Why do you think Guild Wars 2 is failing? From everything Arena.net is saying it seems to be making mad bank.
Failing is perhaps the wrong word.
It's making money. However, I'd argue the player base isn't massive, and although they say it's making a lot of money. I'd wager they're disappointed that it wasn't as popular as they wanted it to be. I mean I'm pretty sure it's concurrent users is less than Dota 2 even.
It could have been so much more, really.
Same for SWTOR, EA says that's making a lot of money, but, I don't think anyone will deny that they royally screwed that up.
Thats exactly why they fail. MMO players are going to play MMO's period. We have been for over 15 years. Its when games are changed to accomodate other types of players that games pops artificially bloat then end up with a ton of servers that are half populated. Factions that arent necessary because the population doesnt merit them. And players that demand they log into an MMO and solo it and have the same experience as concerted effort of many. Content will always be an issue in an MMO but if that were the problem they wouldnt have even grown as much as they did to this day. The problem is the masses of people that thought the model should change then they realized they wanted to play other genres. Left with bloated games with 50 different item sets 40 currencies 20 instances for alternate types of players. Its shit and thats a waste of resources. WoW Vanilla/BC, thats about as casual as an MMO should get, otherwise plenty of people swell the pop and then leave. Where as an MMO player ..shit they will play games like Final Fantasy online where rabbits beat your ass, and Lineage 2 , Tera Online, people still play DCUO. They are making these games for a bunch of people that dont really like them.
I honestly don't agree. The fact that WoW still has so many players, completely destroys your point.
You seem to be under the illusion that "hardcore" mmorpg players are the majority. They aren't, and won't ever be.
Edit: It's also worth pointing out, no MMO is completely casual. WoW was catering to both.