Reading all of these widowmaker complaints seems so foreign to me, she really can't aim worth shit on PS4 and Hanzo is the one shooting the logs that burn my hate /shrug
31 hours in and only 800 coins. This is just getting silly
The white one looks fresherI have a serious dilemma. Do I buy the black Mariachi Reaper skin or the white one? Whichever I choose I know I'm going to immediately regret it
I've spent 320 bucks so far.![]()
How the fuck does 6 active teleports even work? You have 6 portals at spawn and you have to guess where each one of them goes?
The fuck is this, a Megaman boss rush stage?
I've spent 320 bucks so far.![]()
Reading all of these widowmaker complaints seems so foreign to me, she really can't aim worth shit on PS4 and Hanzo is the one shooting the logs that burn my hate /shrug
To those who paid full price on consoles, how do you feel about it?
Two kills at 100% by throwing them off the cliff on Roadhog, but no POTG because a Torb's turret killed a Pharaoh during her Ult(shutdown or w/e).
Triple kills with Junkrat's ult at the objective, but no POTG again a single kill by McCree's high noon on a DPS.
You get a box every ten games, that's fine
Worth it for the soldier skin as silly as that soundsTo those who paid full price on consoles, how do you feel about it?
I had a match where our Mei kept putting a wall between me and my team (I was Lucio)... We came close to winning, but sadly my special wasn't enough to keep everyone alive and I don't think my heals got through the wall.just had a mei in my team that kept putting walls infront of our ultimates :/ lost because of that fuck
To those who paid full price on consoles, how do you feel about it?
It would be fine if it netted better average loot.
Do you have everything already?
May I ask if it was worth it?
I dunno, I'm pretty good with her. Altho her true power is taking out Bastion and Tor's turrets.
Nah got what I wanted though.
Was it worth 300 bucks? Probably not but in the end I got the skins I wanted in less than a day so w/e for me.
I rather they just let you buy what skins/etc you wanted but hey opening loot boxes is pretty addicting.
Thanks. I will try that tonight. Have you switch the controlls for any other character like this?
I came into the game expecting to play it for a long long time so the aquire rate of gold and item rarity hasn't bugged me. It's all cosmetic so it's just nice fun or cool fluff. I don't even expect to get skins I want from chest saving up for them with gold almost got enough to buy a legendary for mei, them gonna get one for pharaIt would be fine if it netted better average loot.
Did you change the aim sensitivity at all on ps4 I still can't lock in a reliable setting for in and out of zoom =/
My teammates went all Soldier 76 for teh lulz. You can imagine how well that went
I think there should be completion skins, or Mastery skins, or whatever you want to call them. Rewarded for either performance + playtime or just playtime. The achievement sprays are cool, but I want a skin that says "back the fuck up, I know what I'm doing."
At least with Zarya's shield mechanics, if something does enough damage to break the shield, the shield will absorb all the damage.
Basically if the shield has 10 health left, and the attack does 20, the shield will negate 100% of that damage, not 50%.
Halloween skins please. I wan-- no, I demand Witch Mercy.
I seriously hope a new round of skins comes out relatively frequently. Plus holiday skins only attainable during the holiday.
I think there should be completion skins, or Mastery skins, or whatever you want to call them. Rewarded for either performance + playtime or just playtime. The achievement sprays are cool, but I want a skin that says "back the fuck up, I know what I'm doing."
What skins/items were you gunning for?
Mercy's Valkyrie: Got it.
Genji's Cabron Fibre: Got it.
Pharah's Gundam: Got it.
Symmetra's Devi: Got it.
These were what I wanted basically from the start.
I had more than enough credits to buy nearly every single intro/voice/cheap recolor.
You would be surprised. I got potg twice in a row this morning on ps4 as her.Reading all of these widowmaker complaints seems so foreign to me, she really can't aim worth shit on PS4 and Hanzo is the one shooting the logs that burn my hate /shrug
Genji's Cabron Fibre: Got it.
Mercy's Valkyrie: Got it.
Genji's Cabron Fibre: Got it.
Pharah's Gundam: Got it.
Symmetra's Devi: Got it.
These were what I wanted basically from the start.
I had more than enough credits to buy nearly every single intro/voice/cheap recolor.
.....I just flailed everywhere with S76's ult and got just one kill at gave me POTG... I literally flailed everywhere to acquire one target..i wish POTG didn't rely so much on ult. some of my highlight vids are pretty awesome too
Nope, I use defaults for everyone. I may consider tweaking at some point but so far it hasn't been too bad.
I have a theory that when people say X is OP, it's because the complainer's main is Y and X is strong against Y.
Decently? Soldier 76 6 stack is probably the best 6 stack.
You would be surprised. I got potg twice in a row this morning on ps4 as her.
Played at lunch the other day and our Attack team had three Widowmakers at the start. I played Reinhardt and set up at main door with the shield to cover our entry...and nobody shot through the shield. I tried a couple times and everyone wanted to snipe from up top and die a ton to Pharah.
Eventually I changed to Tracer and boosted past the kill zone, captured the point by myself while the defence was obliterating my "team" over and over.
Randoms make me not want to play at all anymore. Every time I die and I watch someone's cam and see them sitting a foot back of the cap spot boundary, letting enemies take it while trying to get kills...I just die a little inside.