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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero


Ace thanks for this - appreciated the ult advice - I'm already doing the vast majority of the other tips and have become pretty good with her but always felt my ult usage was mostly shite. Got a double boop last night on lighthouse - their Lucio and Mercy. Recorded that.

I particularly liked the part about her Matrix. S'like preach!


Is this the first one?

I've been hoping for like half a year for them to start doing them.. better late than never I guess.

AFAIK, yes. I haven't been playing constantly since launch but I have always been following the news and I've never heard of anything like this. Double XP weekend is probably Blizzard's compromise on the loot box complaints.
I have zero respect for people that search duos in comp and instalock Pharah/Mercy.

Heh, it happens sometimes. I have zero respect for people that go in premades, maybe wait until we have a tank + 1 support + a couple of dps and decide what we need is more dps. Or 2 Snipers. Like, if someone is good I'm all for it...but if we're on Attack and we have a Mercy + Reinhardt as our only Tank/Support we're reaaaaallly limiting ourselves.

Not won a single comp match since my placements. So this is what comp is then depressing.

It can be that way.

Last season I was a shade in Diamond at like 3050 or so. With 6W/4L in placements I somehow wound up at 2280 or thereabouts. Got to Plat after going on a win streak with a friend but sometimes the losses can feel brutal and out of your control.

Its why I prefer to think more like "My aim for this season is 100 wins" rather than thinking about it as "I want to get to Diamond", or whatever the rank may be.


Comp is just fucking terrible now, Blizzard absolutely needs to move quick on this shit. Yesterday I climbed 300 points and I'd wager 80% of the games had a quitter or someone throwing. Today, the reverse is happening. Nothing but fucking idiots running attack Sym, or tilting after one round of KOTH and picking something stupid.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Just let DVa fly forever like Pharah so she can go right up i nher face and drill a hole in it

With her cannons range, it's not like it'd make her strong against anyone else.
I love it when people switch characters 3-4 times in a single match with no coordination. Ults be damned... Yeah, our problem is wrong team comp, not that folks are going into engagements one at a time and getting destroyed.

And you hear them say, I'm going Reaper to take care of the Winston... At silver/gold/and even platinum, I think it's far more important to coordinate engagements and play a character your competent with than continually second guessing yours (and the teams) composition throughout the match.


I love it when people switch characters 3-4 times in a single match with no coordination. Ults be damned... Yeah, our problem is wrong team comp, not that folks are going into engagements one at a time and getting destroyed.

And you hear them say, I'm going Reaper to take care of the Winston... At silver/gold/and even platinum, I think it's far more important to coordinate engagements and play a character your competent with than continually second guessing yours (and the teams) composition throughout the match.

I mean...that's a valid counter if the Winston is causing problems.
I mean...that's a valid counter if the Winston is causing problems.

Understood. It's clear they've heard of what the counters are, but it's also clear they're just ping ponging between characters they're not experienced enough to play with one and/or they're too trigger happy to move when they get killed once or twice.
Any Gold/Plats play on PS4? Searching for some peeps to play Comp. I play Mercy, Lucio, D.Va, and Reaper. Mercy main

Yep. I main Zarya but regularly flex to Soldier, Hog, Zen & Mercy (aka all the "easy mode" players).

Got placed in gold and trying to climb back to plat this season.

PalaceBrother - Don't take it personally if I ignore an invite. With my kids I'm usually gaming on a tight schedule so can't always commit to a full comp game.
Yep. I main Zarya but regularly flex to Soldier, Hog, Zen & Mercy (aka all the "easy mode" players).

Got placed in gold and trying to climb back to plat this season.

PalaceBrother - Don't take it personally if I ignore an invite. With my kids I'm usually gaming on a tight schedule so can't always commit to a full comp game.

That's understandable, I'll give you an add tonight. PSN is Phantasystar23


Not won a single comp match since my placements. So this is what comp is then depressing.

Its gonna get even worse this weekend.

Naturally weekends are already bad but multiply that with the double EXP event.

Im already seeing more smurf accounts getting ready to hop on the chance to level up quicker.
Comp is just fucking terrible now, Blizzard absolutely needs to move quick on this shit. Yesterday I climbed 300 points and I'd wager 80% of the games had a quitter or someone throwing. Today, the reverse is happening. Nothing but fucking idiots running attack Sym, or tilting after one round of KOTH and picking something stupid.

Yep, been feeling this lately too. I'm taking a break until the moon map hits consoles because I'm getting too frustrated with comp lately. But you're right, something needs to happen soon; it does feel like the problem is becoming more and more prevalent.


I have zero respect for people that search duos in comp and instalock Pharah/Mercy.

Totally agreed.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm a top 3% Pharah with top 1% accuracy currently around 3500 SR. Any Mercy mains in here looking to climb?

Comp is just fucking terrible now, Blizzard absolutely needs to move quick on this shit. Yesterday I climbed 300 points and I'd wager 80% of the games had a quitter or someone throwing. Today, the reverse is happening. Nothing but fucking idiots running attack Sym, or tilting after one round of KOTH and picking something stupid.

In lower skill levels, leavers are even worse. You can expect 60-80% of matches having a leaver in them.
Yep. I main Zarya but regularly flex to Soldier, Hog, Zen & Mercy (aka all the "easy mode" players).

Got placed in gold and trying to climb back to plat this season.

PalaceBrother - Don't take it personally if I ignore an invite. With my kids I'm usually gaming on a tight schedule so can't always commit to a full comp game.

FYI, easy mode players can be deceptive to try and move up the ranks with. You're ranked based off of your stats on those characters vs others who play that same character. So, while you may be getting lots of medals, you may find that it's really hard to rank up at a certain point without getting substantially better. The game is designed to try to keep ~most folks in and around the 50% win rate, so to rank up you have to be better than most playing that same character as you can't assume a 60-70%+ win rate


Unconfirmed Member
Not ranting, but honest question.

I got gold eliminations for I think every single game of my last 6 games as Symetra and Dva and yet only went 1-4-1. Eliminations and damage are only average, but it's hard to go crazy on damage and elims when your team is getting blown up.


What am I supposed to take away from this? Do I not alter anything for now and consider it unlucky matchmaking? Or is there something in particular I should be trying harder to do that doesn't involve getting even more elims?


Not ranting, but honest question.

I got gold eliminations for I think every single game of my last 6 games as Symetra and Dva and yet only went 1-4-1. Eliminations and damage are only average, but it's hard to go crazy on damage and elims when your team is getting blown up.


What am I supposed to take away from this? Do I not alter anything for now and consider it unlucky matchmaking? Or is there something in particular I should be trying harder to do that doesn't involve getting even more elims?

Depends on the situation I'd say. If you post a VOD of your gameplay we could probably tell you what to improve on. It's hard to say without watching your gameplay though. For D.Va I would just make sure you're using defense matrix properly to block damage for other teammates and predicting enemy ults that you might be able to eat such as soldiers, zarya, mei, pharah, etc. Your job as D.Va isn't necessarily to get gold damage and elims, but to eat damage for your teammates mostly. Can't really speak for sym though since I have no time on her at all.


Not ranting, but honest question.

I got gold eliminations for I think every single game of my last 6 games as Symetra and Dva and yet only went 1-4-1. Eliminations and damage are only average, but it's hard to go crazy on damage and elims when your team is getting blown up.


What am I supposed to take away from this? Do I not alter anything for now and consider it unlucky matchmaking? Or is there something in particular I should be trying harder to do that doesn't involve getting even more elims?

It's hard to say without a scoreboard. The main thing is to look at the enemy comp and see if something stands out that would be causing your team trouble and maybe you could switch to something better.

Having golds doesn't mean much if the rest of your team is getting trashed by a certain hero. Like earlier I was playing KOTH as McCree, had gold elims and damage, but we could not push into the hill because of a Pharmercy harassing everyone. I switched off McCree, went DVa, another guy picked McCree and we were able to finally push in and we won 3 in a row.
Not ranting, but honest question.

I got gold eliminations for I think every single game of my last 6 games as Symetra and Dva and yet only went 1-4-1. Eliminations and damage are only average, but it's hard to go crazy on damage and elims when your team is getting blown up.


What am I supposed to take away from this? Do I not alter anything for now and consider it unlucky matchmaking? Or is there something in particular I should be trying harder to do that doesn't involve getting even more elims?

overall team comp needs to change. maybe they have support trying to dps or dps trying to support.
or everyone can't pick their main so they just go random.


I can listen to Zarya say "Maximum Charge" all day.

I used to hear it very often pre-Charge nerf and now since I have transition more to a passive, defensive Zarya with saving my Projected Barriers for saving teammates and not just to get Charge, I don't hear it as often. :(

Dive Comp's in general mean Zarya isn't as likely to gain charge against the old Deathballs. I love Zarya on any 2CP 1st Points though.


Really getting tired of Mercy not dying. As a winston I harass her relentlessly and there is no chance of her hp refuelling because I'm on her ass like a parasite yet she just wont die and she is getting no heals from anyone. Happens way too many times dude.
Not ranting, but honest question.

I got gold eliminations for I think every single game of my last 6 games as Symetra and Dva and yet only went 1-4-1. Eliminations and damage are only average, but it's hard to go crazy on damage and elims when your team is getting blown up.


What am I supposed to take away from this? Do I not alter anything for now and consider it unlucky matchmaking? Or is there something in particular I should be trying harder to do that doesn't involve getting even more elims?

There's really nothing you can do about your teammates. And like Ramirez said, without a scoreboard, you really don't know exactly that they've contributed beyond what if feels like they contributed.

So, you have to look inward. Do you feel like you're dying in the beginning of team fights? It might be better to play more defensively. Are you spending lots of time caging chokes with nests? There might be a better support to swap to that will keep your team up. That sort of thing. Personally, when I worry about not dying, I play a better Winston than I do when I worry about my golds. When I worry about nailing AAA clutch sleeps, I play a worse Ana than when I pop shots from an angle.

And frankly, there are those games in Overwatch that are already over before they begin. Ain't shit you can do about them. Focus on winning the ones you should and trying to win the ones you might.

... I say after back-to-back games with intentional throwers chuckling on their mics, after never having a deliberate thrower in comp before...

Not ranting, but honest question.

I got gold eliminations for I think every single game of my last 6 games as Symetra and Dva and yet only went 1-4-1. Eliminations and damage are only average, but it's hard to go crazy on damage and elims when your team is getting blown up.


What am I supposed to take away from this? Do I not alter anything for now and consider it unlucky matchmaking? Or is there something in particular I should be trying harder to do that doesn't involve getting even more elims?

I don't think gold eliminations mean much on their own - you can just get pot shots in while the rest of your team does most of the work. D.va is especially prone to this because her large spread means she tickles a lot of units from far away, so you rack up a good score while contributing very little.
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