Unconfirmed Member
Playing Winston is really fun.

Doesn't beat this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8F4-AAQjok
She's great, but hard.Zarya is officially my new favorite hero, once you get her energy real high, then suck everyone in with your ult, you just melt everyone, so much fun.
Halloween skins please. I wan-- no, I demand Witch Mercy.
Exactly my experience. But like I said, I could understand if its low level people playing like that, but not after playing the game for 10 hours.
Same with attack maps and having 2-3 snipers...
Fuck Junkrat in every way forever
considering it doesn't matter in the slightest, who caress?
Gibraltar is such a god like map, like it plays like a sequence of set pieces.
What? I thought there was a way to remove exactly that? Or does it no work?Seriously, is there no way to remove the Match chat entirely? Like why can't I do that? Do I really need to read "EZ" after every single match?
Oh no. This is post 30 tier of players. I had more fun last week pre-20.
Especially when they steal PotG with zero effort whatsoever.
Just enforces the lack of teamwork at play currently, which is a bad thing.
Hate it when Im playing support and the attackers wont switch out to deal with turrets. By the time I switched to Pharah to take it out myself it was too late.
Yo, I can get on board with this.
someone photoshop widow's face here and there, it's done
Yo, I can get on board with this.
someone photoshop widow's face here and there, it's done
dunno who that is but I love that design. But OverwatchGaf would hate it, its too gothy for them :3
Yo, I can get on board with this.
someone photoshop widow's face here and there, it's done
There is a sound cue for his tire... and you can shoot it/start moving back based on where the sound of the tire is coming from. Sure if you're out of CDs at the time and using a class with no medium-range gun, you're SOL, but pretty much every class can destroy the tire or zip out of the way so someone else can handle it.
Mei being able to snipe with her spike. I am done with this game.
nopeYo, I can get on board with this.
someone photoshop widow's face here and there, it's done
just had a game where we couldnt deal with a torn/bastion/rein next in a corner in the second point in hanamura. that room is too large man. no amount of sniping or junkrat saved us. oh well
we were a full EU pre too not pugs. just couldnt find a way to break it
Playing Winston is really fun.
Mei being able to snipe with her spike. I am done with this game.
I wear headphones when I play, so I can turn to hear where it's coming from the loudest, and especially with Reinhardt, "E" that tire. Wait til it's heading straight for you and just E it out of existence. I sniped 4 tires in 1 game with ReinhardtI can hear the tire no matter where I am (it may have a sound falloff but it doesn't feel like it). It's on a 10 second timer and stopping to 360-no-scope around to see where it's coming from is already ridiculous. That it usually autoqualifies for PotG makes it worse. I also do not like how it can go through Reinhardts shield (or seems to be able to) and that it isn't affected by Lucio's knockback.
This goddamn map on attack... We could have done it though, but you have to be really focused to pull off a win against this combo
If there are map statistics this is probably the one map I've lost the most on
you know you want it!Why are you doing this?
This goddamn map on attack... We could have done it though, but you have to be really focused to pull off a win against this combo
If there are map statistics this is probably the one map I've lost the most on
I'm starting to get the hang of Zarya. Such a great tank with the one of the best ults in game, but she's highly dependent on having good follow up. I like her best on KOTH maps, so good
I just realised also that I was playing D.Va... far fom my best character, let alone tank >_>
I think the game just looked "easy" and then halfway we ran into that nest and couldnt deal with it and didnt adapt
The key to taking this map is literally to aggro it immediately after taking point A. If you give them time to setup defenses, it's doable, but it's going to be a pain in the ass.
Yeah, it's stupid how open objective B is on that map. It's just as hard to get a Tjorben off as well.This goddamn map on attack... We could have done it though, but you have to be really focused to pull off a win against this combo
If there are map statistics this is probably the one map I've lost the most on
Yeah. A Winston that causes chaos behind their lines would have probably gotten us the win. That last room is really hard to penetrate though, not a fan of the design
Love doing this to widow and genji, sometimes genjis will call for help and melt me though. Most of the time he's running for his life, must be hilarious from another players POV.
im more and more convinced that sometimes you dont need a healer. and sometimes you dont need a tank. Just like we counter pick dps classes, there are ocasions where you need to stop worrying so much about the "trinity"
like ill have games where I literally feel useless as a healer. People are spread out, or some asshole genji or something is always on my ass insta killing me, I might aswell go dps and help put some pressure since im not actually healing much anyway. same for tanks
just realised that since there are no hero limit in the game, everytime a new one comes out, for a few days every match will be 6 of the new hero vs 6 of the new hero isnt it? ;_;
I enjoy playing with reaper, it can be pretty fun. It's easy to get behind ppl with himI had a couple of ok games with Reaper, I need to learn to be sneaky, im not a sneaky person tho![]()
I got enough gold for a legendary skin, but I can't decide between Junker D.Va, Junkrat Hayseed, Djinnyatta or Ra. Been staring at these unlock screens for 10 minutes now.
Good Tracer players on console are fucking scary to play against, especially as Genji.
I got enough gold for a legendary skin, but I can't decide between Junker D.Va, Junkrat Hayseed, Djinnyatta or Ra. Been staring at these unlock screens for 10 minutes now.
Already got her Imp at like level 5 or so but I hate playing as her. My only 2 legendary drops so far at lvl 37 are Imp and a golden Lucio frog, both for characters I don't like :/Wait for witch Mercy.![]()
Already got her Imp at like level 5 or so but I hate playing as her. My only 2 legendary drops so far at lvl 37 are Imp and a golden Lucio frog, both for characters I don't like :/