Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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From that Sports Illustrated Facebook thread, this comment was great:

This is classless. Why can't we move forward? Because of media like SI who continue to harp on the past.

Truly, it was an incident in the distant past. Why keeping harping on ancient history???


The punishment against Penn State is what it is... but man, the fan reactions make me want to punch a hole in the wall. A lot of PSU students really need some perspective.

I don't agree that the school should be shut down, but most certainly, at the very least, the football team should have been ordered to cease to exist for an indefinite period of time.

But, eh, the damage has been done. Not sure why anyone outside of the PSU bubble would want to be associated with that team, even years from now. The football program is going to be forever associated with the actions of Sandusky and a group of people who didn't have the balls to speak up, including Paterno. Vacating his wins was a nice touch.
Surprised those players are staying...

not sure if that's being a boss...or just stupid.

It's boss. That University represents a ton of people besides the few in the know about child molestation, and I think they are proving a point that they are the ones ultimately who will be responsible for Penn State's reputation and legacy moving forward. Plus, it's a good school that people are (were?) working hard just to get accepted. Good for them.

EDIT: Plus, that loyalty and leadership is commendable, perhaps even to NFL scouts. Howver, if I wasn't a Junior or Senior, I'd bail. Hell, I'd bail anyway, but then again, I'm no leader.


Surprised those players are staying...

not sure if that's being a boss...or just stupid.

Players statement for those who didn't see.

This team is sticking together. We aren’t going anywhere. And we could not be more proud to be Penn Staters now. We look at this as a great opportunity to have the ability to bring back not only a team but an entire university.

This team has taken on more adversity than any team has faced in history which is a testament to our commitment to our teams character, our fans, and our university. One man didn’t build this program and one man sure as hell cannot tear it down. This program was built on the backs of the thousands of great men who put on the Penn State uniform. Today it is no different.

No sanction or politician can tear this team apart. No one can take away what this university means to us. We will stick together and create our own legacy. Our loyalty lies only with our teammates, coaches, fans and families. No one else.

It’s not going to be easy but we know that we have acquired the strength that we have overcome and we will embrace our anger and burn it as fuel this season.

We can’t wait for September 1 and to be back in Beaver Stadium and playing for Penn State in front of the best fans in the nation. We ask everyone to come out, show the support, wear your colors proudly and show that adversity makes the Penn State nation tougher and stronger.

Thank you.


One man didn’t build this program and one man sure as hell cannot tear it down.
Yes, because only one man did anything wrong here.

I know they gotta say what they gotta say to pander to their fans (if any of them even actually had a hand in writing it), but it's a sad sign that nothing has changed about the culture.

The trustees haven't changed, the alumni haven't changed, the collective head-in-sand culture hasn't changed. Penn State keeps painting itself as a poor victim struggling against unfair adversity, and they seem to be taking all the wrong lessons away from their punishment. Has anyone in the cult actually learned anything from this? The program might be back to square one within a decade; would anyone there dare to blow the whistle on a child raping coach at that point? I'm skeptical.

Were it not for the poor odds of landing a pedo assistant coach, I could easily see it happening again. I guess Penn State is just a scary place, one of those cultural oddities to be cataloged and studied so that the rest of us might avoid falling into the same moral abyss.


And we could not be more proud to be Penn Staters now...

This team has taken on more adversity than any team has faced in history...

We can’t wait for September 1 and to be back in Beaver Stadium and playing for Penn State in front of the best fans in the nation.


My Member!
Yes, because only one man did anything wrong here.

I know they gotta say what they gotta say to pander to their fans (if any of them even actually had a hand in writing it), but it's a sad sign that nothing has changed about the culture.

The trustees haven't changed, the alumni haven't changed, the collective head-in-sand culture hasn't changed. Penn State keeps painting itself as a poor victim struggling against unfair adversity, and they seem to be taking all the wrong lessons away from their punishment. Has anyone in the cult actually learned anything from this? The program might be back to square one within a decade; would any of them dare to blow the whistle on a child raping coach at that point? I'm skeptical.

What is there to learn? That a group of all of four people didn't report a child predator 14 years ago - but were all in high positions at PSU so the whole school took the fall when most players on the current team were just starting Kindergarden?

Just because a certain segment of wacko fanatics protected their 'hero sports figure' from what came out about him, doesn't mean there's a specific 'culture' there. Look at some of the bigger scandals over the years regarding cults of personalities. People were defending Kobe as soon as rape allegations came out, he was acquited, but how many Lakers fans defended him before they knew a damn thing, just because he was a star?

How many Saints fans are crying foul over the bounty shit in the NFL? How many Brewers fans were making excuses for their MVP last year when he tested positive for roids and got off on a technicality? Or Cam Newton's family getting paid and no one outside Auburn thinking he should have been eligible? Smaller issues, sure, but the excuses are always the same.

This culture you keep speaking of - its SPORTS. The nutjobs and the wackos are going to defend till their death in any fanbase. It happens time and time again. They'll excuse something as far as their cognitive dissonance can go.

And its no surprise that the team and players has taken the us vs. the world mentality because they're the ones being punished for something they didn't do. The fallout of something bad usually falls on the innocent many, more the targeted few who caused the problems. German women and children were raped by Russian soldiers after Berlin fell in response to German atrocities in Russian villiage while Hitler took the pussy way out.

If there was a lesson to be learned here, its only history repeats itself, and the sins of a select few are usually paid for by a collective majority.


Yes, because only one man did anything wrong here.

I know they gotta say what they gotta say to pander to their fans (if any of them even actually had a hand in writing it), but it's a sad sign that nothing has changed about the culture.

The trustees haven't changed, the alumni haven't changed, the collective head-in-sand culture hasn't changed. Penn State keeps painting itself as a poor victim struggling against unfair adversity, and they seem to be taking all the wrong lessons away from their punishment. Has anyone in the cult actually learned anything from this? The program might be back to square one within a decade; would anyone there dare to blow the whistle on a child raping coach at that point? I'm skeptical.

Were it not for the poor odds of landing a pedo assistant coach, I could easily see it happening again. I guess Penn State is just a scary place, one of those cultural oddities to be cataloged and studied so that the rest of us might avoid falling into the same moral abyss.

Maybe because the punishment was carried out in the wrong way in that it seemed to go after current, prior players and the rest of the student body over those who covered it up. Does the NCAA ruling prevent Mcqueary, Shultz, Curly and Spanier from coaching or dealing with NCAA sports? No.


My Member!
A collective majority willing to defend the sins of a select few.

How do you know its the entire majority? I've heard several Penn State fans call in various sports shows saying its totally unacceptable what JoePa did, and the statue, the accolades, and everything should be stricken.

I've seen nothing less batshit than what goes on in all the other sports and fanbases when a bad situation comes up and the fans defend it. Theres very, very few situations like JoePa's because of his tenure and record and this particular incident, but some that come to mind on a similar scale are something like IU fans support of Bob Knight after he basically choked a player. Cincinnati fans support of Bob Huggins after his run in with DUI's. Falcons fans defending Mike Vick's dog fighting scandal.

I've yet to see anything about whats happening at PSU that I would say is some kind of abnormal cult culture that wouldn't happen somewhere else with an avid fanbase. It would happen at most places with a pulse in fact, and history proves that the excuses from various fanbases come out to protect their own.


What is there to learn?
That their sports leadership is not infallible and that they should not respond automatically to criticism by trying to intimidate the accusers.

Just because a certain segment of wacko fanatics protected their 'hero sports figure' from what came out about him, doesn't mean there's a specific 'culture' there.
I disagree. I am not cynical enough to believe that just any university would have done the same and reacted the same.

People were defending Kobe as soon as rape allegations came out, he was acquited, but how many Lakers fans defended him before they knew a damn thing, just because he was a star?
At this point the Penn State cult can no longer claim ignorance as an excuse. It's not good to react with a kneejerk, but this is far past that point and far more shameless.

This culture you keep speaking of - its SPORTS. The nutjobs and the wackos are going to defend till their death in any fanbase. It happens time and time again. They'll excuse something as far as their cognitive dissonance can go.
Again I'm very skeptical that the average sports fan would defend their team over something like this. I don't think this is an appropriate generalization, and it's possibly even insulting.

And its no surprise that the team and players has taken the us vs. the world mentality because they're the ones being punished for something they didn't do. The fallout of something bad usually falls on the innocent many, more the targeted few who caused the problems. German women and children were raped by Russian soldiers after Berlin fell in response to German atrocities in Russian villiage while Hitler took the pussy way out.

If there was a lesson to be learned here, its only history repeats itself
What the flying fuck. I can't believe I bothered typing up responses to the rest of your post. I thought the 9/11 analogy was bad enough but now we've got Godwin's Law all up in this shit. Penn State, it's a hell of a drug.


My Member!
That their sports leadership is not infallible and that they should not respond automatically to criticism by trying to intimidate the accusers.

I disagree. I am not cynical enough to believe that just any university would have done the same and reacted the same.

At this point the Penn State cult can no longer claim ignorance as an excuse. It's not good to react with a kneejerk, but this is far past that point and far more shameless.

Again I'm very skeptical that the average sports fan would defend their team over something like this. I don't think this is an appropriate generalization, and it's possibly even insulting.

Wat. I'm gonna call Godwin's Law on this. Wow, just wow.

I gave you like 10 different examples of major incident on a smaller scale when fans with a hero complex to that particular athlete or coach had a vocal amount of people make excuses.

And the way you speak about sports and some of your posting history I scanned, I'm guessing you probably haven't even so much as sniffed a whiff of ESPN to even recognize anything I said or went to a game in your life, so I'm just going to assume ignorance on your part to understanding the depths of fanaticism.

Most college football fans wouldn't even place Penn State fanatacism as some Big 12 teams or about anyone in the SEC. If you think the same exact thing happened a similar figure in scale to Bama, Auburn, or whoever else and the fanbase wouldn't response the same - or with even more vigor - you really need to learn more about sports.


I gave you like 10 different examples of major incident on a smaller scale when fans with a hero complex to that particular athlete or coach had a vocal amount of people make excuses.

And none of those examples were remotely comparable. But your examples and analogies are generally horrifying, so whatever. Keep fucking that chicken. This is your 9/11, WWII, and Rawanda all rolled into one.

And the way you speak about sports and some of your posting history I scanned, I'm guessing you probably haven't even so much as sniffed a whiff of ESPN to even recognize anything I said or went to a game in your life
I attend baseball games and I follow basketball, not that any of that is remotely relevant.


The program is dead for about a decade. They're going to suffer plenty.

How are they dead this season if the vast majority of the teams starters stay? They'll remain competitive in the B1G, still be on TV and still probably drawing the same number of fans. If despite the punishment they can somehow field a competitive team they will be fine.

Sponsors will leave initially, but will come back with time like Mike Vick.


My Member!
And none of those examples were remotely comparable. But your examples and analogies are generally horrifying, so whatever.

So, whatever. Goto a football game for once in your life before you start claiming there's something in the water with Pennsylvania that you think wouldn't happen elsewhere. It's a sports fanaticism culture, not a Pennsylvania culture.

If my examples aren't good enough for you, there are plenty more. At a Raiders-Niners PRESEASON game last year, one fan gunned another down. There's been countless extremely deadly riots and attacks at soccer game in Europe and elsewhere. Fans are fucking nuts - EVERYWHERE. Maybe you should learn about the sports fanatasism culture and actually WATCH ONE before you spout off at me with your ignorance.

Also, keep with that strawman on shit I didn't even say. You're pretty good at making shit up. I made an apt comparison how a select few can make a large amount of people pay for that small amount of individuals crimes.


I made an apt comparison

Yeah and this is where I stop treating you like a reasonable person. If you can't understand why comparing the rape and murder of innocents in wartime to the sanctions imposed on your university's football program is offensive then you're one of the worst examples of the cult we've seen in this thread.


The program is dead for about a decade. They're going to suffer plenty.

They don't get it, though. Rallying against the big bad world that's out to get them means they don't understand the punishment.

Shut it down for two years, and let's see them rally around an empty stadium.
They don't get it, though. Rallying against the big bad world that's out to get them means they don't understand the punishment.

Shut it down for two years, and let's see them rally around an empty stadium.

This is exactly what I think is bothering people the most. The "oh woe as us" bullshit. Shut up and go to class, dummies. Stop crying over your excuse-making coach. Children were being raped in your damn showers for decades. Children.


My Member!
Yeah and this is where I stop treating you like a reasonable person. If you can't understand why comparing the rape and murder of innocents in wartime to the sanctions imposed on your university's football program is offensive then you're one of the worse examples of the cult we've seen in this thread.

If you can't understand that zero of that comparison has anything you're spouting off about, then the only cult you belong to is one on my permanently blocked list. I could not give a fuck less about Penn State or the state, but you'dd have to be just a flat out ignorant fool to think under the same situations other schools or professional franchises would not have as many or more fanatics protecting the cult of personality of their hero. Fanatics have their ego tied to their school and will defend anything they can, if they can't defend it, they'll justify it, if they can't justify it they'll empathize with it. That's all I'm saying. It's not a Penn State Culture, its a sports fanaticism culture. People have KILLED others and put death threats on unpopular athletes, opposing or not - and you think they wouldn't make excuses for this at those places?????

Not going to waste my time arguing with someone looking to get their rocks off picking an argument and claiming bullshit on something someone else isn't even saying or claiming they're a 'part' of it because it would happen anywhere with a fanatical fanbase.

See ya. Maybe someone else will humor your ignorance and insults.


If you can't understand that zero of that comparison has anything you're spouting off about, then the only cult you belong to is one on my permanently blocked list.

How unfair, it's just like when Nelson Mandela was silenced unjustly. History is totally repeating itself here.
Hey, TheNatural, please don't rope the rest of us sports fans in with that mentality. Those are rare, extreme, and crazy examples.

Also, your analogies are pretty whack.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!

If Penn State had not accepted the package of NCAA sanctions announced Monday, the Nittany Lions faced a historic death penalty of four years, university president Rodney Erickson told "Outside the Lines" on Wednesday afternoon.

In a separate interview, NCAA president Mark Emmert confirmed that a core group of NCAA school presidents had agreed early last week that an appropriate punishment was no Penn State football for four years.


My Member!
Hey, TheNatural, please don't rope the rest of us sports fans in with that mentality. Those are rare, extreme, and crazy examples.

Also, your analogies are pretty whack.

I don't know who your team is, but I'm sure if you posted who it was I could Google search some notable nutjob(s) in your fanbase. They're everywhere, no one is immune.

Especially if you're in the deep south.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I don't know who your team is, but I'm sure if you posted who it was I could Google search some notable nutjob(s) in your fanbase. They're everywhere, no one is immune.

Especially if you're in the deep south.
He's a Vandy fan. Now what?


How do you know its the entire majority? I've heard several Penn State fans call in various sports shows saying its totally unacceptable what JoePa did, and the statue, the accolades, and everything should be stricken.

That 2,000 members of the student body violently rioted when JoePa was fired is pretty telling.


My Member!
That 2,000 members of the student body violently rioted when JoePa was fired is pretty telling.

Have you ever been to Morgantown? That's what they call a quiet Tuesday night.

Thats going to be one of the more fun things to look at this year for myself. Big 12 teams are going to be in for a nice surprise on their trip this year, especially OU.

One of my friends went to Mississippi State and got hit with a shoe just sitting in the crowd when he went there. A nice LSU couple there trying to leave the game with the girl pregnant, got assaulted, and the father to be beaten so badly it basically put him in a coma and I'm not sure if he ever recovered. They hit a Pitt assistant in the face with a battery - in BASKETBALL - a year or two ago.

Note that these were just OUT OF CONFERENCE games as well. Can't wait to see the reports back from what happens to OU and KSU fans there this year.


I live in State College, you all don't. There are TONS of perfectly reasonable, decent people here that are not part of the Paterno Cult who are just trying to live their lives. Sorry to disappoint you and your broad generalizations.
Have you ever been to Morgantown? That's what they call a quiet Tuesday night.

Thats going to be one of the more fun things to look at this year for myself. Big 12 teams are going to be in for a nice surprise on their trip this year, especially OU.

One of my friends went to Mississippi State and got hit with a shoe just sitting in the crowd when he went there. A nice LSU couple there trying to leave the game with the girl pregnant, got assaulted, and the father to be beaten so badly it basically put him in a coma and I'm not sure if he ever recovered. They hit a Pitt assistant in the face with a battery - in BASKETBALL - a year or two ago.

Note that these were just OUT OF CONFERENCE games as well. Can't wait to see the reports back from what happens to OU and KSU fans there this year.

The Big 12 already has fan bases who do similar antics. Texas Tech fans have been known to throw batteries at the opposing fans. WVU will be the first fan base in the Big12 known for burning couches though.
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