How did they calculate that season 1 rankings were tiered that way in comparison to season 2? Or is this something from Blizzard?
The reason I'm asking this is that I thought 2000-3000 were the 50s. And that Grandmaster was 70-80. I don't think there were many 80+ last season so 80-100 being grandmaster and top 500 being above 100 seems ridiculous.
7 wins 3 losses, placed 2475
Is it true that once I reach platinum I can't drop back to gold anymore this season?
I wasn't getting gold medals, but no one will with Ana on console. I definitely helped win 3-4 of the games with good Nano boosts at the end though.
Yeah. I'm playing on PS4 and it's awesome now.God the aiming is so much better now (on XB1). Playing it on XB1 while I'm away from the PC was brutal but the auto aim now working properly makes it totally enjoyable.
The things this game tracks are not the things Ana does well. Like i'm not sure how the game would reward a great nano boost besides commending the Reinhardt or whoever was on the receiving end.
Nano boost and the amount of team wipes I've prevented with her darts. No credit given.![]()
Is the new map available to play on competitive?
People forget that prior to the projectile fix, Mei's icicles were almost as silly as Hanzo's arrows. And they just reverted that change. And improved autoaim on consoles.I don't know what it is but Mei is a beast now. Tried her on Eichenwalde attack, my first game on the new map ever. Cleaned up shop - 4 gold medals including 20 elims. And I hardly ever used her before. Maybe it's the improved aim on console? Felt like my projectiles were hitting more consistently. Her ult is crazy good now, so good at getting the payload onto a checkpoint or capping the point.
QP is still terrible on PC....Got some pretty toxic teams with 4x mei lol
Still haven't played on it after 15 matches.
7-3, 2200, gold.
6-3 plus one draw.
Got diamond 2800.
it must definitely take into account S1 skill rating then seeing some of the results, I mean I only won 4 matches and am just shy of Diamond. Didn't perform particularly well either. 80% Zenyatta.
Just got home and it's a 6.65gb update???
Never mind says 1gb now.
Hey what is this bullcrap, I thought you were only supposed to be able to lose ranks at Master and Grand Master levels?
Nah it's too late. Just bought zarya laugh emote and turned off. Also nice that profiles show max and final SR.Are you gonna play brawl now? I'll be on again in around 30 mins if so.
Can someone explain how the aiming on console was improved? I was firing more accurately myself last night too.
No, your rank can drop but your tier won't.
So how will that work with matchmaking, will you see gold tier 1500-1999 rank matched with silver tier players then? I don't really see how that is gonna improve on the old system, other than not having those bullshit fractional ranks.
Can someone explain how the aiming on console was improved? I was firing more accurately myself last night too.
Already getting hate mail
A Genji (LOL) and Reaper """""flanking"""" (read: doing nothing) team told me to stop being shit at healing. I'm not going to bother healing your asses tbh.
what does "prefer this player" do?