Seagull fan confirmed.This is hilarious
Every time. I had a game like that where the last person picked him when we already had a Widowmaker.This is hilarious
If only these people were in the Pub games I play on my team.Some people are disgustingly good at Widow...
If that's the worst you've seen you need the horror of your own team being made up of 2 Hanzos and one Widowmaker. That's half your goddamn team as Snipers. On Attack for Hanamura.Every time. I had a game like that where the last person picked him when we already had a Widowmaker.
If only these people were in the Pub games I play on my team.
If only these people were in the Pub games I play on my team.
If that's the worst you've seen you need the horror of your own team being made up of 2 Hanzos and one Widowmaker. That's half your goddamn team as Snipers. On Attack.
To be fair, you're only really gonna notice a good widow if they are on the opposite team, making you scared to be out of cover.
I don't believe you. There's literally nothing to stop a Winston from going in and wrecking that Team's day.They are in mine...on the other team.
Shooting me in the eyeball out of nowhere at the worst times.
Oh, no thank you, that sounds absolutely awful. Best wishes to anyone who has experienced this.If that's the worst you've seen you need the horror of your own team being made up of 2 Hanzos and one Widowmaker. That's half your goddamn team as Snipers. On Attack for Hanamura.
That's what Mommy is for. Fill up kiddos.We actually had a great strat on a defense game where we had a mercy hidden away like a health gas station for the group.
Stop running from Mercy, guys.
If she's on your team, she can help you. If she's on the other team, you can kill her.
I have seen the Truth of Zarya.
That bitch is fuckin crazy
still seems weird that Taimou and Surefour got caught aimbotting but are still on top teams and not banned. I guess it needs a proper blizzard ban.
still seems weird that Taimou and Surefour got caught aimbotting but are still on top teams and not banned. I guess it needs a proper blizzard ban.
still seems weird that Taimou and Surefour got caught aimbotting but are still on top teams and not banned. I guess it needs a proper blizzard ban.
Am I super naive to be surprised pro players use cheats?
Am I super naive to be surprised pro players use cheats?
still seems weird that Taimou and Surefour got caught aimbotting but are still on top teams and not banned. I guess it needs a proper blizzard ban.
What do you mean? Whats an improper one?
got caught or were accused of?
Am I super naive to be surprised pro players use cheats?
...hmmm...yep I see nothing wrong here. Keep up the good work Jeeves.My humble stats so far:
I would like to add myself to the spreadsheet for PC players but I'm not sure how to do so without messing the whole thing up. Any help?
My humble stats so far:
I would like to add myself to the spreadsheet for PC players but I'm not sure how to do so without messing the whole thing up. Any help?
From what little I've seen Gods seems like a cool dude, plus he's one of Seagull's teammates from Luminosity.Are there any other legitemately good streamers besides Seagull?
My humble stats so far:
I would like to add myself to the spreadsheet for PC players but I'm not sure how to do so without messing the whole thing up. Any help?
Yeah...but not to the exclusion of other characters. Her play style really clicks with me though.Gonna make a guess that you're a D.Va player
Awesome, we need more good D.Va players in the world. I'm sure she'll be clicking so much more after they buff her too.Yeah...but not to the exclusion of other characters. Her play style really clicks with me though.
Lots of people playing. I rarely wait. But no one talks and there's almost always a lone wolf widow.
Yeah...but not to the exclusion of other characters. Her play style really clicks with me though.
Sitting on 1000c and really want Riverboat McCree but I can't pull the trigger until the nerf is live in case they totally destroy him.
What kind of buff are you expecting?Awesome, we need more good D.Va players in the world. I'm sure she'll be clicking so much more after they buff her too.
Pharah was one of the first characters I gravitated towards, but personally...I just can't make anything happen when I play her. I've pretty much given up on her. Glad that it's a different story for you!Pharah's my main. I do awesome with her and I didn't expect it. Flying around shooting rockets is so much fun.