Hanzo: For when you not good enough for Widowmaker, but not good enough to play McCree either

Hanzo: For when you not good enough for Widowmaker, but not good enough to play McCree either
It always sad to be on defense, at least on point A and to not have a Symmetra on the team. Her teleport pad is borderline essential.I find Symmetra and Reinhardt to be my favorite characters so far.
They can completely turn around matches in your favor, I love it.
With Symmetra, if you position the teleporter just right defending becomes a breeze... Love that character!
I'd much rather have a Lucio or Mercy on my team, personally. The value of consistent healing beats a quick teleport.It always sad to be on defense, at least on point A and to not have a Symmetra on the team. Her teleport pad is borderline essential.
I find Symmetra and Reinhardt to be my favorite characters so far.
They can completely turn around matches in your favor, I love it.
With Symmetra, if you position the teleporter just right defending becomes a breeze... Love that character!
Hands down the goofiest ult when using the black watch skin.
Yeah, it's routine that I am first or second for elims as Widowmaker. As long as you're working with your team, and everyone knows their role, and you're willing to throw your body on the point to contest (if a last-ditch contest is needed; I'm not gonna throw my life away for no reason)... she's kind of a top-six hero.I like playing Widowmaker, and most of the time get gold/silver in elims and damage.
I also dive on objectives if we're losing.
Come at me GAF.
Hanzo is still worst tier teammate though.
I call it tunnel vision.It's crazy hard to play as Mercy when most of your team don't have your back, yeah that gun is powerful and all, but being a top priority target will send you to spawn camp everytime, Reaper and Tracer are a real nightmare because they are the most commons heroes that'll get rid of you in no time, even if you're aware of their presences,damn them.
Wtf, I killed 4 dudes in a row with Pharah and they give POTG to some shitty Torbjorn who killed two guys.
Wtf, I killed 4 dudes in a row with Pharah and they give POTG to some shitty Torbjorn who killed two guys.
He was probably standing on the point or got a shutdown. That's worth more "points" to the potg algorithm.
I don't think there's anything more infuriating than watching your teammate respawn and run past your teleporter.
I'd much rather have a Lucio or Mercy on my team, personally. The value of consistent healing beats a quick teleport.
What nooblet said basically, not every hero needs to take it.
Symmetra doesn't really replace a healer. It is not a Symmetra or Lúcio/Mercy, but having both in your team, on defense, makes it so much easier (imo).I'd much rather have a Lucio or Mercy on my team, personally. The value of consistent healing beats a quick teleport.
It's crazy hard to play as Mercy when most of your team don't have your back, yeah that gun is powerful and all, but being a top priority target will send you to spawn camp everytime, Reaper and Tracer are a real nightmare because they are the most commons heroes that'll get rid of you in no time, even if you're aware of their presences,damn them.
Probably my best play of the game so far. Team kill combo with Reaper and Mei ults to win the game just as we were about to lose.
Not solely to blame of course, since Blizzard can't control what happens to a game once it starts. But a game they "set up" has one or two decent players sprinkled into a team of very poor players, with the other team being the opposite.
Junkrat being able to instantly deal 120 damage at no risk to himself is not a-okay. He shouldn't be one of the best close range heroes.
There's a reason why Lucio is so popular. A single Reaper or Tracer isn't going to kill him unless they ult. Most survivable healer by far.
I love Zen's damage output from range and the fact that he can keep healing people for 3 seconds after losing sight of them and basically has unlimited range on his heal balls and nothing beats Mercy's resurrection and how quickly it regenerates when healing, but damn I can't survive with him or Mercy to save my life unless the team is solid. I can't count the number of times I've had resurrection waiting to use and being the first one to die unable to use it.
It's crazy hard to play as Mercy when most of your team don't have your back, yeah that gun is powerful and all, but being a top priority target will send you to spawn camp everytime, Reaper and Tracer are a real nightmare because they are the most commons heroes that'll get rid of you in no time, even if you're aware of their presences,damn them.
I hate Reaper's design so so so much, to the point I won't even try him even though his play style looks potentially interesting to me.
Did they ever exist?
It always sad to be on defense, at least on point A and to not have a Symmetra on the team. Her teleport pad is borderline essential.
Add to that the fact that he can pop people away from the front of the payload makes him the best payload pusher IMO.Attacker Lucio getting the payload heal + his passive heal might as well be fucking Wolverine, and that's before he does his amp heal.
Wtf, I killed 4 dudes in a row with Pharah and they give POTG to some shitty Torbjorn who killed two guys.
I like his legendary skins quite a bit, personally. El Blanco being my favorite.
I hate Reaper's design so so so much, to the point I won't even try him even though his play style looks potentially interesting to me.
Why does Junkrat do so much damage? On King of the Hill maps you pretty much need to run away after getting hit by one of hiss bombs unless you're a tank. Shit is crazy.
Why does Junkrat do so much damage? On King of the Hill maps you pretty much need to run away after getting hit by just one unless you're a tank. Shit is crazy.
No he's not. His primary can hurt him.That's always weird to me that Pharah can hurt herself with rockets but Junkrat is immune to his own explosives.
when its either torbjorn or bastion that gets PoTG I usually just alt-tab away. just waste of time and boring to watch
They aren't accurate, but then again he can spam it, my problem with him is he can panic trap you, throw the trap on you when losing a battle to auto trigger it is dumb as hell.
No he's not. His primary can hurt him.
The bear trap working on Zen who is floating in the air is the biggest joke.
That's always weird to me that Pharah can hurt herself with rockets but Junkrat is immune to his own explosives.
A Pharah shouldn't shoot a rocket at point blank, because she can fcking fly.A point-blank shot does about 20 self-damage to Pharah's 40. His mine does 0 self-damage. Character is stupid.
No he's not. His primary can hurt him.
when its either torbjorn or bastion that gets PoTG I usually just alt-tab away. just waste of time and boring to watch