I think widow maker is best against bastion... I'd say d va or Winston
DVA and Winston beat her clean for the most part if they go after her. Genji does super well too since he can move in at weird angles and burst her.
The scope nerf made Pharah pretty strong against her too depending on the map. Hanzo is pretty decent now too, especially since the wolf skin makes it harder to find his head.
If you have good aim you're just better off being McCree or Ana right now though.
Thanks for these replied. I thought of practicing with her whenever my team have to defend, so that I could switch it up with Zenyatta who I also love playing. But I see that I should go for Ana instead, if I want to snipe?Widowmaker is a Bastion counter lol
Winston is her main counter.
Just lost a placement match because the other five players decided to stop defending point A on Hollywood, and instead set up to ambush the other team when they started moving the payload. They just sat there waiting on the other side of the gate as the enemy sat on the point unchallenged.
Which would have been great... if we had managed to capture the point on attack in the first round. There wasn't ever going to be a payload to stop.
It boggles the mind.
Widowmaker is a Bastion counter lol
Winston is her main counter.
Will you guys still be my internet friend if i place into silver?
unrelated: I need to finish my placements tonight. 6-1-1 let's make this 8-1-1! I'll see which gaf people are on later...
Will you guys still be my internet friend if i place into silver?
unrelated: I need to finish my placements tonight. 6-1-1 let's make this 8-1-1! I'll see which gaf people are on later...
I need to start building up a binder full of Overwatch players ladies and gentlemen. If you managed at least rank 55 last season, have a mic, are willing to communicate, and play support and tank as much as DPS respond to this. I've got 4 other guys already so we're looking for our 6th.
how did they even do this on ps4, omg.I once got sniped out of the air when I tried to use Winston to deal with a Widow.
I once got sniped out of the air when I tried to use Winston to deal with a Widow.
This relationship is over if you get anything less than Gold.
Which is incredibly unlikely.
You will be placed platinum or diamond for sure. Deservedly so since you are a very reliable Reinhardt.
I won't be on today![]()
I hope so, but since i only placed rank 55 last season they might gold me if what people are saying about them taking s1 into account. I thought i was in the next set of comp points rewards tier and didn't play much, then i found out the next tier was 56 not 55 and frowned.
Finally done my placements 7W 1D 2L. Got ranked at 2725 elo. How does that compare to my season 1, 57 ranking?
I feel like Diamond in way harder to get into than 60 was. It's tough to rank up now.
I think the biggest problem is I feel like when you lose you go down more than when you win. I have no idea how it arbitrarily decides how many points to add or subtract, but it makes no sense. I had a game where I had 8500 healing, 20-2 as Zenyatta and only went up 10 points. Then I lose the next game and go down another 20.I feel like Diamond in way harder to get into than 60 was. It's tough to rank up now.
Atleast you can't fall out of diamond once you're there.
Pretty much the same.
You placed at 55 or ended at 55? I placed at 51 last season and placed in Platinum this season.
I hope so, but since i only placed rank 55 last season they might gold me if what people are saying about them taking s1 into account. I thought i was in the next set of comp points rewards tier and didn't play much, then i found out the next tier was 56 not 55 and frowned.
Finally done my placements 7W 1D 2L. Got ranked at 2725 elo. How does that compare to my season 1, 57 ranking?
I think the biggest problem is I feel like when you lose you go down more than when you win. I have no idea how it arbitrarily decides how many points to add or subtract, but it makes no sense. I had a game where I had 8500 healing, 20-2 as Zenyatta and only went up 10 points. Then I lose the next game and go down another 20.
It's dumb.
I didn't knew that, had no idea they took the last season into consideration.
Anyway, I hope you get lucky with your team for the last 2 games
Yesterday was absolutely atrocious for me, especially on KOTH. In Nepal a few seconds before the match ended I had gold medal on eliminations playing Lucio, ended with silver with only 16 kills... it was depressing really. Thankfully joninder joined up with me.
I placed ~2700 with only 5W and a draw (playing support in like 7 games). My highest last season was 62 and I finished at 57 too. Don't really understand how this works.
Yea I think Blizzard reasoned that since you can't fall out of a tier they would make it much harder to get there in the first place.
They also nerfed end of season CP's HARD
They also nerfed end of season CP's HARD
What are the new end of season CPs now? Maybe it's because seasons will be shorter moving forward?Yea I think Blizzard reasoned that since you can't fall out of a tier they would make it much harder to get there in the first place.
They also nerfed end of season CP's HARD
What are the new end of season CPs now? Maybe it's because seasons will be shorter moving forward?
When I said they couldn't leave Zarya as is, I mainly meant her beam length. It's effective range is crazy now.
Also, Mei is probably the best Zarya counter in the game. You can't do it alone every time, but you can usually make her panic enough that she's nullified. Works best in KOTH, I haven't really tried an attack Mei yet. She's really good on defense though at first points, I usually dump her after that.
Also, Mei is probably the best Zarya counter in the game. You can't do it alone every time, but you can usually make her panic enough that she's nullified. Works best in KOTH, I haven't really tried an attack Mei yet. She's really good on defense though at first points, I usually dump her after that.
You're the #7 PSN Mei. How does it feel to be so hated?
Trying to get to 25 so I can play ranked on PS4...
Stupid Overbuff. It's updated for everyone else I look up. Had a really good Zarya and Tracer day, I want to see how my stats changed.
I will not be satisfied until I'm the best hooker in NA.
You've probably already realized this, but I'm incredibly jealous of you right now.
You are the OG Mei, I'm merely a flavor of the week.
I think y'all coulda ran 6 Syms against that team in the video though.
Strider, I'll play quick play with you brotha.
Can I not limit the FPS to 60? Or only 30 and the display?
Fatal pls
Strider, I'll play quick play with you brotha.
When playing as D.Va, is there anything you can do to counter/slow down a Zayra?