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Parasite Eve needs a Reboot not a Remake


I recently replayed all 3 games in the Parasite Eve franchise and while Parasite Eve 2 and The 3rd Birthday are horseshit that without a doubt killed the franchise, the first game really does deserve a second chance in these modern times, the story is really good (probably due to being loosely based around the novel) and there's no better time to do it than now that everyone is remaking their survival horror games from the 90s and 2000s.

However I think a direct remake would be a bad idea, Square no longer has the rights for the Parasite Eve novel so they would have to change the plot anyway but the combat...man the combat just needs a complete rehaul it ruins any type of horror you could experience, for those that haven't played it, the combat uses random encounters for no reason and it's essentially an extremely outdated version of the combat in FFVII Remake, Magic spells feel out of place and there's barely any tension during combat other than the super telegraphed enemy attacks, you can just heal back any damage you take, you never run out of bullets, enemies are just trash mobs waiting to be grinded for levels in typical JRPG fashion and well it basically needs a complete redesign in that area, the combat single handedly erradicates the survival horror aspect of the game.

I think a Survival Horror with JRPG mechanics could work but going full Final Fantasy with the protagonist like Parasite Eve does is just not going to be well received in modern times, I have no doubt in my mind that if the game was remade as it is, it would be poorly received and many would bash it with the "not scary" line.



Eh, I like the name and legacy of Parasite Eve (I also kind of like the weird turns it took instead of normal sequels, ) but at this point, I don't know why to resurrect it other than that the name is still cool?

They're not going to do a proper sequel and continue of finish the story. They don't have compete rights to remake it. It's a gameplay meld that was always weird for its different target audiences (horror and RPG,) and the PSP have didn't solve that either with quirky action style. It's been over a decade since the last one and way longer than that since it was popular... the Madonna movie never happened (for better or worse.) And like you said, the gameplay is outdated and not loked by everybody so they'd have to make it different.

So many things add up to this being a bad idea to bring out of the vaults. That said, I would have guessed there'd be no more Parasite Eve before Third Birthday came out, so stranger things have happened to this very franchise...


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I'd settle for a quick port of the original 2 games and call it a day. The Tabata/Toriyama tag team with T3B killed the franchise.

Like there is clearly demand for it when everyone was initially excited about that Symbiogenesis thing.

For Parasite Eve to return I think a collab with Capcom or something similar would have to happen or just give the IP to Capcom siince Square can't be bothered use much less be trusted with it.


Gold Member
I'd rather current S-E not even touch it. After the 3rd birthday and the overall current landscape of gaming, I have doubts it would turn out well. I might be down for a spiritual successor.
let's see how is the writing in XVI.

one think could be encouraging.....those answers about the "diversity" in XVI.

A good Parasite Eve game needs to be mature and sexy.


I don't trust anyone in SquareEnix, outside of CBU3, to do anything right. Last time they did Parasite Eve they made a bad game, and gave us one of the worst cases of character assassination I'd ever seen.


I mean it’s fine but a remake is what it should get if anything. Reboot maybe not so much.
A full remake of PE1 with expanded areas and a hard difficulty mode would be a dream come true for me. one of my favorite games. really enjoyed 2 as well.


Don't reboot it, they will just ended up making another Resident Evil clone in the name of modernizing it. The battle system of PE1 is what make it so unique.

Don't remake it, it will either be a GTA trilogy level of stupidity or like Demon Souls, despite having superior graphics, alters the original artistic integrity.

If they must, just do a straight port or slightly up the resolution of the original.

And please leave Aye Brea alone, don't pull a 3rd bday BS again EVER.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Square Enix: “we hear you loud and clear. Emulated PS1 game with AI-upscaled backgrounds and a fast forward button, coming right up!”


Can ya boy get your opinions on the second game? I kinda hated it but I also respect it.

Gameplay was okay for the most part, it's basically Resident Evil 1-3 with RPG elements, not a fan of the change to Tank controls though, why would they change that when the first game was fine without them? but what I really didn't like was the non sensical continuation of the story and the personality changes they made for Aya Brea which ultimately leads to the even worse third game.

Parasite Eve needs to stay dead.
It was great because of how it was made, when it was made.

If done today, Squeenix would turn it into some realtime generic third person shooter.

Eh, would hardly call it an horror game. It has a dark atmosphere and monsters, but it's nothing like Silent Hill for instance.
Plus, dumbing down the combat in favor of horror is the worst thing they could make.
It's a more mature RPG with a serious and dark tone. But in the end, it's still an RPG.

Other similar dark RPGs of the time were Galerians and Koudelka.

Yeah I know JRPG Survival Horror games exist and they can actually be good, in fact one of my favorite games from the Wii is Fragile Dreams, way scarier than Parasite Eve even with it's cutesy characters.

Was the first too easy..?
hmm for a middle schooler playing it the first time in 1998 it wasn't too easy. but i've already beat EX game and the game in general multiple times. never tried any challenge runs. i just love the game how it is but would like an official challenge mode.
Eh, would hardly call it an horror game. It has a dark atmosphere and monsters, but it's nothing like Silent Hill for instance.
I would fully agree with this take if Parasite Eve 2 never existed. It's also shocking to me that no one else(not even indie devs) even attempted to do a Resident Evil-style horror game with JRPG mechanics.


This thread just made me realize that I wouldn't mind seeing more gaming reboots in general.

The remake has seemingly replaced the reboot these days. I think remakes in general are fine and have their appeal, but reboots I find to be a bit more exciting because we don't know what the execution will look like. The reception could go either way or end up being divisive.


Gold Member
Can ya boy get your opinions on the second game? I kinda hated it but I also respect it.
PE1 never released in Europe, so my first contact with the series was with PE2 and... I really liked it. I played it an inconsiderate number of times, even wrote a walkthrough in English and one in Italian that are still on GameFAQs. Yes, I realize it's very different from the original but I don't think there's really anything wrong with it. Combat is much more interesting and varied than in classic Resident Evil, the customization of powers and weapons is on another scale compared to RE. Some setpieces are really well made and there's some genuine horror moments that hit hard.

Square Enix: “we hear you loud and clear. Emulated PS1 game with AI-upscaled backgrounds and a fast forward button, coming right up!”
I mean, a collection of the trilogy getting the same treatment as the modern FF ports would be better than nothing, and probably better than any attempts at remakes from current SQEX.


Writes a lot, says very little
Oooohh, EDMIX EDMIX 's favorite Wii game

Those is facts.

Why this was never ported to Switch after is beyond me. Thats one of those lost gems.

and I agree with Parasite Eve needing to stay dead. I love the IP, but I don't now how that even translates in todays market. Its simply too far removed after many generations for it to be relevant to any of todays current market, so to remake such a game, so many liberties would need to be made to the point of, is it even what Parasite Eve was during the PS1 era? What it was back then, to make it what we know of these games today indeed is to make it some 3rd person shooter.

So they'd need to strongly follow the RE2 / RE3 remake route, but they'd also need still maintain it being a RPG as clearly Parasite Eve and Resident Evil where 2 different games, they did have many, many things in common, but their genres were still different and aimed to do different things.

So I worry with how they'd pull off some remake and would rather we don't even get it and they just do some remaster or something and port the games.

So its in a horror setting, but its core genre is RPG, so I 100% agree with that statement. It has the iconography of a horror, but the core elements are 100% RPG and it seems lot lean more into that and horror gameplay elements.
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