The seasons almost over. If I were you I'd just take a break from ranked and wait for season 2 which will be MUCH better because of no sudden death and I would hope consoles would have 60 tick by then, plus whatever balances come our way.
Man, I don't even care about Sudden Death. Both teams have to score to get to that point. I'm just tired of being placed in games where I feel helpless, where my team picks the shittiest, most unworkable team comps.
I'm not a great player and I don't pretend to be, but I just see game after game being thrown because of stupid shit. For the record, I don't like it when I win because the other team is making suicidal stupid mistakes either. Less than when my team is making them, but still.
And I wouldn't give a shit if the game didn't keep kicking me while I'm down by lowering my rank every time a game goes wrong.
Like right now. Apparently, some dickhole is convinced that Bastion is simply the best pick EVER for KotH, no matter how many times he keeps dying. We don't have lucio or Zenyatta, the other team have both, and no one is listening. What in the everloving fuck can I possibly do about a game like this?