Holy shit I just spotted a cheater Hanzo, he used his Ultimate twice in a row.
I had a Lucio do this the other day, I assumed it was lag related. They were literally 10 seconds apart.
Holy shit I just spotted a cheater Hanzo, he used his Ultimate twice in a row.
It's not, really.Burning through 400 health can be an issue
honestly it's a GAME. It's all about FUN. If you are pulling your hair out over this GAME, then, well... ¯\_(ツ_/¯
yeah, I'm on console, so... ¯\_(ツ_/¯
which is why she should always be priority instead of people running away from her.
Unless she positioned herself in a real reckless spot NOPE NO NO NOPE NOOr just pop it and keep focus fire on her.
It's not, really.
Unless she positioned herself in a real reckless spot NOPE NO NO NOPE NO
Did he get a shit ton of kills with the first Ult?
I full health kill nets you about 20% of an Ult charge.
So if he killed 4 or more people with 1 Ult, he'd be able to fire another Ult in less than 20 seconds, most likely.
I went like 6-3-1 and ended up at 2450, was desperate to break into platinum but am now at 2300. Not sure if I'm gonna make it back up so I'm taking a week or two off.
Good stuff though!
Well, you're really close to plat so if you're a bit lucky you can get there and you should be out of hell. Or at least I think so, I had a friend that got placed into platinum with me and lost 400 points today because he was getting paired up with bronze tier players, so who knows? Maybe there's just not enough plat players yet to make a full team.I went 8-2, solo queuing the last 7 matches and ended up at 2405. Last season, was the reverse for me, I went 2-8 and got placed at 37, just barely making it back up to 40.
So far, I'm really enjoying Season 2 a lot more.![]()
Oh, I got to the 30s, I dropped until 32 and I got stuck a bit at around 38, but for some reason it wasn't nearly as bad as the 40s where I hovered around 45 forever, got to 49 and dropped to 41 only to end on 46.Try 30's hellI placed mid gold and just reached plat yesterday (thendropped a bit under plat status, but the way games are going I have confidence I'll make it to at least mid plat tier as the norm).
Last season was such a shit show for me. It's crazy how much more fun this game is when you have competent, less toxic teams, even if you lose.
I use this one. Melee does 30 btw, except for the special ones like Rein, Torb and melee ults.Is there a website somewhere that lists damage tables? There are little things I'd like to know like how much damage does a Winston jump pack do when he lands? Do all heroes melee for 25hp? what characters can headshot? etc...
She has the lowest health of the tanks and no defensive mechanics outside of her bubble which is on a eight second cooldown when it dissipates. Click her face when her shield vanishes. It's not hard."Hero isn't a problem, just kill them!"
Why hadn't I thought of actually killing Zarya?!
Her range doesn't matter, as long as her beam can hit you it'll hurt you just as much whether it's point blank or not.Zarya is one of those heroes that you DON'T want to encounter in close range.
it seems dumb to me that Zenyatta floats but he can be pushed off a cliff. >.>
Rank should be locked to level 100. RIP my placements.
Is there a website somewhere that lists damage tables? There are little things I'd like to know like how much damage does a Winston jump pack do when he lands? Do all heroes melee for 25hp? what characters can headshot? etc...
Did he get a shit ton of kills with the first Ult?
I full health kill nets you about 20% of an Ult charge.
So if he killed 4 or more people with 1 Ult, he'd be able to fire another Ult in less than 20 seconds, most likely.
Even after the nerf, Zen's discord orb can melt Zarya.
So you be a good Zenyatta and put it on her when her shield is down.She can cleanse it with her shield atleast. She's actually the strongest tank against discord thanks to that.
I actually agree!
But Blizzard appear to be taking the feedback of console and PC players as equally useful for the balancing they do and then rolling out more or less identical balance "fixes" with very little divergence besides timing.
And responding to console-specific problems could really mess with the experience of PC players. You could argue it already has with Genji's movement nerf.
She has the lowest health of the tanks and no defensive mechanics outside of her bubble which is on a eight second cooldown when it dissipates. Click her face when her shield vanishes. It's not hard.
Her range doesn't matter, as long as her beam can hit you it'll hurt you just as much whether it's point blank or not.
Or put discord on her so she uses her shield at a non ideal time. Zen still shits on Zarya.So you be a good Zenyatta and put it on her when her shield is down.
Once again I guess it's a matter of skill vs. hard counters. Like I guess Zarya is suppose to be a counter to Roadhog but if you can either wait out her shields or flak cannon it off you can hook her and kill her. Or just flak cannon her dumb face.
looks like new Red Dead will finally be announced tomorrow.
To celebrate this i'll play only McCree tonight.
I've played with and against players at much higher levels than me and they have been awful. Awful in the sense of their situational awareness and just overall hero picking.50 minimum. reaching 25 is a breeze.
rumor is RDR remaster for PS4/XOne/PC will be announced at PS Meeting tomorrow.
I've played with and against players at much higher levels than me and they have been awful. Awful in the sense of their situational awareness and just overall hero picking.
Making levels higher won't help much. Maybe you need to win a certain amount of games or whatever but higher ranks don't necessarily translate to better play. I can't tell you how many people I've encountered that are twice the level that I am and play the game like it's cod.
Nah, new Red Dead.
I don't believe that Drunk Cat that the game is far away.
The game must have been in development for a long time now.
Sure, it's all fun, but the source of fun is different. Fun in QP is dicking around with whatever you want to try, win or lose, and having a good time.
Fun in Competitive is playing organized, effective, and skillful moves in order to win matches and advance your ranking/improve your skill. Don't be one of the people taking a huge dump on the team in Competitive and going "GUYS WHAT'S WRONG THIS IS ALL FOR FUN DON'T BE SO ANGRY" while you're playing attack Torbjörn on Route 66.
Also, yah, guess the skill ceilings are quite different between console and PC, so what applies to one does not apply to the other necessarily. I still think Zarya can go up against Mei in most, if not all, team encounters.
So you be a good Zenyatta and put it on her when her shield is down.
Once again I guess it's a matter of skill vs. hard counters. Like I guess Zarya is suppose to be a counter to Roadhog but if you can either wait out her shields or flak cannon it off you can hook her and kill her pretty easily.
Third draw today, "super rare" my ass.
Third draw today, "super rare" my ass.
GTAV took ages
Son, they have two different studios.
RDR came out in 2010 ffs.
New Red Dead tomorrow, believe.
Im the opposite, i wish more people would use the mic and i wish more people would take the drill sergeant role. Its an online multi-player game after all.hmm, that doesn't sound fun at all. It sounds like work, actually. If I'm in a group and someone assumes the role of Drill Sergeant and begins 'advising' everyone on what characters to play and how to play I would tune them out immediately. x__x
yeah, I want to win and I'm def. a team player, but not at the cost of my fun. ¯_(ツ_/¯
Son, they have two different studios.
RDR came out in 2010 ffs.
New Red Dead tomorrow, believe.
hmm, that doesn't sound fun at all. It sounds like work, actually. If I'm in a group and someone assumes the role of Drill Sergeant and begins 'advising' everyone on what characters to play and how to play I would tune them out immediately. x__x
yeah, I want to win and I'm def. a team player, but not at the cost of my fun. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
i love it when psn is down.
$60 anyone?
it doesn't, but when you have two outages in the 2 weeks preceding a PS+ price hike...Had no idea the PS+ fee guaranteed 100% uptime.
I don't like paying for MP access either but to insinuate paying for PS+ somehow entitles people to 100% uptime is insane. No residential Internet or any utility service guarantees that.
I had a Lucio do this the other day, I assumed it was lag related. They were literally 10 seconds apart.
Sadly, Blizz actually listens to Reddit and their forums, so this will probably happen.Blizzard better not touch a single pink hair on zaryas head. She's fine as she is now.
RIPZarya is doomed
i had two last night. Draws aren't rare at all.