Is there no GAF group for this game?
Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.
Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.
one of the worst skins in the game imo, I just got it in a box today. Its just so fucking boring and plain. COD indeed
What I have learned with 13hrs of maining Tracer
-Use blink conservatively when traversing the map, you want access to at least 2 blinks anytime you engage into a fight. Overuse of blink for map traversal leads to engagements where escape is not possible.
-Be selective about engagements. Not all situations are winnable, don't engage in fights that you are obviously at a disadvantage, use your tools to setup preferable engagements.
-Take pot shots, especially on tank characters. Tracer can really abuse the large hitboxes of tanks to load up on ult meter. See a Road Hog? Unload a full clip into his back and blink out. You will gain tons of ult meter just taking advantage of easy damage against tanks.
-Always be looking to flank.
-Learn the maps. This is obvious for any character but Tracer especially. Tracer has low health and you can't always rewind the damage away. You need to know effective withdrawal paths and health pack location when you decide to blink and bail on an engagement.
-Don't be afraid to run, ever. Tracer has very low health and dying is a momentum killer that hurts the teams defensive or offensive stand/push. Tracer can escape like no one else, abuse that. Often times people will almost instantly give up on pursuit because of how ridiculous chasing Tracer is. Sometimes opening opportunities to surprise reengage and nab a kill.
There are obviously a ton of other things to keep in mind, but I think these are the less immediately obvious lessons I've learned that have improved my play the most.
Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.
Anyone with buyers regret in regards to a skin? I just puchased this skin and though it looks cool and I prefer the gun model I'm not sure I should have bought it over the Jet recolor which is only 75 gold. I look at all the other skins I absolutely want for other characters and I'm kinda kicking myself over it.
I started extracting and converting textures from the game. Made avatars from some of the sprays, help yourself
its lame that a legendary skin duplicate is worth 200 coin
meanwhile a legendary coin drop is worth 500 coins. Why blizzard?
one of the worst skins in the game imo, I just got it in a box today. Its just so fucking boring and plain. COD indeed
sorry not trying to be a dick, but it takes so long to get a skin, kinda strange you would go with that one. To each its own I guess
Found some of the chibis
So people using Master Overwatch website for ranking info, the ranking you're looking at is Rank by hero score right? cz if so
My Torbjorn is 179
My Bastion is 200
its lame that a legendary skin duplicate is worth 200 coin
meanwhile a legendary coin drop is worth 500 coins. Why blizzard?
All the skins for Mei stink
Its impossible to not play Lucio every round.
The benefit of being able to team fight constantly while eroding the other team in a battle of attrition......that's literally the best ability in the game.
The real MVP.
I have a 46.2 Win Percentage.
This is sad.
So frustrating when you get on a team that would rather look for kills instead of working as a team.
holy shit.
46% here, most of which was solo queue. So if it's any consolation, you're not the worst. I also never drop after the first loss or if I am losing which I suspect might skew the w/l ratios a bit.
How it feels to play Reinhardt.
This is spot on.
Hate to ask this again, but how can we effectively use Winston on attack? I'm aware that he's a disruptor. Thanks
So are people still looking for skins only? I'd rather get victory poses and emotes honestly.
Its impossible to not play Lucio every round.
The benefit of being able to team fight constantly while eroding the other team in a battle of attrition......that's literally the best ability in the game.
The real MVP.
As someone who's died healing a McCree from this very interaction I can tell you that flashbang can both be deflected and the stun will land back on people.