hard to make back ground once you've slipped up, but it's still doable. Summoner is easily the hardest thing to deal with since she can flat out overtake healing on harder difficulties.

I just finished the achievement on Xbox One. It gets so tense in those bonus rounds.


I decided to just buy the Zenyatta skin. Not sure how much I'll get to play and I love Zen so it was well worth it. Will also get some of the emotes and sprays before the event is over.

I also love the pve aspect of the event. Overall I'm having a lot of fun this event so thumbs up to Blizzard.
Currently watching a rank 4071 throwing because a rank 3971 picked McCree. The best part is the GM has 97 hours this season as McCree, and the lower guy has less than 2.

This community yo.

EDIT: And I lose 35 fucking SR from a game thats ranked 300+ SR higher than me. This fucking game yo


For those who have moved on to other games, is there another FPS that is taking up your time? Overwatch was my main FPS for months, but now a lot of people I played with have moved on and I'm having a hard time finding a new game to get into.

Nope. I'm playing Tekken 7 and Dark Souls 3 for now. There isn't any other FPS that I'm interested in. I'll be back to OW once S7 starts I suppose, I just don't feel the desperate need to play OW daily. Before this event I was only doing the arcade boxes on Tuesdays. It feels good to take a break.



No other tank has this. Roadhog pulls enemies into a world of pain without much risk and exposure. Landing a grab while with your team more than likely means a quick kill.

You need a team to be on the ball though, and most of the time they aren't unless you are playing with friends and actually communicate. Other than that Roadhog isn't much of a threat and just free ult charge. Unless he's by a pit, then he's still good.

I miss my sweet, perfect pig boy who could actually kill things he hooked.


I’m still enjoying OW. I’m still relatively new but the salt is kind of entertaining to be honest!
And hopefully I can get a decent rank next season lmao


I will say that most of the people I know and see who have turned on OW tend to be higher ranked players. The higher up you get, the more miserable the experience becomes for most. It was the opposite early on, but things changed for a lot of reasons.

I honestly don't think it's the worst game ever even with my own personal problems with it. Just the experience of getting into and finding a good game is actually a nightmare.


I will say that most of the people I know and see who have turned on OW tend to be higher ranked players. The higher up you get, the more miserable the experience becomes for most. It was the opposite early on, but things changed for a lot of reasons.

I honestly don't think it's the worst game ever even with my own personal problems with it. Just the experience of getting into and finding a good game is actually a nightmare.

it's still pretty miserable down here in silver


sparkle this bitch
Got my first skin of the event. Zen. I'll take it.

I will say that most of the people I know and see who have turned on OW tend to be higher ranked players. The higher up you get, the more miserable the experience becomes for most. It was the opposite early on, but things changed for a lot of reasons.

I honestly don't think it's the worst game ever even with my own personal problems with it. Just the experience of getting into and finding a good game is actually a nightmare.

I'll say its probably the most poorly constructed game I've played, due to all the different designs and being indecisive on what it wants to be.

It's clearly DOTA lite, but they want to add in enough FPS to give it that feel. But they've shifted so far into using abilities, where current FPS mechanics don't matter as much. A character like Mercy being 100% pick rate and basically plays itself. In comparison to something like Zen, where everything is a fight for survival. Or Ana which requires solid aiming. The current meta has been favoring characters with less reliance on aiming, and more abilities which are either strong defensively or capable of team wipes. It's a really bad combination.

No other tank has this. Roadhog pulls enemies into a world of pain without much risk and exposure. Landing a grab while with your team more than likely means a quick kill.
Oh, definitely. But in terms of tanking ability I don't see him as a superior pick.

I also think that Orisa's RMB is kind of a "mini hook" - I pull people from behind cover all the time to kill them, and when my team is competent I feel like I just landed a hook at mid-range or closer. And it's MUCH safer, plus her actual gun presence and shield are helpful to the team.

Oh yea don't get me wrong, I love playing Orisa she kicks ass, but roadhog is pretty fun to me in his current state just being able to get right up in the middle of everything but still sustain point presence while dishing out alright damage
I'm glad you're having fun. =)


Got my first skin of the event. Zen. I'll take it.

I'll say its probably the most poorly constructed game I've played, due to all the different designs and being indecisive on what it wants to be.

It's clearly DOTA lite, but they want to add in enough FPS to give it that feel. But they've shifted so far into using abilities, where current FPS mechanics don't matter as much. A character like Mercy being 100% pick rate and basically plays itself. In comparison to something like Zen, where everything is a fight for survival. Or Ana which requires solid aiming. The current meta has been favoring characters with less reliance on aiming, and more abilities which are either strong defensively or capable of team wipes. It's a really bad combination.

It's honestly fair to say it's a poorly made game with no clear direction. Remember when this game came out, their pitch was no hero limit and constant hero switching, then they backtracked on that to one hero limit. They didn't know what they wanted to do, the first year was pretty much beta... now we're stuck in this limbo between fps and moba, the game has problems of both and none of the features of each that make them work. In moba you have hero bans and you just draft a strat from the start, everyone has clear vision on the objective, it's far simpler to have teamwork overall. In shooters, individually you can make an impact and have fun without being at mercy of your team every match to have a decent time. I'm not saying winning, just the simple gratification of playing a decent game is hard to find in Overwatch these days.

Nobody switches ever, people just lock into their main for most/all of the match. Because you're punished for switching by ult reset and people have figured out how SR gain works and you benefit by just being on your best character even with 30 percent winrate.


I’m still enjoying OW. I’m still relatively new but the salt is kind of entertaining to be honest!
And hopefully I can get a decent rank next season lmao

I won't say that the salt doesn't get to me as a new player because, you know, I'd like for once to exist in a fandom that isn't constantly bitching (regardless of the individual validity of any one claim) and I obviously missed the honeymoon period, but I'll agree that I'm always enjoying my time with Overwatch. I guess it helps that I'm new; I never experienced the vanilla version of this game so I have no context for the developmental changes. To me, particularly in the context of being a Lucio main, it's always a mad scramble and crazy dust-up for the objective. Regroups and pushes, break-offs to kill that annoying flanker, ultimate abilities popping off everywhere, the rage of a fucking cheap-ass Junkrat- I call it the MvC2 of shooters for a reason. It's a hot, broken yet lovable mess, and it makes me laugh more often than not. The lore and characterization are another layer on the cake, helped a lot by the antics of the actors behind the scenes. I just honestly really love this game and I hope I don't get to the point where I utterly resent it as much as more seasoned veterans here.

To bookend this, here's a Lucio I drew on a napkin at a Nissan dealership. I love this hype-ass frog so fucking much you don't even know:



Every time i pick Zen and there is a Soldier in enemy team it makes me to never pick Zen again...
Soldier can kill him so easy, i can't believe how insane his DMG is.
Every time i pick Zen and there is a Soldier in enemy team it makes me to never pick Zen again...
Soldier can kill him so easy, i can't believe how insane his DMG is.
I think the key to playing Zenyatta is finding positions to pressure from where you are not vulnerable. This is easier on some maps than others. On some levels, with some teams, all I can do is peekaboo with RMB while staying safe.

But the second I get shot at all as Zen, I feel like I made a positioning error. Assuming my team is functional, haha.
I won't say that the salt doesn't get to me as a new player because, you know, I'd like for once to exist in a fandom that isn't constantly bitching (regardless of the individual validity of any one claim) and I obviously missed the honeymoon period, but I'll agree that I'm always enjoying my time with Overwatch. I guess it helps that I'm new; I never experienced the vanilla version of this game so I have no context for the developmental changes. To me, particularly in the context of being a Lucio main, it's always a mad scramble and crazy dust-up for the objective. Regroups and pushes, break-offs to kill that annoying flanker, ultimate abilities popping off everywhere, the rage of a fucking cheap-ass Junkrat- I call it the MvC2 of shooters for a reason. It's a hot, broken yet lovable mess, and it makes me laugh more often than not. The lore and characterization are another layer on the cake, helped a lot by the antics of the actors behind the scenes. I just honestly really love this game and I hope I don't get to the point where I utterly resent it as much as more seasoned veterans here.

To bookend this, here's a Lucio I drew on a napkin at a Nissan dealership. I love this hype-ass frog so fucking much you don't even know:

I enjoy Overwatch whenever I play in a group with other GAFers. That's always my peak enjoyment regardless of whether we win or lose. I tilt a lot less frequently when I'm in a group for whatever reason.

It's the solo queue BS that always drives me up the wall. People who stay out of team chat, making it impossible to strategize. Everybody in team chat comes up with a plan, and person who refuses to talk in team chat goes the other way and dies immediately. That sort of thing every other game. I think also they need to revamp competitive and it's matchmaking because right now it's ridiculously off-balance. I can never put a win streak of more than 3 together, ever, but the game is totally willing to put me on shit teams for 8-10 games in a row. I had an experience yesterday where a kid said he was a Mercy main, but felt like playing Tracer this game, and when someone asked him to play Mercy he said "nope." Which I don't have a problem with, except then I went Mercy and the kid spent the entire time bitching that I wasn't good at support. It's that kind of attitude in the player base that detracts from the experience.

The game itself is still the best and most addictive multiplayer game I've played in years. If Blizzard would get its shit together; make some sort of mandatory tutorial explaining basic things like teamwork, positioning, team fights, etc. - all the things that are required for enjoyable games beyond the usual FPS multiplayer - and iron out the toxicity problems, we'd have a good game.


Keep running into Sym one tricks tonight, not sure what the fuck thats about. Keep running into the same guy every other couple matches and he's already dropped like 200 SR tonight, he was higher than me when I had my first game with him, now I'm like 120 above.

Kids like that really are the ones who deserve to be banned or put into some sort of griefers queue.

Where in your post is a description of a bannable offense? Not seeing how the person was a griefer.


I won't say that the salt doesn't get to me as a new player because, you know, I'd like for once to exist in a fandom that isn't constantly bitching (regardless of the individual validity of any one claim) and I obviously missed the honeymoon period, but I'll agree that I'm always enjoying my time with Overwatch. I guess it helps that I'm new; I never experienced the vanilla version of this game so I have no context for the developmental changes. To me, particularly in the context of being a Lucio main, it's always a mad scramble and crazy dust-up for the objective. Regroups and pushes, break-offs to kill that annoying flanker, ultimate abilities popping off everywhere, the rage of a fucking cheap-ass Junkrat- I call it the MvC2 of shooters for a reason. It's a hot, broken yet lovable mess, and it makes me laugh more often than not. The lore and characterization are another layer on the cake, helped a lot by the antics of the actors behind the scenes. I just honestly really love this game and I hope I don't get to the point where I utterly resent it as much as more seasoned veterans here.

To bookend this, here's a Lucio I drew on a napkin at a Nissan dealership. I love this hype-ass frog so fucking much you don't even know:

Wow, I love your art style. Really cool!
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