Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Edit: randomly selected media updates from the last page, there were tons of cool stuff so check it yourself thoroughly for much more, I can only embed 10 of them in a post 
I got pulleys and I like them, it makes me much more likely to turn around and stuff physically than resort to the analog stick. That said I upgraded to the pulleys at the same time as I did from a 2-tracker system to a 360 degree 3-tracker system (original Rift) so perhaps I'd learn to make do anyway. They're cheap so just try it.Is a pulley system a seriously good investment? I have a Rift S that I love to bits, but the wire does get a little annoying from time-to-time. My biggest thing is that I don't want to drill any holes in the roof either, so hopefully they'd make ones that are adhesive instead.
For the raw price to performance I couldn't be any happier with the Rift S, I'm going to have to do some modding for it though. Using any headset with glasses on is a huge pain in the ass so I'm picking up those prescription lens inserts you can use. I've been debating picking up one of the Vive Deluxe Audio Straps too and using one of the many modding solutions people have come up with to replace my Rift S's headband.
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