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PC VR - Hardware, Software, Recommendations & Discussion Thread


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
It seems PC-based VR and Oculus Quest are on the roll here now that PSVR' release is slowing down significantly. Lots of positive news around. Asgard's Wrath VR being the top rated VR title this year besides Beat Saber among others.



Don't like streamers like that who overact and yap but damn if the game doesn't already look great and polished before the damn Kickstarter is even over.

Good to know all the promo stuff weren't faked but mostly already functional and implemented. This is one to get hyped for me thinks, so much goodness.

Stop trying to make me up my pledge! :p

Also, Low-Fi is available on itch.io and indiegogo, for those that missed the Kickstarter.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
This is coming very soon.

I don't quite get the 3rd person gimmick, I'd play the shit out of it even if it was regular FPVR. But it still looks FUN.
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Gold Member

Don't like streamers like that who overact and yap but damn if the game doesn't already look great and polished before the damn Kickstarter is even over.

Good to know all the promo stuff weren't faked but mostly already functional and implemented. This is one to get hyped for me thinks, so much goodness.

It actually looks better than Espire 1 :messenger_hushed:


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I'll play the shit ouf of Espire 1 (come on, release already) but Panther VR is so well thought out, the big picture and the details if you read the KS page with the features and stuff. Of course it could still suck in the end for all we know (bad AI/levels/etc) but they seem to know their shit 100%.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!

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This generation of VR's a dud. This generation is tech isn't going to be the mainstream breakthrough. No one has any good or novel ideas for games that you can't do better with traditional gaming setups. Not really surprised though given John Carmack's track record since Doom 3. It's like, if he works on something, it's a guaranteed flop at this point. Him bailing pretty much saved Doom 2016, I think,
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This generation of VR's a dud
Disagree, it's probably the best it's been and getting better. We have hardware segments that cater to a wider audience, easier to use and several stable platforms to build an audience from. This means competition that pushes the medium forward though competition while providing good solid stable solutions that people can finally trust has having a future.
The first generation of true to life AAA titles are finally appearing, those with money to back them and story and/or gameplay to entertain beyond the "tech demo" that has been pervasive last Gen.
The ability to have best of both worlds, not only tethered or untethered but both in the same package is finally reality.
In general VR is the best its been and the next few years are going to be very interesting, so many new things to look forward to


This generation of VR's a dud. This generation is tech isn't going to be the mainstream breakthrough. No one has any good or novel ideas for games that you can't do better with traditional gaming setups. Not really surprised though given John Carmack's track record since Doom 3. It's like, if he works on something, it's a guaranteed flop at this point. Him bailing pretty much saved Doom 2016, I think,

I actually think VR ports are better than traditional gaming. Most any fps, flight game, horror, or racing is just better in VR in my experience. No contest.

That's not even counting games made especially for VR.

Not only that, VR doesnt have to explode onto mainstream. I'd rather it stay a healthy niche tbh, and its headed that way if not already. Selling a bunch of units doesn't mean it's not good though, it just means the majority are still ignorant and think watching videos of VR means they've experienced high end VR.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
This looks promising, missed it on announcement ~20 days ago, just spotted it while twitter crawling.

Don't feed the trolls please, I've clarified the OP and switched some of the videos initially chosen for it :messenger_smiling:

Sucks so many videos of VR gameplay show the non-dominant eye's view which means you don't get to see how the player lines up sights and scopes properly in an FPS or whatever. I guess showing the left eye is the default and games/users don't bother changing it when recording?
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Looks quite cool in normal gameplay (well, "normal", still a mixed reality video).

I'm thinking it will take me a while to adjust to that constant forward movement. And again I just hope the shooting feels right, they've said it's not so much about accuracy but the rhythm and stuff before so I'm skeptical.

Hopefully there are different modes of play/options to make shooting 1:1 because it looks like the closest thing to a real arcade style lightgun shooter in terms of how tight and speedy it appears compared to others.
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You all saw this, right?

Who wants to return to Los Santos to play the full GTA V in VR?

GTA V is a masterpiece. In my opinion, it builds one of the most believable, enjoyable and detailed virtual worlds ever created in videogame. So, it pained me a lot that I couldn't experience it properly in VR. There were a couple of VR mods out there, sure, but they're mostly Vive-centric, outdated and basically don't work correctly anymore, or at least I couldn't make them work well enough to get the feeling of immersion that I craved. I was looking for a mod that would allow me to play the FULL game from start to 100% completion on my Rift, and to leisurely spend my time strolling or driving through the incredible locations of Los Santos and Blaine County, with a feel that was as close as possible to that of a native VR game.
Since I couldn't find any suitable solutions, I built one myself. If you wish, you too can now enjoy the results by going to my GitHub release page and following the quick setup instructions given at the start of the README. My mod is standalone and doesn't need vorpX or anything else installed, apart from the original game of course.
This is the second entry in my R.E.A.L. VR mod series: the first one was a VR conversion for an old gem, way smaller and less known than GTA V, but much loved by us die-hard fans: No One Lives Forever 2. You can still find that mod here (sadly, due to a stupid deadlock among huge, soulless corporations that may or may not hold some of the rights to the game, NOLF2 can no longer be legally purchased, although as usual the internet will find a way).
Getting back to the wonderful GTA V, just a couple of warnings: my R.E.A.L. mod is NOT advisable for people who are new to VR and still have to develop their "VR legs", due to smooth locomotion and in general the fast pace of the game. Also, cutscenes have a close-up camera that might make a few people queasy (although they can be skipped if they're too much for you). However, if you are patient and build your VR legs gradually, I believe that being able to be transported inside the amazing world that Rockstar created is one of the most beautiful experiences that can be had in VR at the moment.
I hope that you have as much fun playing this VR conversion as I had developing and, um, "testing" it!!
P.S. This mod is obviously for offline, Story Mode only. Don't try to use it for Online: it won't work, and you'd just risk getting banned.
P.P.S. If there is enough interest (say, if the mod gets more than 10,000 downloads, or if any experienced GTA modder contacts me to expand it) I will make the complete source code available.

Edit: I noticed that lots of people want to see videos of this in action before downloading. I'd be more than happy if some YouTubers could come to the rescue: just be warned about one possible technical difficulty. The alternate-eye rendering that I'm using for this mod will probably make your recording come out jittery (it happened to Nathie for example). If you encounter this problem, just activate the mod hotkeys with F11 and then hit NUMPAD 2 to disable the stereo rendering for the duration of the streaming. The same trick can be used when exporting videos from the Rockstar Editor. And I believe it can also be used to make the mod work correctly with Revive (although of course it will not be stereo 3D, unless /u/crossvr and I manage to work out some other solution).
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Yeah, not really interested if there's no hand/weapons tracking and it's like vorpx. There's not much footage of the mod yet but it probably doesn't have that since it's from the same guy that did the Noone Lives Forever 2 VR mod which didn't do that either. But we'll see I guess.

I only care to play non VR games in VR if they actually take advantage of it for gameplay (so not even like Resident Evil 7). Like Half-Life VR (sucks this is for Quest only for now, no PC version, but there are people working on HLVR mods for PC, we'll see if any get done/good):
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!

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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So, Creative Assembly's (Total War/Alien: Isolation) next FPS might have VR support going by this clip (or they just use VR in production).

Neat game concept.
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Gold Member
P.P.S. If there is enough interest (say, if the mod gets more than 10,000 downloads, or if any experienced GTA modder contacts me to expand it) I will make the complete source code available.
Would be cool because maybe someone could figure out how to get motion controls working. Or Vive support :messenger_crying:



Would be cool because maybe someone could figure out how to get motion controls working.
That'd be pretty hard considering much of the game movement is digital (on/off) but VR is mostly analog. It would be difficult to decouple head movement from arm movement too. Perhaps something like how you can drive in the game yet still look around.
Either way that would be impressive shit if they could muster it.
Put it in rdr2 and I'll never return to the real world :messenger_winking:
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Remember this bit of news from last year? What if it's a feature that hasn't been announced yet for the upcoming PC version?
Megaton if they reveal it when it launches november 5.
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Gold Member
That'd be pretty hard considering much of the game movement is digital (on/off) but VR is mostly analog. It would be difficult to decouple head movement from arm movement too. Perhaps something like how you can drive in the game yet still look around.
Either way that would be impressive shit if they could muster it.
Put it in rdr2 and I'll never return to the real world :messenger_winking:
it was somehow possible in this old mod (that stopped working a while ago)


it was somehow possible in this old mod (that stopped working a while ago)
Yeah that looks like a simple case and works entirely because you're in the car.
Decoupling your head from movement when walking isn't really possible in the game and getting controller movement to work that way would likely be impossible without changes from R*.



Remember this bit of news from last year? What if it's a feature that hasn't been announced yet for the upcoming PC version?
Megaton if they reveal it when it launches november 5.

That would be amazing. I held off playing the game in hope it would come to VR.


I was debating between Oculus Rift S and and Htc Vive, and then came to realize Valve Index was a thing. $999 is a steep price but if it doesn't come down from that during Black Friday/holidays season I might end up impulse buying it by the end of the year.

Funny thing is that what looking forward the most is to play some emulators via EmuVR and Retro Arcade Neon, I want to play some light gun games without depending on the serviceable but imperfect Wiimote/Move controllers.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I was debating between Oculus Rift S and and Htc Vive, and then came to realize Valve Index was a thing. $999 is a steep price but if it doesn't come down from that during Black Friday/holidays season I might end up impulse buying it by the end of the year.

Funny thing is that what looking forward the most is to play some emulators via EmuVR and Retro Arcade Neon, I want to play some light gun games without depending on the serviceable but imperfect Wiimote/Move controllers.
Just played some Confidential Mission and House of the Dead 2 Dreamcast ports on EmuVR and it's so good and perfectly calibrated, definitely ditching dolphin/bar/wiimotes after this (even if not all Wii lightgun ports are playable there are more that weren't on Wii too) for lightgun games.

But don't miss out on new VR games like the one above your post either :)
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Yeah that looks like a simple case and works entirely because you're in the car.
Decoupling your head from movement when walking isn't really possible in the game and getting controller movement to work that way would likely be impossible without changes from R*.

Not in-vehicle gameplay.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Freaking hyped, next month can't come soon enough!

Each week leading up to the game’s launch on November 14, we’ll unveil another clip that showcases even more of what you can expect from Stormland. And mark your calendars for a launch day stream, November 14 at 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT!
To celebrate the upcoming launch, we’re also hosting mini-interviews with some of the people who helped bring this android dream to life like only VR can do. First up, Insomniac Games Principal Designer Duncan Moore!
I love the sheer immersion of it all. The promise of VR is to transport you to another world where you can lose yourself completely in role-play. This is so strong in Stormland, and there are many systems that come together to accomplish it.

Having the ability to freely explore the world—using your body to climb and traverse both feels natural and empowering. Seeing your full body animating and moving with you locks you into that character in a way many other VR games aren’t achieving. Our weapon systems and world interactions are physical and grounded in a way that feels tactile, yet isn’t too finicky—they find just the right balance between fun and realism.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
The Thrill of the Fight just got out of early access (and got on Quest too).
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So I guess I should post about this since it released but I couldn't care less about it hence the delay for it. Regardless of the user reviews (some them will probably be fixed as they complain it doesn't work right on this or that VR kit, they'll probably patch it all soon enough, or not, they didn't even care to put a trailer on the page) it's just a retread, without the co-op element of the original and I don't even personally think BL's bullet sponge gameplay lends itself well to VR without significant retooling of every aspect if there was ever going to be a real from the ground up BLVR game.

Edit: so dodgy Gearbox itself says they "accidentally" showed Index support for the game and they don't confirm a patch is coming. What a shit show...
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