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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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So suddenly Hanzos have stopped running from- and getting gunned down by- my D.Va, and are wrecking me 1v1. And McCrees- who always stood their ground and fan-fired me out of my meka- are now running and getting easily gunned down.

What the hell is going on with the Defense players out there?

Also, what is with this recent trend of hunting my Pilot D.Va down to the exclusion of the point/ payload? I'll take it- it's a good trade for my team- but it's happening all the time. I even had a Reaper use his Ult just to kill squishy little me (I had killed him with Squishie D.Va a few times earlier, but still). I get a lot of kills with her from the back lines and 1v1 after ejecting, but it's not like I'm going to personally wipe your team or anything.
yeah, usually when there's two lucios

also I just got a scavenger D.Va skin, I know it and Junker are huge gets for people but I'm not a fan plus I don't play as her often :/

Junker is the only skin I've spent OWBucks on. I love it. Part of it is I'm not into D.Va's whole aesthetic (I'm old, sue me), but I love playing as her, so this really spoke to me.

I had the same thing with my Rein. I don't like the whole shiny, chromey Optimus Prime thing, or the edgy "Flaming tummy mouth" thingie, but his old man armor is amazing. And I just got Balderich from a loot box, and yeah, it's pretty cool too. Rather have the mossy, but it'll do.
Same here. Junebug is kinda neat but I hate how it makes D.va herself look, B.Va is an eyesore. Junker/Scavenger are kinda cool looking but make her mech with less color so eh

plus she's not as kawaii

June Bug looks amazing when you see it in-game, but yeah, the Pilot model really turns me off of it. Plus destroying all the pretty D.Va Mekas with your Scavenger/ Junker is really fun. Like ramming a Ferrari off the road with your '78 Honda Civic. Not that anyone with a '78 Honda Civic should go around doing that. Get a safe hobby instead. Sudoku, maybe.
You know, at this point, I'm glad Blizz doesn't listen to their forums for balance because otherwise, Genji wouldn't exist. This is what they think:

-dash shouldn't reset
-ledge jump thing should go
-ult still OP
-deflect uses Hanzo logs
-shouldn't somersault on double jump

Like honestly, when will people just leave him alone already? Everyone hates on the Shimada Brothers ):

^^^ 2499. Now that's a kick in the balls.

Hey at least he's already been there. Imagine needing one more point to lock in gold for the rest of the season. That's a scary "Play" button push right there.


when someone picks torb for offense


I'd rather have a torb then a widowmaker, and sadly, i've been getting a lot of those lately (usually when we already had a hanzo). At least torb can give armor, has a great alt fire, and even a level 1 turret can be a decent distratction. Widow is just useless on offense.

It's funny when people try to make Torb work on KOTH maps. I'm sure it's viable sometimes but my team wasn't having it.

A couple times i've had good luck switching to him when we're nearing the end, and it goes into overtime. It helps take down quick characters like genji or tracer who can just constatnly reset while waiting for the team. And in OT everyones so concerned with the point no one stops to look for it or focus it until its too late.

ALthough since they fixed the timer to burn faster, and we don't get perma OT's anymore it might not be as useful.
when someone picks torb for offense


I've seen attack Torbs clean house, but it's rare, and there's something a little crazy about how overly aggressive they are, like the other team is taken aback by this little flaming ball of fury charging at them. With good flankers and proper turret placement, he can be viable.


I've seen attack Torbs clean house, but it's rare, and there's something a little crazy about how overly aggressive they are, like the other team is taken aback by this little flaming ball of fury charging at them. With good flankers and proper turret placement, he can be viable.

Nothing is more embarrassing than losing to an attack torb or symmetra on payload. It makes me try harder or get more frustrated lol.


And back to 2500s. Extremely toxic game with a bunch of morons who refuse to communicate or adapt at all when the enemy team puts up a Bastion at the last point of Gibraltar and just gets mowed down time and time again. Tried calling stuff out and talking to people, radio silence.

Then we get rolled on defense.

Fuck this.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
is there anything lamer than blizzards weekly brawls

'guys we limited your hero selection and we also made it so you can only have 2 of each hero. ISNT THAT CRAZY'
next week
'guys we limited your hero selection to the OTHER category type and made it so you can only have 2 of each hero. ISNT THAT CRAZY'
Is k/d something people care about?
because I was playing Reinhardt on numbani on attack our team make it to the final check point with 7 minutes to cap, and then no one wants to push the payload I die 6-7 times in a row pushing the payload before switching to honzo to have fun before the match ended
is there anything lamer than blizzards weekly brawls

'guys we limited your hero selection and we also made it so you can only have 2 of each hero. ISNT THAT CRAZY'
next week
'guys we limited your hero selection to the OTHER category type and made it so you can only have 2 of each hero. ISNT THAT CRAZY'

I only ever really liked the random hero one. Where you would get a new, random, hero every time you died.

They should have kept LucioBall going. Just for a bit of light relief.


I got placed at 2948


finalflame can we do group therapy?

Hah, I wish man. I'm putting the mouse and keyboard down for the night, but that's a good placement. 'gratz. We should play together some time: darkatnight#1407.

Is k/d something people care about?
because I was playing Reinhardt on numbani on attack our team make it to the final check point with 7 minutes to cap, and then no one wants to push the payload I die 6-7 times in a row pushing the payload before switching to honzo to have fun before the match ended

The stat doesn't really matter, but as a general rule, you want to avoid dying if you can. If dying means you'll be contributing to the great good of the team/helping to push, it's an acceptable loss. Pretty much everyone dies here and there, Overwatch is a pretty erratic/oftentimes unpredictable game, so even if you watch pros playing, they will sometimes get picked off. Rules to follow, generally, are: don't overextend, stay with your healers, and if you are playing a character where you need to go into the enemy lines (genji, tracer, D.Va, Reaper), then have a plan of escape, like one of your mobility abilities up/will be up before you're too far gone to leave in one piece.
Hah, I wish man. I'm putting the mouse and keyboard down for the night, but that's a good placement. 'gratz. We should play together some time: darkatnight#1407.

I'm a ps4 pleb, but thanks for the offer man.

But yeah I'm a bit surprised, I only went 6-4 and I sucked a bit during the last half of my games.


Nothing is more embarrassing than losing to an attack torb or symmetra on payload. It makes me try harder or get more frustrated lol.

I think it's extremely embarrassing whenever your team loses to any cheesy strat. Cheesy strats, at a competitive level of play, should be extremely easy to counter, it just takes a cursory amount of communication. But when your team is so dense and retarded that nobody can even respond/react to communication and coordinate to be alive at the same time and you get mowed down by a cheesy strat like defense Bastion, it makes me absolutely furious, because I know that we COULD overcome it, but people just..won't.

To put that into perspective, in a game earlier today we got hit with a defense Bastion/Rein/Mercy hiding under the lower arches right as you turn the corner on Dorado. Super cheesy, wiped us once or twice (or close to wiping), but we were all on comms and just coordinated to push in with a Zenyatta ult, wipe the Bastion, and successfully pushed the payload to where the enemy team had gotten (just past the arch bottleneck; we put up one hell of a defense). Not only that, but we successfully pulled off a 3/3 comp AND held the cart before the first checkpoint even when there were only 2 of us up against 4 of them at one point.

The contrast lies entirely in players who can communicate/coordinate, and those who refuse to do so. Having a mic and being willing to use it should be a requirement for comp. I dream of a day when I reach the high Diamond/M/GM ranks where everyone communicates. At least then, if I lose, I'll know we at least TRIED to work as a team.

I'm a ps4 pleb, but thanks for the offer man.

But yeah I'm a bit surprised, I only went 6-4 and I sucked a bit during the last half of my games.

Ah good stuff man. Keep on fighting the good fight! As for the placement, from what I understand it uses your S1 rank as a baseline, so, maybe that helps explain it.
Ah good stuff man. Keep on fighting the good fight! As for the placement, from what I understand it uses your S1 rank as a baseline, so, maybe that helps explain it.

I never played S1 comp, bought the game during the recent free weekend. I played Lucio on KOTH a lot so probably got decent points for that.


The contrast lies entirely in players who can communicate/coordinate, and those who refuse to do so.

This is definitely a problem at lower ranks. I always seem to get the worst teams at my rank (1500something, can't remember exactly without starting the game and looking).


I never played S1 comp, bought the game during the recent free weekend. I played Lucio on KOTH a lot so probably got decent points for that.

In that case I think it uses your internal MMR from QP as a baseline. I wish Blizzard would just tell us, but alas, we can only guess.
I have been having a bad month in both quick play and ranked, everyone seems to playing Hanzo and talking trash.

I want to play things beyond Winston/Tracer but everyone seems happy to countersnipe.


fun QP sessions with a full group of Gaffers. it's fun just to fuck around and not play seriously even tho we still won a bunch of matches anyway.


If they ever release a QP mode with the one hero selection limit, I don't think I'd touch comp again. The amount of arguing I come across in 80% of matches on a daily basis just gives me a headache. I don't even have the urge to continue a round at that point. People are too fixated on the numbers.
If they ever release a QP mode with the one hero selection limit, I don't think I'd touch comp again. The amount of arguing I come across in 80% of matches on a daily basis just gives me a headache. I don't even have the urge to continue a round at that point. People are too fixated on the numbers.

one hero per team really should be the default for QP. would make balancing even easier too

leave stacking fuckery to private matches or a cross-play playlist or something even more casual

but yeah until QP doesn't let my team have 3 genjis on it that can't hit the broad side of a barn I'm gonna stick to comp unless I'm practicing with a newish hero


Here's the mentality to survive at low ranks without going insane:

- Automatically assume your team is filled with bad players who will not talk
- Don't try to talk unless you really have to, no chat, no voice, nothing
- Hope that the enemy team is worse than your team
- Pick your best character that requires no synergy with another character, treat it as a practice bot match


Here's the mentality to survive at low ranks without going insane:

- Automatically assume your team is filled with bad players who will not talk
- Don't try to talk unless you really have to, no chat, no voice, nothing
- Hope that the enemy team is worse than your team
- Pick your best character that requires no synergy with another character, treat it as a practice bot match

RIP my SR rank. There is no hope for me.


the holder of the trombone
Oh god all these silver players.

Can't even understand the fundamentals of not spawn camping and staying with the group.


Pro matches really only tell you the 'meta' and how the game looks when played with 6 amazing players. Not much help to us. I understand hating watching people play games. But people like Stylosa(unit lost gaming) and Force gaming usually just talk while showing footage of some random game, and they give really good advice to 'normal' players like us.

So find your sweet spot, and then just enjoy the game.

Thanks for the info, I'll give them a watch. Is there anything that's not in video form though? If I have time to watch a video, I'd rather just be playing the game.

While when it comes to reading, I can read while I'm on the bus, or at work etc. Much prefer content not in video form.

I think my sweet spot is a little higher in the competitive. Too often do I have people on my team without a clue. That's just frustrating. Overwatch is a great game, because if both teams play well, then it's still fun to lose. It's when you lose because people aren't playing to the game that it stops being fun.


I've literally made no progress since the first week of season 2.

I'm getting 2-4 golds every match with my mains while switching to support when I need to.

Solo queue in this game is nigh impossible.


I destroy defense on McCree, dealing over 10k damage in one round which prevents the enemy from taking a single point on Gibraltor.

Some guy decides he no longer want to tank so he takes McCree from me. I go Hog, have a 85% hook accuracy while dealing another 10k damage attack.

Still can't win because the new McCree can't hit a Genji. Genji just ults every 40seconds to wipe the team because we never want to group.

I'm losing my god damn mind.


I can't break the 2399 mark.... every time I get near 2400 it seems Im purposely given idiot teammates who either

a)quit the game even though we're winning

b)absolutely no situational awareness, I can't tell you how many times I'll freeze someone and have a teammate just run right by and then I end up getting killed.... amongst many other situations

c)lack of hero awareness... I get it, there are some really good hanzos, bastions, tjorborn, etcs out there except you're not one of those really good ones. Pick a hero based on the situation... or people who stick with the same heroes all game even though we're getting steamrolled.

d)all of the above.

I understand I'm not amazing at this game either but i don't care if my team loses if we play well... but when we're losing because it seems people have no clue how to play this game...... I can't even imagine what it must be like in the lower ranks if it's this bad at where I'm at...

oh and the lack of communicating(on the ps4) is sad...
I seem to be on a winning run. For the past week or so I have only played 2 games a day. Won them all. I'm now having fun.

In the first season I spent hours a day, incurring loss after loss after loss. Horrible.

Now I'm at a higher rank than I've ever been in season 2. I never topped where I was placed in season 1.

Feels good.
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