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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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I hate Funko Pop figures. Why can't Blizzard license it to more makers. Hopefully something is announced this year.


How do you guys go about learning heroes you haven't played so far?

I'm nearly lvl 50 and have exclusively played Mercy (top 900 according to master overwatch) since the first beta, so every time I switch to another hero to freshen it up a notch I get absolutely wrecked and called out because of my profile lvl vs the level of my play (unless I'm playing with my premade but then I don't want to let them down..).

Play vs AI seems to create a match with other humans and the bots just get steamrolled, so there isn't really any room for learning... >_>
I use the arcade mode to learn new characters, usually to feel for their aim and what I should be doing. Obviously I try not to depend too much on Shift/E since the CD there is reduced by 50%.

Unfortunately the arcade mode for this week is Hanzo/Genji only and IMO that's a terrible way to practice Genji because everyone else is just spamming his shift. I guess it's a great way to learn how to use Hanzo and not to shoot at Genji with his reflect up.
I mean, she has a pistol, but if you are just attacking everyone with a mercy and not healing why not just play offense or Lucio.

Perhaps you misunderstand me. I'm saying that if Mercy gets a POTG, 99% of the time it will be her rezzing a bunch of people. There basically is little variety in the POTG system as it stands. If I see a Pharah, 9/10 its her Ultimate. If I see a Reaper, 9/10 its his Ultimate. If I see a McCree, 9/10 it's his Ultimate. It was novel at first but you can basically call every POTG before it even runs the clip.


Not a big fan of Pharah but I think her legendary skins are by far the coolest looking

I may start using her more purely because of that lol

I just still find it weird that pharah being Egyptian is rocking native American skins. Then again I also thought sym with her Hindu god skins were going to cause more trouble among the Hindu community (like the smite issue with Hindu gods had) but nothing came about from that.
Yeah I'd really like some OW figures but Funko Pop's are just terrible. Hopefully they get something sorted this year. Need a tracer figure that talks, I'm sure that would never get annoying.
How do you guys go about learning heroes you haven't played so far?

I'm nearly lvl 50 and have exclusively played Mercy (top 900 according to master overwatch) since the first beta, so every time I switch to another hero to freshen it up a notch I get absolutely wrecked and called out because of my profile lvl vs the level of my play (unless I'm playing with my premade but then I don't want to let them down..).

Play vs AI seems to create a match with other humans and the bots just get steamrolled, so there isn't really any room for learning... >_>

I'm really new to the game and I'm barely a level 3-4 I think. I jumped in Player vs AI in hopes of learning the ropes and play styles of the heroes. It does really only seem useful to actually learn the controls but not how the heroes play out.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
my glorious level 50 loot box

white, white, blue, white


You know, I'm starting to think that Zarya is the McCree of tanks in that one of her best counters is another Zarya. Zenyatta is good against her and sniping but otherwise I'm stumped.

I really enjoy playing as her but they should probably lower her health to shield ratio as her sustain is ridiculous currently.

Reinhardt doesn't kill Zarya but his shield stops her abilities quite well. I don't even use my ult as long as I know his shield isn't broken, although a Hanzo combo would work great in that situation.

Zenyatta isn't that great against her relative to other tanks since her bubbles cleanse the discord orb. He can just put it back on, but he doesn't just make her life miserable like he does Roadhog and D-Va.

But yes she's not an easily counterable character, especially since people don't understand her at all. I always facepalm when I see an enemy Zarya running around with max charge and people still shooting the shields. I'm thinking I should definitely put more time in as snipers than I have, and enemy Zarya players are one of the reasons. I dealt with one pretty well in my throwaway Hanzo match last night.

Also I've mentioned this before but Reinhardt vs Zarya goes very differently depending on how experienced the Reinhardt is with Zarya. Stuff like expecting her to rush forward with the laser, knowing how long until a reload, getting a good charge off (can't bubble when you're caught).
Has Blizzard commented on using the same character more than once on the same team in competitive? As much as I love this game, it is so boring to watch teams stacking multiple instances of the same character.


Had some fun with McCree yesterday, do you guys think he is as strong on consoles as on pc? I struggled quite a lot pulling off his combo on a gamepad but can easily see how strong he must be with m/kb. Same with Widowmaker I guess.
Has Blizzard commented on using the same character more than once on the same team in competitive? As much as I love this game, it is so boring to watch teams stacking multiple instances of the same character.

Competitive leagues are banning class stacking. Whether or not this will carry over into Blizzard's comp mode, though . . .
stop playing Tor on offense. Or on control point maps. I dont care if it worked a few times because you happened to be playing complete noobs. Its a useless character as soon as you lose the first turret, then what? how do you set it up in a control point map? You dont thats how. Jesus people
One of the few times I actually use this hero is on Nepal. You can thoroughly annoy teams with it if you know the right placements. And I do not mean complete noobs.


Stat update for hitting level 50. I'm back to #3 D.Va on PS4, but #1 and even #2 seem unreachable now...



How do you guys go about learning heroes you haven't played so far?

I'm nearly lvl 50 and have exclusively played Mercy (top 900 according to master overwatch) since the first beta, so every time I switch to another hero to freshen it up a notch I get absolutely wrecked and called out because of my profile lvl vs the level of my play (unless I'm playing with my premade but then I don't want to let them down..).

Play vs AI seems to create a match with other humans and the bots just get steamrolled, so there isn't really any room for learning... >_>

I just pick a char I want to learn and start quickplay. Who cares what random internet people say or think.

Besides, it ain't even ranked play yet!
There is nothing worse than looking at fucking Mei'
Ugly ass fucking face as she freezes you and she has that little grin and she poses with her legs and head shots you


I don't know what it is about Genji, but I can't seem to do any good with him at all. I'm never able to land hits with my shurikens, can never time my deflect right, always miss with the sword dash, and always fuck up the ultimate completely.
Right now there is an arcade thing where it's all Genji and Hanzo. Maybe that would be a good place to practice?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Stat update for hitting level 50. I'm back to #3 D.Va on PS4, but #1 and even #2 seem unreachable now...

you do you I guess, but you are playing the game "wrong" by not branching out to at least a few more heroes for when situations need them


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Stat update for hitting level 50. I'm back to #3 D.Va on PS4, but #1 and even #2 seem unreachable now...

Pls stahp playing D.Va only. There are so many great characters, you should try out more.


When will defensive players figure out that standing a room back from the platform doesn't work. You have to engage at the platform, or it keeps moving. This is not rocket science. If you fall back as soon as you see the platform, you've already lost.
for the first 30 levels, i got shit in my loot boxes

then i bought the 50 loot box pack and got 6

i'm level 42 now and i haven't seen a legendary skin in 12 levels

they got me fam :(


Stat update for hitting level 50. I'm back to #3 D.Va on PS4, but #1 and even #2 seem unreachable now...

You're a madman. An absolute madman. DVa's my most played character and even then I've only got 2 hours on her and have played as everyone else at least once.


When will defensive players figure out that standing a room back from the platform doesn't work. You have to engage at the platform, or it keeps moving. This is not rocket science. If you fall back as soon as you see the platform, you've already lost.
what platform you playing on?


Had some fun with McCree yesterday, do you guys think he is as strong on consoles as on pc? I struggled quite a lot pulling off his combo on a gamepad but can easily see how strong he must be with m/kb. Same with Widowmaker I guess.
I haven't tried it, but I'm playing PC and have never gotten a handle of McCree. I always thought I would like him more on controller.


Neo Member
How do you guys go about learning heroes you haven't played so far?

I'm nearly lvl 50 and have exclusively played Mercy (top 900 according to master overwatch) since the first beta, so every time I switch to another hero to freshen it up a notch I get absolutely wrecked and called out because of my profile lvl vs the level of my play (unless I'm playing with my premade but then I don't want to let them down..).

Play vs AI seems to create a match with other humans and the bots just get steamrolled, so there isn't really any room for learning... >_>

If you make a Custom Game you can populate both teams with AI bots of varying difficulty levels, so you can spend more time trying things out without other players rushing a win


Has everyone more or less tried everyone once? I've played a good chunk but I stick with about 6. There's another 15 or so I either have never played ever or have played one game with.

I need a Saturday to play each character at least once.

Also, mercy heal everyone 200 achievement is tough.


the holder of the trombone
When will defensive players figure out that standing a room back from the platform doesn't work. You have to engage at the platform, or it keeps moving. This is not rocket science. If you fall back as soon as you see the platform, you've already lost.

I'm usually placing my little road of turret death towards the objective.


When will defensive players figure out that standing a room back from the platform doesn't work. You have to engage at the platform, or it keeps moving. This is not rocket science. If you fall back as soon as you see the platform, you've already lost.

I know that feel. At times I find myself alone on payload to move it backwards, as Hanzo or Lucio even lmao. This is all while my tanks etc are all running around after individual attackers


I know that feel. At times I find myself alone on payload to move it backwards, as Hanzo or Lucio even lmao. This is all while my tanks etc are all running around after individual attackers

I just spent an entire game as Junkrat, huddled underneath the nose of the platform, while my two snipers hung out two rooms back not hitting anyone, and our McCree wandered randomly around the backfield. Given that I barely saw any of the others, I'm not sure what they were doing.
I'm usually placing my little road of turret death towards the objective.

Torbjorns/Symmetras are forgiven for not platforming.
I have a theory that Mei players are really terrible people irl. Like the type that hurts animals for fun.

I can get on board with this.

Her primary weapon is so annoying, if you get caught in her spray you basically just have to sit there and watch yourself get frozen while she headshots you. When I first started playing I thought Widowmaker and Hanzo were unfun to play against, but Mei takes unfun to a whole new level.
Really bad pubs last night. No one seems to be able to coordinate responses to stuff like the enemy team switching to mass bastion/torb on their defense. Such an easy counter but no one ever seems to want to switch from their tunnel vision strats. Just spend the last 3 minutes of a game in a standstill dying repeatedly.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
How the hell are people already level 83? they play this game 24/7 or what? lol


Being the best D.Va is like being the fastest wheelchair racer, she's the most crippled hero in the game. She can't function as a tank because the crit box on her mech is too large for her to be a useful damage sponge. Combined with the mech's peashooters that basically turn her into a melee range turret when firing, the only way to effectively play her is as a hit and run assassin, albeit a much weaker one than the heroes actually designed for that role.
How do you guys go about learning heroes you haven't played so far?

I'm nearly lvl 50 and have exclusively played Mercy (top 900 according to master overwatch) since the first beta, so every time I switch to another hero to freshen it up a notch I get absolutely wrecked and called out because of my profile lvl vs the level of my play (unless I'm playing with my premade but then I don't want to let them down..).

Play vs AI seems to create a match with other humans and the bots just get steamrolled, so there isn't really any room for learning... >_>

First, no one should be giving you shit for switching to heroes you don't know if your picks at least make some sense. This is especially true if everyone else is like "NO WAY MAN I MAIN HANZO/REAPER/etc." Someone who at least tries to adapt to the other team's characters deserves some credit, even if they're horrible.

In terms of how you can improve: first, watch some videos. I got pretty good mileage out of these quick character guide videos. They cover the basics of each character's abilities and how best to utilize them. That will at least get you into the headspace of what it's like to play that character, which means you won't be completely useless. After that, honestly I'd say just play the characters you want to play, keeping in mind team composition.

Right now, you're going to lose about half your games no matter what, so if you're in a game where you feel useless as Mercy (other team's targeting you heavily, or everyone's so split up you can't heal more than one or two people effectively, or everyone just sucks ass), go ahead and switch. If you don't want to feel like you're abandoning your team as the only hero, try Lucio; he's an easy one to pick up, especially for someone who's already used to watching everyone for yellow silhouettes. But even if you're taking out the team's only healer, I wouldn't worry about it so much. The only way you're going to learn is by playing other characters; now's as good a time as any, since so many people are in the same boat.

I just still find it weird that pharah being Egyptian is rocking native American skins. Then again I also thought sym with her Hindu god skins were going to cause more trouble among the Hindu community (like the smite issue with Hindu gods had) but nothing came about from that.

I'm actually kind of concerned about this too, even though I love the Thunderbird skin. I've seen some isolated comments here and there about it potentially being cultural appropriation, but for whatever reason people don't seem that concerned. Others brought up the point that other characters also have skins that change their cultural background (i.e. Reaper's mariachi) and none of the legendaries are particularly concerned with maintaining character canon, so maybe it's a matter of being too sensitive. For now, I continue to use the skin because the case doesn't seem so clear-cut to me, but I'd be curious to hear more opinions. I'm not a Native American so on some level I can't know if it's offensive or no big deal.


Had some fun with McCree yesterday, do you guys think he is as strong on consoles as on pc? I struggled quite a lot pulling off his combo on a gamepad but can easily see how strong he must be with m/kb. Same with Widowmaker I guess.

I can imagine McCree and any characters which rely on hitscan weapons are slightly harder on console, which is why some people might think he's "OK" whereas others can tell he's not.
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