Why do people insist on ignoring turrets sometimes?
Fuck sake.
Okay, I might get the D.va laughing emote too.
I feel that it's about time they revamp the social wheel in Overwatch. One emote you can equip is nonsense. There's not reason why we should be forced to choose between having an action emote, a laughing emote, or a sitting emote, since they're useful for different situations. It's time to have an emote wheel Blizzard!
I feel that it's about time they revamp the social wheel in Overwatch. One emote you can equip is nonsense. There's not reason why we should be forced to choose between having an action emote, a laughing emote, or a sitting emote, since they're useful for different situations. It's time to have an emote wheel Blizzard!
I feel that it's about time they revamp the social wheel in Overwatch. One emote you can equip is nonsense. There's not reason why we should be forced to choose between having an action emote, a laughing emote, or a sitting emote, since they're useful for different situations. It's time to have an emote wheel Blizzard!
I think the social wheel is getting a revamp at some point soon seeing as there's been new commands and reactions datamined like Mercy saying "Sorry!".
Argh I dunno man. There was a turret on Volskaya B that stopped any approach and no one seemed to be trying to nail it.
As soon as I got near to doing so, Molten Core was of course activated :lol
In this case, I would temporarily switch to something to take care of the turret (and it's owner)
See what you've done, Blizzard? see that?
Definitely better than 3 people spamming "gg ez" in a row though!
The obvious solution is to filter the word "mom".
What system are you on?
FUCK! My internet gave out on me and I got dissconnected, now it count against my placement. FUCK FUCK FUCK.
Competitive is trash.
Quick play is worse. People generally don't care about character compositions (only in comp people would bother to pick double support if at all), and they casually leave games.Competitive is trash.
Competitive is trash.
I used to get the odd disconnect here and there, could you not rejoin though?
Competitive is trash.
Quick Play is trash.
Has anyone run into the new map on Comp yet? Wonder what it's like considering it could well be the first time some people play the map when they get into it in a Comp game today. Lol.
Let's all just stick to the brawls!
Competitive is trash.
Quick Play is trash.
My bad, I confused you with R0ckman. I wasn't dumping on consoles, either, I was just stating facts. I accused someone of using mouse and keyboard just a couple hours ago and they responded with:
It seems common enough at higher levels of play.
Pretty sure that's sarcasm.
Just wait a few days guys seriously.
I'll be pubbing in qp at the mean time with my lovely mei buffs.
Alright, went into my first placement match, got our defences ready and....
Someone leaves the match...
Because it's not as tight. It's deliberately variable so you can get put up against different kinds of teams.Why does the placement MM feel worse than my QP?
Man this new mercy emotes is very waifu. Mercy made me appreciate milfs.
Harder for teammates to assign blame when team isn't doing well.I just noticed that they no longer show player levels in competitive, only their portraits.
Apparently there is a new thing where a player will instalock key characters like Lucio and sit in spawn until inactive warning then go out die repeat. Someone on the official forums said they got it three times?
So you lose a player AND the ability to choose a good character? What the hell is wrong with these people?
TrollingWhy should you do this?