I don't play on console.
I'm not getting why Zarya is tough to deal with on consoles?
I don't play on console.
Just don't think about it and have fun.
This is why i'm not a good Zarya right now.
Ok? I'm talking about learning Zarya. You've already mastered her. It's hard. If you don't learn shield placement, you don't play Zarya, and learning good shield placement is hard.For your average top 99th percentile player? Yea, it's not that hard.
Ok? I'm talking about learning Zarya. You've already mastered her. It's hard. If you don't learn shield placement, you don't play Zarya, and learning good shield placement is hard.
I'm not getting why Zarya is tough to deal with on consoles?
So then why did you join the conversation? The entire time I've been talking about learning Zarya, I never talked about top tier Zaryas who wreck face no matter how powerful she is.And I'm talking about how she currently plays on console, it's not fun to play against. I don't give a flick about some newbie learning her. She was a freaking monster as is, the patch just completely put her over the top, and it's garbage, IMO.
So then why did you join the conversation? The entire time I've been talking about learning Zarya, I never talked about top tier Zaryas who wreck face no matter how powerful she is.
I'm not getting why Zarya is tough to deal with on consoles?
I'm not quite sure myself, I think it's more than likely a placebo effect, her range and beam ***SEEM*** like they are larger, but in reality aim assist was fixed so now she's easier to consistently aim with and when she's at least 40-50 percent, she's incredibly tough to kill if she doesn't just mow you down in 2 seconds.
EDIT: I should point out that Mei is stupid easy to use now as well, either that or my aim improved. The hitbox fixes along with improved aim assist are making certain characters more viable than before.
I hope Blizz would have a better reason than this. People didn't know how to counter Bastion in the first weeks of the game and Blizz didn't give two shits. They just tweeted to all those people how to counter him.edit: she most likely will get nerfed because people don't know how to counter
As someone who plays a lot of D.Va, Zarya is basically my worst enemy. It can be so frustrating to go against a skilled Zarya. Sometimes there really isn't anything you can do.
I hope Blizz would have a better reason than this. People didn't know how to counter Bastion in the first weeks of the game and Blizz didn't give two shits. They just tweeted to all those people how to counter him.
I really wish they would do the same with Zarya and Tracer, because otherwise, these characters are going to be burnt to the ground.
D.VA up close with her is rough. Been there. If you wanna stick with D.va honestly have to knock her out at a distance. You can fly pretty much anywhere on the map. Get the ground advantageAs someone who plays a lot of D.Va, Zarya is basically my worst enemy. It can be so frustrating to go against a skilled Zarya. Sometimes there really isn't anything you can do.
Yah, I hear ya. Thing is, if your level of skill is really diamond, you'll climb. Just keep doing the solo queue roulette, and message people you have good games with to see if they want to group up. That's what I did last season, and went from 34 to 59 (equivalent of 1700 to 2950). Did it mostly tri-quad queueing with some 6-stacks in the mix and a bit of solo play.
Just seems like they need to tune the assist a bit more, I rarely play hitscan but does anyone notice a big difference with them? I mostly play Zarya in competitive and I honestly can't tell.
I hope Blizz would have a better reason than this. People didn't know how to counter Bastion in the first weeks of the game and Blizz didn't give two shits. They just tweeted to all those people how to counter him.
I really wish they would do the same with Zarya and Tracer, because otherwise, these characters are going to be burnt to the ground.
It's all anecdotal at this point, when the patch hit i saw some GAF'ers say that their McCree acc went up a substantial amount (anything above 5% more is substantial to me).
I'm going to make some assumptions, so apologies if I'm wrong but are you platinum or below? If that's the case, TJ-Ramirez is playing a completely different game than us, he's in the big leagues on PS4 so he's playing against the top 1% of PS4 overwatch who know to use all the mechanics considerably well and have their meta game on point. If you got to play in the 65+ SR from Season 1, you should already know how brutal some of those pre-made teams are. Slap on the fix aim-assist, and yeah I can see where he's coming from (note I haven't even made it to diamond this season, and my stint in 65 was very short lived).
That chart shows the usage of heroes in tourneys, not pub play.didn't people say they see Junkrats in every game?
It's funny that all of the Heroes in the lowest tier got picked today in the Lenovo Cup.The new meta.
That chart shows the usage of heroes in tourneys, not pub play.
My high last season was 58, could have gotten higher but the season ended. I think it's more that Zarya is just hard to deal with all around, regardless of what system you play on. A good Zarya beats pretty much everyone except a good Reaper, and that's not guaranteed for Reaper. I mean, PC players have to have it worse than console. A Zarya with decent tracking never misses their beam.
Ultimately, your goal in life is to become the Alaskan Bullworm
The new meta.
Because Meis ult was weak and pretty much worthless before? Now it's actually good.
And no, Zarya is no where near easy, just like Genji is not easy, like you seem to be saying.
Tracer, Bastion, Pharah, and Widowmaker can all easily beat a Zarya.
@ this whole thing... wat? Yeah Mei was 'worthless' to 'professional level pick rates' but that's about it (same w/ Hanzo's 'fix' - it was so he would be used more at pro level). Nobody was whining about Mei buffs ANYWHERE, in fact peeps wanted her nerfed/deleted. TBH, there was more discussion about what Mei has going on underneath her layers of clothes! xD
That's what blizzard mostly balance towards. So, whine more xaos.
i'm not even whining, but using her as an example u Meitanist.![]()
are you sure about that, xao
The dark Lord appreciates your tears.
Your delicious, frozen tears.
You can absolutely peek Bastion for free charge, just be careful. Also, it's pretty easy to shell a stationary target if he's the least bit distracted.HIS TURRET MODE CAN AND WILL ANNIHILATE YOU. YOUR BUBBLE WILL NOT SURVIVE NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOUR BRAIN TELL YOU IT WILL.
Actually a pretty huge improvement... Now to work on the defense heroes.The new meta.
Tracer, Bastion, Pharah, and Widowmaker can all easily beat a Zarya.
what were you doing in the match to help, tho? Were you trying to take out the Zarya so the D,Va could survive, or did you just resign yourself to the loss? This whole tank v. tank while the 'squishies' hide in the bg type of play/mentality is the worst. Peeps shit on D.Va when they lose a match, but when she wipes 2-3 enemies w/ a nerf where is her props or support? T__T