Got a 16 kill streak as Sym defending on Anubis. The other team was composed of 6 Lucios for some reason. Switched to Winston for point B since they started to play normally, super intense back and forths until the very end.
Just had a game where a Pharah launched up to do her and ult and I followed her with D.Va...
Poor poor Pharah death by suicide.
She doesn't have Tracers mobility or sustain though. Just her damage.
how is this possible?
Wait, so they're 122 and 117? That's nuts, they must just leave the machine running all is that star? don't tell me they already got to level 100 and start all over again now.
How are they so fast, how is this possible?
wtf is that star? don't tell me they already got to level 100 and start all over again now.
How are they so fast, how is this possible?
I did say it but no one listened to me! I really hate those games where people just roam around aimlessly like that. Though I know you're joking(at least hopefully)
He can still stun, fail the stun, and then just hammer anyway and with a little luck, will probably still instantly kill you at close-mid range, even with a cooldown, it's the accessibiity of the stun combo that feels like crappy design. The cooldown would make failing it more punishing, but you have to be pretty bad to mess up the stun often to begin with.
Also, if you don't fight McCree in his range as reaper, how do you fight him? You can't. He just kills you. Genji has a chance at mid, but McCree's usually back up a solid team with one or two supports. Whittling away at them with shuriukens doesn't kill when they have supports.
Anyone else playing in short bursts? I just gotta do something else after a certain point in OW.
What's D.Vas role in this game? She can't take damage and her guns are worthless.
Pharah's are the bane of my Junkrat. I'll be pleasantly minding my own business, throwing traps in front of Tracers and keeping people penned up in a kill zone, and suddenly rockets! And it's tricky to hit her that high up with a parabolic arc.You know that goddamn junkrat or widow or torb turret up there? I don't need to find the long way round. I just get there.
That's kinda how I play her?
Works fairly well too when your team actually tries to go for objectives. Steam rolled more than a few teams that just fights on the frontlines leaving the obj undefended with only a torb which isn't a problem for
Yeah what people don't seem to really understand is that defense matrix is the part of her that can actually tank, her mech HP is just a timer you have to escape / harass after using DM to block shots for your team.
Pharah's are the bane of my Junkrat. I'll be pleasantly minding my own business, throwing traps in front of Tracers and keeping people penned up in a kill zone, and suddenly rockets! And it's tricky to hit her that high up with a parabolic arc.
I can go for hours with friends. Alone, I'll do 2-3 matches.
She doesn't have Tracers mobility or sustain though. Just her damage.
Yep! lol
As a Pharah player though (along with some others), fuck Winston.
Winston's not so bad. If you're high in the sky, he has to jump at you to hurt you. If you've got your concussion rocket in your pocket, you can mess him up.
Saw way more Winston players tonight, seems people know how to play him more in higher levels? Also seeing more Zaryas.
I gonna guess Bastion is gonna get a nerf soon.
Everytime I use that mini rocket he jumps right on my face. And god forbid if I shoot him when he's next to me because SPLASH DAMAGE! lololol
I'm usually jetting out of there no problem, but there's the small occasion that a widowmaker is perched somewhere waiting to play duck hunt with me. :lol
And fuck Hanzo too with his arrows having the hitbox the size of a fucking car. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Heroes never is that star? don't tell me they already got to level 100 and start all over again now.
How are they so fast, how is this possible?
lol why? hes rarely useful.
Dear people, we do not need three snipers to capture a point.
I gonna guess Bastion is gonna get a nerf soon.
2 Bastions, my team got constantly lit up like James Caan in Godfather, I used Genji but cooldown wasn't quick enough and no one bothered to shoot at the bastard.
He's in every game and will find a way to ruin a streak.
Bastion is legitimately the character I see least picked at this point.
2 Bastions, my team got constantly lit up like James Caan in Godfather, I used Genji but cooldown wasn't quick enough and no one bothered to shoot at the bastard.
He's in every game and will find a way to ruin a streak.
Yeah so use Hanzo or widow.I think everyone else feels okay. It's all about range.
2 Bastions, my team got constantly lit up like James Caan in Godfather, I used Genji but cooldown wasn't quick enough and no one bothered to shoot at the bastard.
He's in every game and will find a way to ruin a streak.
none of that says he needs a nerf. it says your group isn't playing well/have the right comp to beat them
Just had a game where a Pharah launched up to do her and ult and I followed her with D.Va...
Poor poor Pharah death by suicide.
The only defensive character in 'need' of a nerf is Torb and his ridiculously accurate aimbot turret.
And not even a big nerf, just enough to stop low-skilled players from over-performing on low-level pubs.