What if I told you... your problem lies within?
*steeples fingers*
Nope. It doesn't.
What if I told you... your problem lies within?
*steeples fingers*
Team comp matters a lot. Ideally, you have a Winston who works with you. D.Va and Roadhog also work because they attract so much fire. Reaper and Tracer are also pretty good, because you can give them an extra edge when they overextend.
I QB with her more and lean on right-click more on KotH, but you can absolutely shut games down. My season-high elims are 82 and "time on fire" is 13:18 because of KotH.
2. It shouldn't be able to cover a whole point.
Mei's ult is now a "we now control the point" button. Which is good, but also bad.
Yeah... it generally occurs to me that, A) I'm actually doing it, and B) I should stop doing it, in the last minute of the match. In other words, it's about the same as hero switching/countering for me.
I...I think I might be a baddie?![]()
It just doesn't seem right that you can fill an entire point and no one can contest. Throw your ult on it, ice block, and cap the point as much as possible. Seems a little over the top, but maybe I just haven't played against her enough.Yeah I think I just get lost in the chaos too much. I need to learn to cut through it and bubble teammates at the right time.
Why not?
In a game full of gamechanging ults why not?
It just doesn't seem right that you can fill an entire point and no one can contest. Throw your ult on it, ice block, and cap the point as much as possible. Seems a little over the top, but maybe I just haven't played against her enough.
Symmetra is actually pretty good on attack thoYou gotta love the Symmetra mains that play both attack and defense. Thank god we were able to get a draw at least.
Symmetra is actually pretty good on attack tho![]()
To those that say Ana needs to heal more. You just need to know this.
She is the only character that can MISS heals. Every other character in the game cannot miss their heal.
1: Mercy's staff has lock on.
2: Zen's orb is locked on
3: Lucio has AOE healing centered around him. Just be near him and he heals. He guarantees he heals himself too.
4: Mei, Tracer, Bastion, and Roadhog are self healers
5: Reaper just walks up to a soul and it automatically floats to him.
6: 76 heal is plopped on the ground and stays active. He needs to walk out of it for it to stop healing. But it's healing the moment he drops it.
7: Technically D.Va heals by switching out her mech. So thats a self heal.
Everyone's heal is reliable. Ana's heal can miss. So in order for her to be good she needs to be played by someone who's accurate. And if you're not accurate then you need to spam shots into your team. But people also need to realize that in order to heal in the middle of a firefight she needs to have someone who's good at hitting jumping teammates since they're busy trying to dodge gunfire too.
It's not easy to be a good Ana, while it's way easier to be a good healer with the other classes. But a good Ana can be devastating.
Maybe not in comp but I've had a lot of success with her on attack in QP. If you manage to sneak past the enemy and put the teleported behind their lines on payload maps you can utterly decimate them.Noooooooot really lol.
Maybe not in comp but I've had a lot of success with her on attack in QP. If you manage to sneak past the enemy and put the teleported behind their lines on payload maps you can utterly decimate them.
One thing I've learned.
Never play on weekends or holidays. Too many kids playing.
Weekends and holidays is QP practice time.
Symmetra is actually pretty good on attack tho![]()
One thing I've learned.
Never play on weekends or holidays. Too many kids playing.
Weekends and holidays is QP practice time.
Maybe not in comp but I've had a lot of success with her on attack in QP. If you manage to sneak past the enemy and put the teleported behind their lines on payload maps you can utterly decimate them.
One thing I've learned.
Never play on weekends or holidays. Too many kids playing.
Weekends and holidays is QP practice time.
How is blizzard supposed to fix people;s internets?How hard is it for Blizz to fix DCs? This shit is ruining comp.
Seriously, losing a match because someone disconnects is fucking heartbreaking.
I only just noticed this, but D.Va will yell the words "Bunny Hop" when she has taken a lot of damage.
Is it just a continuation of her bunny theme, or is she using the actual gaming termenology, as jumping sporadically is a thing most players do to avoid dying?
Lmao we won!
After two rounds they had 4 minutes in the time bank and we had one. Zarya is amazing.
I love having a good Zarya on my team.Lmao we won!
After two rounds they had 4 minutes in the time bank and we had one. Zarya is amazing.
At this point, they might as well get rid of the option to leave unless someone DCs. Make people waste more time by having to reopen the game. Torture them, they deserve it for leaving a game.4 placement matches played. 2 of which I lost because people quit on my team.
How have you not figured it out yet Blizzard?
Man I don't know what they did with zarya but she melts people like butter now, maybe it is the increased accuracy due to the auto aim fix but damn.
My PSN: Alpha_Zero88, add me if you want another season 2 player since I am playing alone![]()
Huh, Pharah seems much better after aim assist fix. Might need to strongly consider bringing her into Comp with me now.
It's a convoluted reason but here it goes
-Enhanced autoaim means people spam way more. You get a lot more power a lot faster.
-you're enhanced auto aim means that you can take out Genjis and Lucio's. 2 characters Zarya should be able to kill but had a hard time with.
-People had specific, more aggressive stratagies with Zarya, now she works where you can't be aggressive against her
She still struggles against a lot of classes. Tracer and Pharah are nightmares for Zarya. Hanzo has become good at Zarya killing, good reapers can destroy Zarya. My average energy has been absurd recently, which usually means people are spamming more
Wouldn't the aim assist fix make her more vulnerable against her natural predators ie mccree and soldier?
I've pretty consistently sniped her out of the air with McCree and even Mei since the aim fix. She's definitely less of a threat than she was pre-Season 2.Probably but judging from my experience, console players still can't aim for shit against her most of the time. But I'll try her out in QP or if the enemy team doesn't have those two dudes.