that feel when you are still in the 50's in season 2... and KoTH still 3 out of 5.

I like the sound of the changes at first blush. We'll see how it plays out.
He said rank 60 was top 6%. Most of the tracking websites had it pegged from top 13% to top 19%. That's interesting.
Tracking websites track a very small amount and the people who get added to that site are mostly above average to begin with if they want to check their advanced stats. It's super out of whack with the millions that have played.I like the sound of the changes at first blush. We'll see how it plays out.
He said rank 60 was top 6%. Most of the tracking websites had it pegged from top 13% to top 19%. That's interesting.
EDIT: Also like that you can't drop out of your tier. Should save everyone from some heartbreak.
Yeah, you're really good.Wow, so when I reached 67, that was no small feat. Curious where I land with the new ranking.
I like the sound of the changes at first blush. We'll see how it plays out.
He said rank 60 was top 6%. Most of the tracking websites had it pegged from top 13% to top 19%. That's interesting.
EDIT: Also like that you can't drop out of your tier. Should save everyone from some heartbreak.
That and I've seen speculation that it could open the door for giving a consolation prize to those that played really well and effectively even on a losing effort.So I'm guessing they'll be giving out Competitive Points for ties and maybe losses, since they're multiplying them by 10?
So I'm guessing they'll be giving out Competitive Points for ties and maybe losses, since they're multiplying them by 10?
You're not including end of season rewards which are a lot of points depending on where your peak rank is.Hopefully. One of my enduring frustrations about Overwatch is that you get no points for losses. If you only win 50% of your matches, you have to play upwards of 600 matches to get enough points for a golden gun. You might have a bad day and get 2 points in 6 hours of play. I consider that a pretty big design flaw. Especially considering competitive matches are usually 2x as long (time investment) as regular matches. It actually soured me on being bothered.
Tracking websites track a very small amount and the people who get added to that site are mostly above average to begin with if they want to check their advanced stats. It's super out of whack with the millions that have played.
I think a lot of mid-low tier Overwatch players don't go on those tracking websites, so their stats aren't included
Smurfing will be addressed
- The skill gap limit between one player to another will be 500 levels.
- Example: If you're level 2000, you can only play with other players between 1500-2500
- This system will be tested in PTR and will be adjusted based on feedback to balance it correctly
Wow, so when I reached 67, that was no small feat. Curious where I land with the new ranking.
Still getting the golden gun for my Junkrat. He got me through pretty much 90% of Comp. destroyed so many guys with him. Also fuck Reaper players who annoyed me with garbo messages cuz I was using him.
The new system seems pretty cool. They addressed a lot of the issues of season 1 and the new mechanics seem well-thought-out.
I tried to mention this before...there is a reason why SR65+ were getting 300 CP payout. Wouldn't be surprised if 65+ was top 1%, seeing how this game has like 15m accounts. If atleast 25% of those accounts did their 10 placement matches, overbuff and masteroverwatch is no where near the correct barometer for seeing where you placed.
- Skill Rating Decay:
- Only applies to top end players
- If you're within Diamond, Master and Grand Master your level will decrease by 50 every 24 hours if you don't play for Competitive for a week
- This has a floor limit so you won't drop infinitely.
[*]This system is meant to keep top players constantly playing to keep their high rank instead of just stopping once they reach it
So guys, tomorrow they're going to announce the new map at Gamescom and drop it on the PTR at least right?
Did anyone catch his comment on competitive points that are used for the weapons? He said if you had any saved up they were going to multiply them or something to that effect, but I didn't quite understand his meaning.
I hope so and Sombra plsss
Well one thing is for sure, we'll get a new animated short.
Anyone at that tier is going to be playing a lot anyways. I think this rule is in place to not reward those that just place highly after the placement matches and then just sit on it for the rewards.Hmm, hope those good players get to play every day then. Sort of unfair for people who have other stuff going on. Or is Diamond like Pro players?
Jeff sure knows how to make me feel special for hitting 67. Bet that's equivalent to diamond tier, 70+ master, top 500 grand master.
tl;dr: sudden death replaced with a tie result.
I thought that's Thursday? They already announced it. But tomorrow is the weekly patch day and the big Blizzard Gamescom news announcement day.
It'd be really fun to do all 10 of our S2 placement matches together. I started at 50 this season but obviously I've gotten better since then, wonder how we'd do.Bro, let's team up again to destroy fools. Hopefully our placement ranks are close enough to do so.
Everything you have in the bank will be multiplied to match the new system.
I'm guessing costs go up to compensate, as well, though? So much ado about nothing probably, in the grand scheme.
I hope so and Sombra plsss
Well one thing is for sure, we'll get a new animated short.
Hope that's not all *fingers crossed*
pls no
pls no
Jeff sure knows how to make me feel special for hitting 67. Bet that's equivalent to diamond tier, 70+ master, top 500 grand master.