Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Hey new weekly brawl is here!
Lol this gonna be weird.
Hey new weekly brawl is here!
The tesla canon does 3 DPR. So theoretically he does 1.5 damage against D.Va. The only question is how and if Blizzard rounds decimals, which I'm not sure that anyone has figure out. Because if they round, he's doing 66% of normal damage (or 33% mitigated). Last time I check on a few fansites like owinfinity, I think they were saying that it's 2 damage.
Someone needs to test fractional damage more, to see if it shows the 1.5 damage as -2 first, then -1 next.
i should do this.. lucio uses all his triggers though.. what did you swap out?
i also need to switch mercys gun to L2
Here's my button layout
Primary Fire = R2
Alt Fire = L2
Jump = L1
Skill 1(Lucio's "Pump it up", Soldier 76's Sprint, Winston's Jump, etc) = L3(thumbstick click) because most of the Skill 1 traits are movement related skills.
Skill 2 = R1
R3(thumbstick click) = ULT
This has worked the best for me. I hope it helps you and others here. Put Melee on the X(or A for Xbox) since that's not used often and when you do need to use it, it's quick enough to put your thumb back on the right thumbstick in a shorter time frame.
Yup, I had to modify my controls heavily on XB1, partially to conform to my Halo muscle memory. I have the Elite Controller though, which helps. I have jump on LB, melee on RB, swap weapons on Y, crouch on bottom right paddle, and ult on the upper right paddle.The very first thing you should do when playing on PS4 is re-map jump to a trigger or bumper button( I used L1), it helps with Genji, Lucio, and Pharah. It also helps in general when you want to mess up someone's aim but keep shooting and moving around. Using X for jump completely kills your movement and sets you up to be killed.
Here's my button layout
Primary Fire = R2
Alt Fire = L2
Jump = L1
Skill 1(Lucio's "Pump it up", Soldier 76's Sprint, Winston's Jump, etc) = L3(thumbstick click) because most of the Skill 1 traits are movement related skills.
Skill 2 = R1
R3(thumbstick click) = ULT
This has worked the best for me. I hope it helps you and others here. Put Melee on the X(or A for Xbox) since that's not used often and when you do need to use it, it's quick enough to put your thumb back on the right thumbstick in a shorter time frame.
I should really test that if I remember later tonightAaah, that makes sense. Yeah, I'd be curious to know. I guess you could just time his ttk for her armor though and see how long it takes to burn through.
Pharaoh doesn't work on the PS4. If I try to get air time by pressing X, I have to give up aiming. WTF?
I'd put melee on R3 and ult on a face button personally. Some of the characters use melee to combo so it isn't bad to have and being able to aim and melee at the same time is important since missing a melee can screw you up.
I feel like matches are faster over with this weekly brawl.
Meaning faster leveling up.
Ugh, lost a lot tonight, had some really bad teams. Didn't play that well myself either.
Strangely, I don't really get mad when I lose in this game.
I feel you. I've lost 7 in a row today.
there should be a thing like destiny where playing the weekly once gets you a bonus of some kind
I know it's ridiculous, but it feels fixed at times.
I won quite a few yesterday to push my win rate up to 55%, then lose a shit load and get stomped this evening and now it's right back at 51
Feels bad man
Hey new weekly brawl is here!
Finally saw a Mercy "Play of the Game". Can't remember the last time I saw that wasn't Bastion, Hanzo, or Torbjorn.
A buddy on my team almost exclusively plays Roadhog and he does the same. He'll get gold medals foe eliminations, even though is usually rack up more. But closer inspection shows he lands a lot more Final Blows, whereas I tend to participate in eliminations (effectively assists)
Finally saw a Mercy "Play of the Game". Can't remember the last time I saw that wasn't Bastion, Hanzo, or Torbjorn.
Finally saw a Mercy "Play of the Game". Can't remember the last time I saw that wasn't Bastion, Hanzo, or Torbjorn.
I played Reinhardt today on Gibraltar. Attacking. Got 9 eliminations, (gold medal) as well as another two gold medals by the end of the game. I was shaking my head in disbelief for quite a while.
Oh and potg.
Hey new weekly brawl is here!
Alright. McCree is starting to annoy me now. Guy just racked up 21 kills and 20 were from fan the hammer. :|
Geoff Goodman (Principal Designer) said:I've been watching McCree carefully since we've released. McCree's flashbang plays an important role in being a strong option against very fast/agile teams (tracers/genjis/etc). It is also a nice tool to prevent close range devastating abilities and ultimates such as Reaper's Death Blossom.
That said, its probably a bit too good at dealing damage to higher health targets such as Tanks and barriers. I don't have any concrete changes yet, but I'm going to be testing some things internally to see how he plays.
By saying 'its probably a bit too good at dealing damage to higher health targets' I mean his flash/fan combo, not the flash itself. Fan is more likely to see changes than flash at this point.
How does Hanzo even stand a chance against Genji in that Brawl heh.
I guess I shouldn't take levels too seriously
I look at my team at the start of the match and I see none of us except me have levels even at double digits
the other team are all 20+
I prepare to get destroyed
Instead we roll over them and take objectives in like two minutes bc the other team insisted on playing COD and not contesting
Any confident Pharah users here? Any tips on how to get better with her? Played her quite a bit in the beta, but when the game released I used other heroes more for Team sake early in game. So now I'm pretty rusty with her on top of playing with lvl40+ players.
How does Hanzo even stand a chance against Genji in that Brawl heh.
Whenever my group of friends decide to play with a 6 person party, we got smoked like 75% of the time. I get its trying to match us up with another full party, but we're all different skill levels and just trying to have fun, not play super seriously. Meanwhile we get matched up with people who do want to play like that. We have a much better experience if we split our group in half and play with two separate parties.
I don't really know how to solve this problem, and its probably not a big enough problem for most people to care, but I'm losing enthusiasm for the game because of it. Maybe once competitive mode is out the people we're being matched against will be too busy in that playlist to smash us in quickplay.
Wut??? How could I missed that?It's also bound to L2
Whenever my group of friends decide to play with a 6 person party, we got smoked like 75% of the time. I get its trying to match us up with another full party, but we're all different skill levels and just trying to have fun, not play super seriously. Meanwhile we get matched up with people who do want to play like that. We have a much better experience if we split our group in half and play with two separate parties.
I don't really know how to solve this problem, and its probably not a big enough problem for most people to care, but I'm losing enthusiasm for the game because of it. Maybe once competitive mode is out the people we're being matched against will be too busy in that playlist to smash us in quickplay.
The very first thing you should do when playing on PS4 is re-map jump to a trigger or bumper button( I used L1), it helps with Genji, Lucio, and Pharah. It also helps in general when you want to mess up someone's aim but keep shooting and moving around. Using X for jump completely kills your movement and sets you up to be killed.
Hey new weekly brawl is here!
Making McCree's Fan "overheat" the gun causing a 2-3-4 second cooldown would fix him in my opinion
While Junkrat can easily end a static target such as Bastion either by using your mine to fly yourself up and towards him,
Don't do this. A Bastion with half a brain (insert joke here) will shred an airborne target in no time. You are much better off lobbing LMBs into his area when poking around a corner to force him to move or die.
Do people actually enjoy posting up with Bastion? Like, is that a fun thing to do?
what's the difference between this and playing in solo queue?