The Wizard
That's us yeah, 2 more if anyone is interested?Just got invited to a 3 man group. Is it the same one?
Would need two more for triple support tank
That's us yeah, 2 more if anyone is interested?Just got invited to a 3 man group. Is it the same one?
Would need two more for triple support tank
Just got invited to a 3 man group. Is it the same one?
Would need two more for triple support tank
Note to self: Don't ever play with a 6-man group if all the members aren't people you know and trust to communicate effectively and play well, otherwise you're gonna have a bad time.
Sticking to 3-man max.
tfw when GAF usernames and PSN IDs don't match
I'm debating trying to get my neogaf name changed to Owzers for this, but i have a long sillymonkey legacy...
Finished my placement matches and barely made it to platinum (2543)... Minimum goal reached.
I say this, because I want to encourage you guys to protect your Bastions. Sometimes it might be worth it.
Stop giving them the cold shoulder until they switch to something you consider to be worth it. Some of them might surprise you.
Some of them just might be shit, though.
Did you wall ride before they died?Just bounced 3 people off with Lucio on Lijang Tower
Did you wall ride before they died?
Yup. Pretty much the only way to get it unless against a bad team.Whoa, does that work?
Bounce THEN wall ride and it counts for the achievement?
Yup. Pretty much the only way to get it unless against a bad team.
You won't be in their matchesFree weekend!
It's time.
Free weekend!
It's time.
Just Ana boosted a Reinheart and he stayed behind his shield the entire time. Don't think I can take anymore solo queue tonight
Well so far triple tank triple support is good.
there's magic in overwatch's lore right?
I want to do this in Comp play. It's been a busy week but maybe I will have some time this weekend to try it out.
I've done it once on dorado defense. Lucio, Ana, Sym, Rein, Zarya, Roadhog. Worked quite well. Enemy didn't even get to the first checkpoint
Mind you that it may need a decent team to pull off though.
Wouldn't a Reaper and Pharah counter that pretty well?
god dammit blizzard pls
There was always a general amount of fuckery with roadhog's hook but the change seems to make it spaz out in the weirdest spots.
Wouldn't a Reaper and Pharah counter that pretty well?
Yah 3/3 feels pretty broken.
Feels broken though.I wouldn't call it broken by any means. It's just pretty good, there are enough ways to play against it right now.
Aren't you guys in QP?Feels broken though.
when you got 4 gold medals but you get a damage done card instead
Aren't you guys in QP?
That time on fire phwoo
Oh an McCree of course.Roadhog does indeed feel awful now.
I only feel comfortable with Tracer Zarya, Zen and Ana this season. Anyone else and I get pretty nervous.