There is no reason for junkrat traps to exist at all. Same as his martydom. It was't fun in COD 4 it still isn't fun now.
I mean I think it's fine. I can count the amount of times I've died to Junkrat death nades on one hand.
There is no reason for junkrat traps to exist at all. Same as his martydom. It was't fun in COD 4 it still isn't fun now.
That's super dumb. I like knowing my win rate and which heroes I need to improve with. I mean, if they're still tracking wins as well as total games played, it's not like we can't figure out the losses anyway.
I'm assuming they're not getting rid of all the data from lost games, just that there isn't a tracker specifically for losses as a whole. If only victories count towards your overall stats, that's even dumber.
Nah, because nowadays cleaning up as Bastion isn't easy. Like, I can do about 60-80% damage to any character, but landing the killing shot is usually hard to get. I need teammates playing cleanup basically.
Except for Roadhogs and Winstons, those guys just sit there and take it.
I wish stat sites tracked how ofter we got a play of the game the same way they track how often we get post game cards.
Killing an Ulting Reaper with my Martydom bombs always makes me laugh. Always.
it's fun.
Junk rat traps are about the only reliable counter for tracer and Genji. They very much belong.
Cod 4 martydom had a longer time before is was set off.This Martydom is different than COD Martydom though. In COD, you had no idea if someone was going to drop a grenade or not, and at was why it sucked. At least in this game, you know who has it, and it's much easier to prepare for.
The chances of getting killed by Junks martydom once you've been playing for awhile are like 1/100.
That has to do with the servers not being 60 tick.If they're going to fix triple jump I think they should also fix Genji's dash. Currently until you finish the animation your character still takes damage as if he were at the starting position of the dash.
I think that's lag.If they're going to fix triple jump I think they should also fix Genji's dash. Currently until you finish the animation your character still takes damage as if he were at the starting position of the dash.
That has to do with the servers not being 60 tick.
Assuming you're on console.
PC is 60 tick.I'm on PC but I mostly play QP. Is the rate on comp higher?
Cod 4 martydom had a longer time before is was set off.
And yes, you die to junkrat martydom 1/50 times, but anytime it happens, its annoying and unfun to deal with.
Some say fighting Genji isn't funwell, dying to anything isn't fun.
McCree says hi.
I like Junkrat and his kit, though. I just got kinda burned out on him at launch. He's not as entertaining to play as others, even though you can churn out damage.
Killing an Ulting Reaper with my Martydom bombs always makes me laugh. Always.
Tbf the win percentages are still there by the looks of it.
Guys, the Overbuff "quick ranking" is garbage even when their site/data is working. Just ignore it.
It doesn't count losses anymore.Has something happened to Overbuff? Just went on there to try looking for a friend to find my Zen stats now have me down as being #765, when I was at about 83% a few days back, soldier is at 98%, the top 3000, when it was around 75% or so a few days back, and Bastion who I was around 70% with is now 93%.
Have they re-evaluated players based on more recent data? I've been doing a lot better with each lately than when I started, so I knew my terrible performance at launch was bringing down my averages somewhat, but this has to be a bug right?
Yeah, that's why taking the losses out doesn't make sense if you're still tracking wins and total games. It's called math and pretty sure any stat tracking site can piece together that puzzle.
Junkrat is really fun to play as but so annoying to play against. But against Genji, he has real difficulty doing anything to him because of deflect and dash. At least with the traps, he can at least have the possibility of eliminating a Genji who tries to dash in for the kill.
Quote from Blizzard forums that pretty much says it:
You could abuse it with any hero but it was the worst with Genji.
Killing an Ulting Reaper with my Martydom bombs always makes me laugh. Always.
It doesn't count losses anymore.
It doesn't count losses anymore.
Xbox even with patch is still 20?PC is 60 tick.
Console is 20 ;_;
does the game track draws though? you can figure out "not wins" but unless they start reporting draws separately, it will be difficult to figure out which of the "not wins" in competitive were actually losses.
It's not a good change because the sites are losing out on a huge portion of data. Like, if you had a really good game, and it was a close game the entire time, but you lost, should that not count?Ah. So it just takes raw stats into account, like damage, healing, etc. What's the general consensus on that? I suppose it means bad players with great teammates wont get carried, but I can't tell if this is definitely good or not.
I've only really been interested in the stats because I've been trying to get better at games in general, and it's great for seeing whether I'm improving or not.
It's not a good change because the sites are losing out on a huge portion of data. Like, if you had a really good game, and it was a close game the entire time, but you lost, should that not count?
It feels impossible to trust what these sites say anymore when they don't use all the data. Pretty much everyone's stats have been fucked up in some way because of this change.
What I'm saying, is using the best Genji in the world to show that Genji is fine is really not the way to show that a character is fine.
And yes, that was Shadders line, but I also said "I wouldn't say it's not a big deal" so the drama queen could've been aimed towards me.
And if he is still good with Genji and is still calling him a bad hero, I don't think he's being a drama queen. He knows Genji better than anyone and to be honest, if he says Genji is not worth using, he's probably right. Like, he still wrecks face with Genji, but still says he sucks.
Then why did everyone's character stats get fucked up?Maybe it's counting the data in a loss but not the loss itself?
No way are Hanzo and Mei OP. Tracer is probably not OP either.
Then why did everyone's character stats get fucked up?
does everything in Overbuff(assuming youre using overbuff) say 90%? that actually means youre in the top 10%.Yeah mine went downhill. I'm around in the top 90% for every char. Meaning nearly everyone is better.
Btw: why do scores still pop up in the game. Like +5 for healing. I get it for eliminations so you can see that you participated. But the other things seem odd with numbered scores.
Btw: why do scores still pop up in the game. Like +5 for healing. I get it for eliminations so you can see that you participated. But the other things seem odd with numbered scores.
does everything in Overbuff(assuming youre using overbuff) say 90%? that actually means youre in the top 10%.
well, dying to anything isn't fun.
thats your on fire rating.
So this is what you think the main point of the discussion is?
I enjoyed reading thisTanks are all the same except Roadhog got a bit better
Oh. Didn't know that. You always learn something new. I always wondered how this is calculated. How much do you need to reach to be on fire? And how much do you lose for a death.
sony cert atm
sony cert atm
The bar below your health has a value of 350.
At 250, you are considered On Fire.
Fire deteriorates at like 5pts per second. You can have more than 350pts worth of being on fire, the game just caps the bar at 350.
So if you get a 4 man environment kill in the game, you've actually got 400pts worth of fire, but you wont be able to see your bar deplete until it drops below 350.
Kills, blocking and healing all give you points, shown on screen, towards your on fire rating.
it's finally canon!McCree/Hanzo carries are a thing now for sure.