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Perfect Dark New Trailer Released | Xbox Showcase 2024


Gold Member
I wasn’t impressed by the Mirror’s Edge/Dying Light traversal which basically means that you’ll have chase/running sections. That’s a completely different style of game than what made Perfect Dark.

Overall what they’ve shown so far reminds me of heavily scripted stealth sections like that of Mary Jane in SM2 instead of the James Bond style infiltration or pure FPS combat options PD was known for.


I guess I can see the criticisms for how she looks in the first picture, but I'll be honest, I think she looks decent in the thumbnail for the trailer. *shrug*

Joanna Dark was never a super sexualized character in the original N64 game in the first place, so it's not like this is going against her character or something. She was never Lara Croft.

Never thought I'd see the day where a PD fan was actually nostalgic for the mid 2000s dyed hair pop-star Joanna Dark.

We have come full circle.
Everything always comes full circle. Even if it takes years or even decades. The new current thing is always the worst thing in the world and the previous thing is always remembered as being better even when the previous thing was hated when it was the current thing.
Joanah Dark is based on this one:

She has a more square face (still looks like a man though)

I think she looks like a normal american woman similar to the one that Bill Clinton met in the White House
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Rat Rage

What shooters does this remind you of. It has elements of other shooters and it has mirror's edge traversal which was like 10 years ago.

Like a mix of Half Life 2, Call of Duty, Deus Ex mixed with Mirror's Edge.

The problem simply is, even among first person shooters, when Golden Eye and Perfect Dark first released more than 25 years ago, they had a very distinct look regarding their movement as well as weapon movement - which was unique and something people really liked. The OG developers were able to create something really cool- and unique-looking that also played amazingly.

It's sad to see that modern game developers, even those who are working on sequels to legendary games like Perfect Dark, choose ANY KIND of style, BUT that original one that was so cool and unique that people still talk about it 25 years later.

It's kind of baffling. Either they themsevles believe it's a style that's not "modern" enough for todays audiences or they are simply forced to choose a certain visual style by their higher ups / management, because - c'mon - you can't tell me anybody working on the "new" Peferct Dark development team doesn't know what that distinct Golden Eye/PD look is.

This is precisely why modern AAA game develpment sucks, because everything starts to "fucking look the same™", nothing is allowed to feature its own distinct look and feel. Everything has to look and feel like that one other currently (meaning: last 10 years or so) hot and trendy super successful thing.

This is also why a Final Fantasy "Remake" - of all fucking things - wasn't allowed to be a JRPG anymore, but HAD TO become a 3rd person action game, because some stupid corporate management shithead decided that its the only thing the gaming market allows.

This is why Video Games can't be art these days, beause they are nothing more than manufactured entertainment products that are designed in a certain way to always please "the masses", or rather to always please the lowest common denominator.
"It's got Deus Ex vibes!"

Reminder that Deus Ex vibes have given off the stench of death in the market for 15+ years.

This does not strike me as the next big thing.


I never played Perfect Dark before, i hope they dont butcher the original so i get to experience the game as faithfully as possible with new graphics.
If this game releases to bad scores and bad word of mouth, im going to try the old one.
Is it good or just a product of its time? how does it compare to UT, Doom, Quake, Half-Life and Deus Ex?

Also what is it with these big jaws? just adjust her a little bit, holy shit what is this incompetence? learn from Capcom!!!

You will in no way, shape or form be experiencing the original game if you play this.

Not “faithfully” or otherwise. Just, not at all. You want to play Perfect Dark? Go play Perfect Dark via emulator.
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Not sure how to take this one.

Given I've played the original, the central premise of the trailer is spoiled so the mystery doesn't grab me. The trailer makes the gameplay looks incredibly scripted and basic. Gonna need to see more.


It's a man, baby. No longer a coincidence. They are making all women look like men. So obvious and so stupid. I just won't buy these ridiculous games with woMAN main characters.
Game looks good enough.

But an absolute bastardisation of the IP. Absolutely nothing In this is perfect dark at all other than the name in the title.

Looks like they've just attached a random game to an ip because they were worried it wouldn't sell.

As been mentioned, calling this a deus ex sequel is more apt

There is also alot of cyberpunk style fake gameplay but most games do that with their vertical slice so I'm not gonna knock it for that

Edit: I see where the narrative is going with the game and Joanna. I just want it to be clear my gripes are with the game itself resembling nothing to what I consider perfect dark to be. It has nothing to do with the looks of the character
Perfect dark is about gunplay and gadgets. I’m a sucker for platforming too. I thought it also looked great.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Wow, I like the look of this :O

Yep, what they showed was definitely much better than I would have anticipated the game to be. But then again my expectations before today's reveal were pretty low.

Looking forward to this. Based Crystal Dynamics helping out the InitiAAAAtive to get shit done.
Not sure how to take this one.

Given I've played the original, the central premise of the trailer is spoiled so the mystery doesn't grab me. The trailer makes the gameplay looks incredibly scripted and basic. Gonna need to see more.


It looks competent enough. A far cry from how awful PDZ was.

But at the same time, really doesn’t seem like the perfect dark successor I was expecting.

I’ll keep an open mind, at least it’s not horrible but seems like it could have been a lot better


Tears of Nintendo
Looks great and reminds of games from mid 2000s like Stolen and such, but obviously a lot more modernized and the genre is different. Anyway, I'm glad they actually found a way to make this game and save it from dev hell. Can't wait :messenger_relieved:



Never played the originals.
But other than the mandatory unattractive female design it looks pretty great.
I agree with others in that it gives me Deus Ex vibea and I really like the setting.

No date on this one so I assume it's no earlier than 2026 though
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Is the character based on Amber Heard? Didn't even finish watching the trailer, that's it I'm buying an Xbone X series!!! Not joking. I only have a switch.
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Looks like a reskin of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. And that game was a disappointment.
WTF you are talking about, Deus Ex is an amazing series.
It's a man, baby. No longer a coincidence. They are making all women look like men. So obvious and so stupid. I just won't buy these ridiculous games with woMAN main characters.
That’s such a stupid take, I will never understand people who diss game because they don’t like the main characters looks/gender/sexual orientation/skin colour.


You can tell the entirety of this trailer is set in the opening 10 to 30 minutes. I think it would be a stretch to say this game is even 10% complete.
Not a fan of the new Joanna Dark character model or her seemingly masculine personality. Another case of western devs either afraid of or unwilling to create sexy female characters. Like, you absolutely do not need to give your female characters masculine traits (physical and personality) for them to be good, strong characters. If you wanna be real, THAT is actual sexism. You're basically saying that being, looking, and or sounding feminine is weak, which is absolute bullshit, therefore we need our women to look and sound more like men so they can be seen as strong and competent.

Game looks good tho.
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Youre right, nothing like her. Bastards

Yeah, don't try to be stupid on purpose.

There is enough official promotional material to base on and make a realistic model for modern systems that are 10000x more powerful than the N64.



But even if they didn't want the original depiction, they didn't have to make her look like that guy from Shrek.

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If the game turns out amazing, I doubt you'd comment on her chin. I hate these double standards around here. If a japanese dev made a female character with a chin like that, most of gaf would be "OMG MARRY ME" and all that crap. If u find her ugly thats fine, but I wouldnt call that criticism.
I'm not going to join in on this usual back and forth regarding looks, but I wanted to have a little fun, toss you some ammo, and leave. I recently played Binary Domain for the first time and this is one of the main characters on your squad, Rachel Townsend.




Have fun.


I’ve beaten PD on Perfect Agent and unlocked all the cheats and watch Ace play PA RTA regularly and I don’t think this is really going to be anything like OG PD/GE


I never played Perfect Dark before, i hope they dont butcher the original so i get to experience the game as faithfully as possible with new graphics.
If this game releases to bad scores and bad word of mouth, im going to try the old one.
Is it good or just a product of its time? how does it compare to UT, Doom, Quake, Half-Life and Deus Ex?

I see some people need to understand the difference between a Remake and a Reboot.

Also what is it with these big jaws? just adjust her a little bit, holy shit what is this incompetence? learn from Capcom!!!

The takes just keep getting worse and worse

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
It's sad to see that modern game developers, even those who are working on sequels to legendary games like Perfect Dark, choose ANY KIND of style, BUT that original one that was so cool and unique that people still talk about it 25 years later.

Was it? I don't honestly think I've ever heard people talking about the style of PD.

The laptop gun, that I hear about a lot.

The style though?


Still among the best games ever made. If this game is even remotely similar in depth is a must buy.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a disappointment, in my view. Ever heard about technique "show, don't tell"? Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is what happens when you "tell" too much, but ignore "show" aspect. While the game is loading, we get to see amazing concept art of epic structures, cool architecture designs, ambition but what do we get? Prague hub world that's like the most boring visualization of a sci-fi city of all times. It doesn't feel like you are in this epic world, it feels like a CS 1.6. map. It's the size of an average shoebox. NPCs are dead, no sense of intelligence or routine or anything. Did you play original Deus Ex? That game is "among the best games ever made" and one of the greatest pieces of escapism ever created.

WTF you are talking about, Deus Ex is an amazing series.
I agree. Deus Ex as a series is amazing. But I said: "Looks like a reskin of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. And that game was a disappointment." Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was not good. And no matter how many YouTubers with great production, reviewers or even gamers praise it, I have my standards and I say it's not good and it lacks ambition. The game is an insult to original Deus Ex. 6/10? Maybe. But anything higher could be considered lying.

If you two enjoyed MD, that's great. I am happy for you.

Perfect Dark in this trailer looks like the devs liked Deus Ex: MD too much and that's not a good thing, for me.
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Was it? I don't honestly think I've ever heard people talking about the style of PD.

The laptop gun, that I hear about a lot.

The style though?
There are a lot more holes in his argument than that, but yes you’re right, Goldeneye was treated as the public golden child, not PD.

And even then that sentiment was mainly due to it being a really fun 4 player couch PvP game. PC gamers did not like either game. They looked down their noses at both and wondered why Goldeneye and PD were even mentioned in the same breath as Quake and UT.

What the reviewers and hardcore PD fans actually rave about is rarely the part of it that should have been discussed, which is the mission and level design.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
You were expecting a sequel nobody promised you?
How dare he expect a Perfect Dark game to be more like a sequel to the Perfect Dark series?!? Unreasonable peasant… /s.

I do not mind the new direction if they really polished the ME’s style flow to traversal and combat (easier said than done) and visually it is stunning, but you could cut down the at-all-costs astroturfing defence of the “Message”.
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