That's nothing. Try having Symmetra that puts a teleporter just next to a cliff.
Is it bad that I laughed at this?
That's nothing. Try having Symmetra that puts a teleporter just next to a cliff.
Junkbag is too much fun
OH MY LORD.Oh my bad haha I misread, I thought you meant other side of the map.
Any of you console players been able to wallride with Lucio effectively? I was thinking of remapping Jump to L2 the only problem is man I have to fight my instincts to press "X" everytime to jump. Playing so much of this game its been seared in my mind that that is the jump key.
Although having Jump on L2 seems to be the only way you could look and hold jump at the same time. =\
Can anyone post a shot of what S76's gun looks like with the night ops/commando skins? It's not shown in the hero gallery.
Still waiting on this Zarya skin and Victory Pose.
They could do that too. That would be evil. Here's to hoping no one does that to me soon or I'm going to flip.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Ganji's reflect ability.
There you go.
Not even considering the joke, this would honestly be better than any of her legendary skins currently...
Zarya's my most played and I don't even want any of her skins besides maybe some of the palette swaps.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Ganji's reflect ability.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Ganji's reflect ability.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Ganji's reflect ability.
I'm sure Mei's ice walls have a lot of utility, and it's cool when people close alleyways off when escorting the payload. But she's gotta be my least favorite character. Haven't actually played as her yet, but it's not fun to get frozen and even ice walls on my own team are annoying sometimes.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Ganji's reflect ability.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Ganji's reflect ability.
That's kind of awesome. I'm a fan. Thanks a lot.
That's nothing. Try having Symmetra that puts a teleporter just next to a cliff.
A tie between A) Murdering a Mei and B) Killing a really good, pesky TracerWhat is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Ganji's reflect ability.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Genji's reflect ability.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Genji's reflect ability.
Some of you are not mentally sound lol
Nice, finally got it
God damn I love Symmetra
Everyones top 5 chars GO!!!
(in no particular order)
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Genji's reflect ability.
Some of you are not mentally sound lol
I'm not sure voice lines translate well to screen shots.![]()
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Genji's reflect ability.
Not even considering the joke, this would honestly be better than any of her legendary skins currently...
Zarya's my most played and I don't even want any of her skins besides maybe some of the palette swaps.
Jokes aside... I am in the same boat.
Zarya is my most played by hours, but I don't care to get any of her skins because they are atrocious... It sucks :-\ hopefully they add some more soon.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Genji's reflect ability.
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Genji's reflect ability.
I'm not sure voice lines translate well to screen shots.![]()
What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Genji's reflect ability.
The voice lines are like only 25 blizzard dubloons though.
Best kind of teammate, worst kind of enemy.Destroying Genji as Bastion and being an annoying Tracer that survives being behind enemy lines.
Sticking a bomb in the middle of a group as Tracer and then rewinding the hell outta there.What is the single most satisfying thing to do in this game for you?
For me it's killing bastion using Genji's reflect ability.
So unlucky today with teammates, three Widowmakers in Route 66 on attack. FFS.
Hey, her snow gear skin is pretty dope. But that goth skin can burn in acid