I'll join you sometime, PancakeHobo will be my name.
Sweet! Me and my buddy are taking a breather right now so apologies if I don't notice the FR right away.
I'll join you sometime, PancakeHobo will be my name.
played with some gaffers who added me tonight and my god that was night and day
we lost a couple but i don't even care, having an actual team makes this game worthwhile
You should join us then! >![]()
When you get a bad random, it ruins everything.
Hanzo/Widowmaker combo for that double sniper fun trying to Attack hanamura.
feel free to add me but i'm done for the evening
Why didn't I think of switching to Zenyatta sooner, he's really good?
He's fantastic. If my team has a Lucio or Mercy, I go Zen if we need another healer and it works great.Why didn't I think of switching to Zenyatta sooner, he's really good?
Why didn't I think of switching to Zenyatta sooner, he's really good?
Bastion's Recon mode is severely underrated, it does OBSCENE damage, especially if you headshot.
I'm even iffy on not taking it away for people outside the group. It's going to lead to a lot of blameshifting, "oh you've been fucking sucking the whole fucking game leave so you don't ruin it for the rest of us asshole", just all round toxic behaviour. Randos can be very good at rallying around to bully people they see as the problem.
You already see that when people directly insult people playing characters not deemed "meta", and while I'm not a fan of some people who main certain characters, FUCK that sort of behaviour. I don't want anything encouraging it more.
Bastion's Recon mode is severely underrated, it does OBSCENE damage, especially if you headshot.
We should have quit after we lost Buttchin, our heart and soul. Good games all.
Blasphemy!Buttchin kept taking Good riddance!
Very easy to kill and very easy to counter. He is the lowest tier because of this. Also, his kit doesn't fit team comps as well as most other heroes.Yeah why is he considered low tier?
Is it because he's easy to kill
Hey OverwatchGAF, I'm new here. Finally picked up a microphone for team play, but I've only put a few hours in the game.
Anyone willing to play with someone only mildly competent? Still about 10 levels from ranked play though :\
edit - by mildly competent I mean I've have some POTGs, but haven't actually played with every character yet.
(And my name on battlenet is the same as on GAF)
I'll join you sometime, PancakeHobo will be my name.
Vault and LiK, we won our next game after you left. ¯_(ツ_/¯
I had a 40 Elim Zenyatta game, lol
I like the little snort she does some times when she kills someone on the other team. Can't hate someone like that at all.Mei is adorable, I love all the little things she says. Her voice is so fitting
I like the little snort she does some times when she kills someone on the other team. Can't hate someone like that at all.
got all mei unlockable sprays already
my only problem with her is so many of her voice lines are perfect for trolling so I don't know which ones to use
Game treated me really nice today.
After yesterday drop in 150 points, I've now went on a winning streak and climbed from 3235 to 3411.
also when if ever should I be using mei's primary fire? Like yeah it slows them down and can freeze them for a bit but it's short range and does much less damage than her alt fire.
also when if ever should I be using mei's primary fire? Like yeah it slows them down and can freeze them for a bit but it's short range and does much less damage than her alt fire.
ROFL, my mines keep making Reins jump all over the place.
Edit: wow, dominated the other team and they simply gave up in round 3 by staying at spawn.
Team fights. If i see a rein battle I'll freeze the other rein to help him out. Basically any tank fight vs the other team's tanks.
Also to counter stuff like genji deflect and defense matrix.
Slippery targets like Lucio I'd rather freeze first.
I lost count of how many times their Rein charged directly into one of your traps. At least 4.
Sent a friend requestStill hoping to get some guys to join in on me. The hope is to build a regular group that would be playing at around this time, so far I've got one other person interested.
bnet h3xantistyle#1975
On pc is there a tier there isnt a toxic bloodbath?
Plat on this game, is more toxic than plat 1 in league.