Bear Force One
Eh, fuck 'em. Play the game to have fun man. If you want to try other characters go for it.
Exactly. It's quick play. Do what you think is fun.
Eh, fuck 'em. Play the game to have fun man. If you want to try other characters go for it.
Not that I'm amazing or anything at the game, but Hanzo pisses me off more than any other character with his spam arrows and their hitboxes.
I can appreciate the McCree frustration and understand Widowmaker's issues conceptually (haven't run into a dominant Widowmaker), but man the tree trunks Hanzo fires frustrate the hell out of me.
Everyone is tracked, but you can peek turrets pretty well with Pharah/Hanzo. Again, it depends on placement. If they're set up in the shed by the point, for instance, Pharah or Junkrat are probably your best bet to clear them out with splash damage. Both can use the side path.
If you wanna get better with maps, load up an AI game until you get the feel for all of them.
Unit Lost is great.
how? the objective is literally a big circle on your screen provided you are looking in its general direction. go towards it. on some maps there are even blue/red lines on the floor leading all the way up to the objective
Not that I'm amazing or anything at the game, but Hanzo pisses me off more than any other character with his spam arrows and their hitboxes.
I can appreciate the McCree frustration and understand Widowmaker's issues conceptually (haven't run into a dominant Widowmaker), but man the tree trunks Hanzo fires frustrate the hell out of me.
Is Over watch cross play with PC X PSN or Live? How is the community on PC? I got burned out playing COD on pc finding no one to play most gaming modes but team multyplayer
Is Over watch cross play with PC X PSN or Live? How is the community on PC? I got burned out playing COD on pc finding no one to play most gaming modes but team multyplayer
Is Over watch cross play with PC X PSN or Live? How is the community on PC? I got burned out playing COD on pc finding no one to play most gaming modes but team multyplayer
No crossplay. This game will continue to thrive on PC since it's blizzard.
Not cross play but the PC community for Blizz games is always huge and lasts for a long time.
OW seems to be the same at least once they fix and tweaks some stuff + Ranked modes and such.
No cross play. Finding games is not a problem on PC. I've only run into a handful of toxic players so far. Playing with GAF helps mitigate exposure to that.
I seriously can't wait for whatever nerf McCree gets hit with. So tired of that hero being in every game.
75%... with Symmetra.
Win-Lose are dangerously close though, 79:72 right now. Brutal day.
Again, depends on placement, but Tracer can rush a turret, blaze away, and then tap E when she hears her low-HP gasp.Oh I meant Tracer, bc of her squishiness. I see
I bet they just increase his reload time when fan the hammer is involved. It seems like they want him to not be able to take out tanks and that's probably the main contributer.
87/74 for a 54% win rate total, and 76.9% with Symmetra over 13 games.
I wonder if the high Symmetra win rates are just due to people only picking her when they're pretty sure she can contribute, whereas many of the other defense characters get picked all the time. Wonder how the Torbjorn numbers look, for example.
I bet they just increase his reload time when fan the hammer is involved. It seems like they want him to not be able to take out tanks and that's probably the main contributer.
The worst thing in this game is when somebody cries all match about needing a healer (win or lose) and won't change themselves because they are too leet at DPS or something.
How do hero win rates even get calculated?
As in, what happens if you switch in the middle of a game? Gets attributed to all heros you played? Or the one you played the most/last?
Saints Row ‏@SaintsRow 8m8 minutes ago
The truth comes out. #deepcover
The worst thing in this game is when somebody cries all match about needing a healer (win or lose) and won't change themselves because they are too leet at DPS or something.
This is almost why i wish we could see the medal positions live, if the hanzo has lowest damage then he shouldn't be hanzo.
Yeah, it's worse than I thought lol
But ofc. the solution is to just git gud and become pro :]
Symmetra on most defence rounds will boost your win rate it's science. I think that Route 66 is pretty bad for her though.
I'm expecting a Fan The Hammer cooldown. As of right now there's literally zero reason not to spam that in almost every situation. I also don't understand why he has damage on the Flashbang, it isn't as if he's lacking burst.
Exactly. It's quick play. Do what you think is fun.
Eh, fuck 'em. Play the game to have fun man. If you want to try other characters go for it.
I seriously can't wait for whatever nerf McCree gets hit with. So tired of that hero being in every game.
Good question! To be honest, I'm not sure. There are a few heroes on my MasterOverwatch profile that I've never played a full round with, and others that don't show up, so I'm guessing there's a threshold based on percentage of the round played? I haven't actually counted up the total number of wins/losses across all my heroes so I don't know if some games get double-counted (i.e. assigned to multiple heroes).
People in the enemy team seem to have a wallhack for my teleporters.
Every time theres a tracer or whatever on it after I placed it...
Just checked, the total wins/losses for the characters seem to add up the the number of games on master overwatch, so they aren't double-counted.
And I only have one loss on tracer and I know that I've selected her more than that when I'm about to lose in overtime just to get to the objective quickly.
lol thought that said Genji
I have too much Overwatch in my brain![]()
I probably would have bought this on PC but don't like using mouse & keyboard to play games anymore and would be at a huge disadvantage with a controller.
I bet they just increase his reload time when fan the hammer is involved. It seems like they want him to not be able to take out tanks and that's probably the main contributer.
Well yes of course.
Git Pr0 or uninstall.
The correction is so stupid omg