Wait wait, this is the first I'm hearing of Zenyatta hate? People think he sucks or something? I agree he can get worked real quick depending on enemy team make-up, but if you counterpick with him he can stomp with his orb of discord.
I think there must be a difference between pc and console Mcree and D.VA. Console Mcree ain't that good without using a mouse for snap shots. And console D.VA is great at mobility kills (and I think movement is easier for most on controllers than mouse. She's a bowling ball with shotguns. And I haven't yet seen a console widow that impressed me. Quite the opposite, I wished they remove her so low skill players didn't even attempt to waste a slot. Seems balanced on consoles except auto turrets, especially when there's four or more.
She's incredibly annoying even if she never kills you. She slows the game down, cheats death with a button press, and frustrates friends and enemies alike. "Sorry, sorry, sorry! I lost this fight, so I'll run behind a wall. I lost this fight, so I'll hide in this ice, heal, and then run away. Oops, I accidentally split my team in half at a critical moment. A-mei-zing!"
As far as I am concerned, the game features 20 heroes and one Mei.
She's incredibly annoying even if she never kills you. She slows the game down, cheats death with a button press, and frustrates friends and enemies alike. "Sorry, sorry, sorry! I lost this fight, so I'll run behind a wall. I lost this fight, so I'll hide in this ice, heal, and then run away. Oops, I accidentally split my team in half at a critical moment. A-mei-zing!"
As far as I am concerned, the game features 20 heroes and one Mei.
Not delayed. Was an error.Damn so competitive mode delayed? Hope they release some more skins or something soon for the meantime!!!
Keep feeding me that drip Blizzard!!!
They made a correction on the ranked mode tweet. It's still planned for June and not July.
Just wait for her to come out of it and kill her. Or call your friend on the mic to come and you both (or more people) kill Mei. Doesn't matter how. I find all this Mei stuff ridiculous.
no way, his knockback is essential, get people off him or points, gives him some defense vs a roadhog chain, and is just fun.
Not delayed. Was an error.
Not delayed. Was an error.
easier said than done when she breaks out and shoots a wall or you're busy fighting other guys in the mix. she's just much harder to kill than most heroes. the only other hero i have issues with is Roadhog cuz he has way too much HP.
easier said than done when she breaks out and shoots a wall or you're busy fighting other guys in the mix. she's just much harder to kill than most heroes. the only other hero i have issues with is Roadhog cuz he has way too much HP.
Okay, comparatively, what can Mercy or Zenyatta do to get people off them or points, or a Roadhog chain or a dangerously close Reaper? Other than rely on teammates, because Lucio can do that too.
Tell that to the Mei players I meet in battle. Either they are very bad or just clueless. Most hide in that form. While she is in frozen mode, the other team has a disadvantage. One person less to help. Easier to win the fight then wait for her to come out and kill her.
Yeah, I think he needs to be toned down a bit; he's got way too much going for him. Probably take away his knockback, much as I like knocking fools into the Nepalese pit of despair.
This is so true. It has become personal between my Reinhardt and Roadhog. How the hell he is still standing AND able to kill me after a flame shot/charge/super and the a few hammer blows, it's fucking beyond me. He's a beast.
Oh Legendary! ...It's just money. Not that I don't want it, but it's still disappointing.
To be fair, most Roadhogs die after u charge him into a wall and bash his face in a couple of times.![]()
Try opening two crates with legendary money back to back. :|
If every game devolves into the Reinhardt, Mercy, Lucio meta I'm going to scream. It's heading that way. If a team pulls out that triple then you have to do the same or get steam rolled. So boring to play against all the time. Please buff some other healers and maybe add another tank? I dunno.
If every game devolves into the Reinhardt, Mercy, Lucio meta I'm going to scream. It's heading that way. If a team pulls out that triple then you have to do the same or get steam rolled. So boring to play against all the time. Please buff some other healers and maybe add another tank? I dunno.
I don't think his offense it he problem. Maybe make his area of effect smaller, or don't let it work through walls.
Mei is probably the most frustrating hero to play against. She has no real weaknesses, good range, good crowd control and can 1 on 1 most hereos at close range with little effort.
You can bait McCrees flashbang making him fairly harmless, and you can bait Roadhogs hook making him easy to take down at range, but you can't really "bait" Mei any way. You just have to catch her alone from behind and hope you have enough health to kill her twice.
I like the penny arcade overwatch strips
im not burnt out because I still want to play, but im trying to feel losses more than I used to. I could just shrug them off before, but now its starting to bum me out. Might need a break soon or something
post that in the other thread were people were already grabbing the pitchforks lol
I found my inner Pharah for one match.
I was DOMINATING, tons of kills, and you know what?
It won't happen again. I dislike Pharah.
It works by line of sight.
Doesn't go through walls.
I guess I've been unlucky on a couple of occasions, or maybe he's had a shield or some shit. As always though, it's all the more sweeter when you do kill him![]()
I lost a public game last night where i chose Symetra and a level 15 player then chose her as well forcing me to pick a tank. That player barely set up any defenses and cost us the game by placing a portal in our spawn area. Wtf???
Snipers bro
Snipers, Junkrat, Farah
Reinhardt/Tank to protect all of the above
Snipers or anybody with a reliable long ranged attack.
I've had fucking Genjis take out my turrets from a distance.
Why don't you play as a healer though? Unless you already do.
If I did that then we wouldn't have a tank.so, become a healer.
Can I party up with 2 or 3 of my friends in a squad? is there a way to easily track where they are? Ie. a marker on the radar or something similar?
Not every hero has to have the same or lack the same things as every other hero.
I found my inner Pharah for one match.
I was DOMINATING, tons of kills, and you know what?
It won't happen again. I dislike Pharah.
Probably too early I guess for more action figures, BUT some Funko pop figures are coming..
Mei is probably the most frustrating hero to play against. She has no real weaknesses, good range, good crowd control and can 1 on 1 most hereos at close range with little effort.
You can bait McCrees flashbang making him fairly harmless, and you can bait Roadhogs hook making him easy to take down at range, but you can't really "bait" Mei any way. You just have to catch her alone from behind and hope you have enough health to kill her twice.